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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 35 The annoying Mr. Ma


“Damn aliens have no martial ethics! Where is your warrior’s way!”

Faced with the endless number of puppets coming, the Thunder Warrior cursed, the grenade gun fired continuously, and the chain sword kept swinging, so that the puppets could not get close for a while.

They used the terrain to fight and retreat, delaying time and waiting for reinforcements from the ground.

The fire lizard said: “Commander, why don’t you let me go, it can be resolved quickly!”

Sayed shook his head: “No, it can be solved immediately!”

At this time, the puppet in the back brought out a sentinel mecha cannon and fired at the Thunder Warrior.

The light ball passed through the puppet’s head and hit the Thunder Warrior heavily, instantly blowing up a piece, and a gap appeared in the formation. The puppet took the opportunity to pounce and start self-destruction.

Even though the Thunder Warrior’s armor was hard, it was still unable to resist the self-destruction of tens of thousands of puppets.

The Thunder Warrior was submerged in the explosion, the fire dissipated, and only a pile of charred debris remained.

The fire lizard watched in amazement, surprised that the war could still be fought like this.

At this time, more puppets rushed to the shield generator, detonated the bombs on their bodies, and successfully destroyed it under the explosion at a distance.

On the ground, the warlords who had been fighting for a long time found that the shield light curtain disappeared at some point, and the bombers of the Imperial Army flew over their heads and dropped a large number of bombs.

Behind the Imperial Army, thousands of artillery roared, tilted shells towards the positions, and drowned the genetic warriors in a sea of ​​fire.

The bombardment lasted for a day and a night. When the roar stopped, there was no living creature in the core fortress of the Caucasus.

So far, Sayid successfully pacified the Caucasus warlords, and said proudly in his heart: “Brother Huang, the Caucasus is done, do you need reinforcements?”

The emperor said calmly: “I’m almost done here, I’ll go to Nordic to rest first, I’ll come to you later.”


Nordic is located near the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe. It is one of the earliest areas conquered by the Empire. At this moment, it has become the rear of the Imperial Army.

When Sayid’s puppet arrived, he was warmly received by Malcador. The economic emperor said enthusiastically: “You are worthy of being your Majesty’s brother. You pacified the Caucasian warlord so easily with so few casualties!” In this battle, none of the mortal auxiliary soldiers died, and several fire lizards were injured, but they had strong recovery ability and recovered as before just the next day. It can be said that there were no casualties! Malcador was responsible for the economic logistics, mobilization and training of the empire. Only when he was in charge of the family did he know that firewood and rice were expensive. He was always worried about raising war resources. If the casualties in every battle in the future were so low, this family would be easy to run. Not only that, during the war, the puppets took over several factories, and all the workers used puppets, and the production capacity was several times that of humans! If puppets replaced workers, it would not only save manpower, but also increase output and improve logistics. Therefore, he was particularly enthusiastic about Sayid, but Sayid was secretly alert, knowing that this kind-looking old man was an old shaman and must have something to ask of him. Although he had some guesses in his mind, he still asked:

“You and I are both loyal servants of the Emperor. If you need help, just tell me. As long as it is beneficial to His Majesty and the Empire, I will do my best to help.”

Malcador said proudly: “Your Highness is straightforward. I believe you know the value of puppets!”

Sayed nodded: “Of course, using puppets to replace humans in battlefields and factories can save human resources and increase output. I am sending my power to Terra for this reason!”

Malcador said: “We very much hope that puppets can contribute to the Empire, but a doubt must be resolved.”

Sayed De was puzzled: “What doubts?”

Malcador smiled and said: “Loyalty! If there is a way to ensure the loyalty of the puppets…”

Said was stunned, and then said angrily: “Don’t you trust me? My loyalty to the Emperor is no less than yours!”

Malcador said calmly:

“Don’t get excited, Your Highness, you and I have experienced the Iron Man Rebellion. Once the puppets join the Empire, you should know the risks.”

Puppets are like artificial intelligence. Entering factories and the army can reduce casualties and improve efficiency. Entering the Ministry of the Interior can improve the level and efficiency of governance.

In this way, the economy, the army, and the internal affairs are all infiltrated by puppets. If Sayid wants to rebel, the harm caused is no less than Horus.

Sayid understood his concerns, but he didn’t think it was worth worrying about. He shook his head and said, “Prince Ma, if you don’t trust me, don’t you trust my brother? You are the most disloyal!” Malcador frowned and said, “Why do you say that, Your Highness!” Sayid said disdainfully, “The power of the soldiers and wood comes from my brother. How could he not take precautions when he was transforming me? You doubt me, you doubt the emperor, you are disloyal!” “You…” Malcador was speechless. Sayid sighed and said, “Since the Ministry of the Interior doesn’t trust me, I will withdraw all the puppets and return the land of soldiers and wood to the Ministry of the Interior. How about that?” Sayid couldn’t help but despise his twisted character. No wonder he and the original body were at odds with each other in history. Although he proved his loyalty with his life in the end, Sayid really couldn’t like it. Sayid felt particularly uncomfortable with this attitude of wanting to use you but not trusting you, and hoping that you would understand. Thinking of this, Sayid was ready to end the conversation. Since Malcador didn’t trust him, he would just let it go. Anyway, without puppets, humans will be fine, the Great Crusade will still proceed smoothly, at most a few more people will die.

Malcador was anxious and tried to persuade him to stay: “Prince, please stay, it’s all for His Majesty, don’t be impulsive!”

Said left resolutely and said calmly: “I don’t like you, Malcador. As an immortal and a powerful psyker, you think about problems as petty as a mortal!”

“I can’t communicate with you, and I won’t reach any cooperation with you. Goodbye!”

At this time, a gentle voice came to my ears, saying: “Makado is indeed wrong, let me talk to you!”

“Brother Huang!”

Said turned his head and found that it was the emperor. He rushed towards him in surprise and said:

“Wow, you’re finally back. This old man is so annoying. He doubted my loyalty to you and alienated our brotherhood! It’s so abominable!”

The Emperor said to Malcador: “Get out first!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

After Malcador left, the Emperor said: “The Ministry of Internal Affairs has the most mortals. Malcador interacts with mortals every day, which will inevitably affect his way of thinking.”

Said said: “But he is an immortal and a psychic like us, but he is as petty as a mortal. No wonder Horus hates him!”

At the end of the Great Crusade, the Emperor separated military and political affairs, with the mortal elite represented by Malcador in charge of Zheng Quan, and the Primarch headed by Horus in charge of the army.

Prior to this, Horus was in charge of military affairs and government. The separation of military and political affairs undoubtedly weakened Horus’s authority and made Horus feel grudge, which became one of the inducements for rebellion.

The emperor shook his head: “Sayed, Horus is wrong to think that way. Superman’s politics cannot last forever. After the subspace is eliminated, power will eventually return to mortal hands.”

Said agreed and said: “But that is after the destruction of subspace, when mankind dominates the galaxy, but before that, the empire needs Superman!”

The emperor was noncommittal and did not want to get entangled in this topic, and said: “As for Bingmu’s position in the empire, how about referring to the Mechanicus in the prophecy?”

Prime Minister Ma was a great man. Before the Horus Heresy, he had been the emperor’s prime minister. Just like Xiao He was to Liu Bang, he founded the Ministry of the Interior, the Assassin’s Court, the Inquisition, and designed the imperial system. It can be said that the empire can last for so long because of him. a credit

While the Emperor was busy building the Webway, he and his Primarch became father and mother.

The Emperor did not tell the Webway plan out of confidentiality, and the Primarchs were unable to ascend to Heaven to hear it, so they resented the old horse.

Later, when the military and the government were separated, the hatred further intensified, and there were also ideological conflicts among other Primarchs. For example, Mortarion hated psychic powers and wanted to kill the old horse; deleting the information of the second and eleventh Primarchs offended a large number of Primarchs.

Maybe because he was born as a mortal, it is easier to think from a different perspective than the Primarch. For example, he suggested that the Emperor adopt a female Primarch, which would be conducive to family harmony…emmm

It is not difficult to imagine that there is a generation gap with the superhumans Astartes. It is said that the Primarch always showed off his huge body to him…

A little outrageous talk, Prime Minister Ma is capable, and the way of thinking of ordinary people cannot be wrong, but he can’t communicate with his colleagues.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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