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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 36 Nordic Agreement

The Mechanicus is headquartered on Mars. As an independent Zhengzhi entity, it highly cooperates with the empire’s central government and monopolizes most of the empire’s scientific research, engineering, equipment maintenance and other work.

Locally, the Adeptus Mechanicus owns many foundry planets, covered with endless giant factories, where the most advanced creations come from.

These forge planets are highly autonomous and are almost states within states.

After unifying Terra, the Emperor came to Mars to demonstrate his knowledge and power. The Cult Mechanicus worshiped the Emperor as the incarnation of Omnisiah, the God of All Machines, and swore allegiance to him.

Afterwards, Terra and Mars signed the “Olympian Accords”, and the Mechanicus worked closely with Terra to capture forces for the Great Crusade while retaining their autonomy.

It can be said that humanity is not so much an empire as it is an alliance of the Mechanicus and Terra. This is also reflected in the double-headed eagle national emblem.

One head is Terra and the other is Mars.

Of course, there are also many factions within each of them, and there are many factions that cannot be eliminated.

The emperor proposed that Said follow the example of the Mechanicus and participate in the imperial Zhengzhi system. This undoubtedly suited Said’s appetite, and he immediately agreed:

“No problem, Brother Huang, I will only listen to you in the empire. Macha is a fool and dares to question my loyalty, bah!”

The emperor smiled helplessly, and then said: “Let’s discuss the details!”

After some discussion, following the example of the “Olympian Accords”, Said and the Emperor signed the “Nordik Accords”, and the Bingmu Civilization officially joined the empire.

The agreement stipulates:

1. Consecrate Said as the prince of the empire, loyal only to the emperor and part of the empire.

2. The prince can independently launch an expeditionary jihad, and the territory is highly autonomous as Prince Ridge.

3. Prince Ridge needs to pay tithe tax including puppets on a regular basis.

4. In terms of diplomacy and ideology, the prince is consistent with the empire.

5. After returning, Said’s true body must always stay with the Emperor.

6. Terra must reserve a block as the land of soldiers and trees.

Due to racial hysteria, in the Empire’s discourse system, puppets have no life, so they are not aliens, but have Said’s unique powers.

The next day, under the watchful eyes of representatives of the Custodes, Sisters of Silence, Administratum, Astartes, and Mortal Auxiliaries, the Said puppets swore fealty to the Emperor.

The Emperor announced the “Nordik Accords” and awarded Said the title of “Prince of the Empire”, and the Bingmu Civilization officially became part of the Empire.

Everyone was sincerely happy, not to mention the Space Marines and mortal auxiliaries. The puppets could reduce casualties and remain useful to the Empire.

The Imperial Guards and the Sisters of Silence didn’t have any objections. After all, after Said returned, his true body stayed with the emperor and was left under their care.

Only Makado hesitated for a moment, sighed, and then thought to himself:

“Forget it, since you can’t resist, let’s enjoy it. The huge number of puppets and their unity will undoubtedly improve the efficiency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and factories!”

In this way, the return of the prince was supported by everyone in the empire, and the 200 million newly grown puppets on Terra were divided up in an instant.

Some of them entered factories and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and some joined the auxiliary army to participate in the unification war. The empire burst out with stronger war potential and launched a fierce attack on the Pan-Pacific Empire.

At current trends, within a year the Emperor would unify Terra and then plan the Great Crusade.

Terra’s imperial army was overwhelming. Far away on the other side of the galaxy, Said’s body said to himself:

“I have to hurry up and try to control this star system before returning to the throne!”

After consulting the star map, it was found that the star system where the body is located is called Inuit, and the inhabited planet is called Inuit 3.

During the fierce battle on Terra, the puppets on Inuit III were also attacking everywhere, and at this time they had conquered all territories except the United Kingdom.

After the war, Said obtained four blank areas with 60 million innocent people. Said built two of them as scientific research areas, one as an industrial area, and the other as a military area.

Seizing a land and digesting it, Said once again began an era of great construction.

Seeing everything flourishing, Said felt a sense of relief. At this time, Squirt reported: “Your Excellency, Chief, United City plans to send an ambassador to station in the scientific research area!”

“Huh?” Said frowned, alarm bells ringing in his heart.

What should we do if the United Kingdom is corrupted by Israel and sends people as ambassadors to corrupt the people of the territories? Said subconsciously refused.

But can you refuse? It is reasonable for a vassal state to send a special envoy to the suzerain state. Once they refuse, it is likely to be a signal to break off diplomatic relations and declare war.

Now Said needs time to digest the territory and it is not appropriate to start a war.

“No wonder the empire doesn’t negotiate with heretics. Just because of the corruption of chaos, neither side can coexist!”

Thinking of this, Said no longer took any chances and immediately ordered:

“Squirt, reject them, continue to seal the border, and do not allow any human from the United Kingdom to enter!”

Squirt persuaded: “Would that cause misunderstanding? The United Kingdom should strike first…”

Said shook his head and said: “Don’t pay attention. We are like gods. It is them who should be worried.”

Squirt nodded: “Yes, Mr. Chief!”

Said stared at the map. The territory of the United Kingdom was vast, occupying six blocks of the planet. It was densely populated and almost polluted by Israel.

After occupying the United Kingdom, Said must carry out a cleansing to eliminate most of the humans above. The scale must be unprecedented and it will take countless days.

It took four years to clean up the mustache and it would only cost 7 million. To achieve his goal, Said must use a more efficient method: directly eliminate him on the battlefield.

Orbital bombardment is a good idea, but it requires greater output. The Thunderhawk gunship cannot meet the requirements, and larger warships must be built.

To build a larger warship, a space elevator is needed. In the last time I thought about it, the space elevator was forced to operate unscientifically. As a result, after the thought was over, it became a wasted vehicle with a lot of problems that could not be repaired no matter what.

Said simply dismantled the whole thing and redid it, and it is still a semi-finished product to this day.

Said groaned: “We must invest more strength!”

With a thought in his mind, he put another 300 million puppets into the space elevator to speed up the progress of the project. If everything goes well, it can be built in one month.

Just as the space elevator was gradually taking shape, something happened to the moon, and several puppets patrolling the periphery suddenly lost contact.

Since the power was sent to Terra, there are still a thousand giants on the moon. They are entrenched in the laboratory hills, waiting for the space elevator to be repaired and devote their power to reinforce the moon.

However, the space elevator had to be postponed until reconstruction, resulting in the delay in the arrival of reinforcements. Said ordered the troops to retreat and try to avoid contact with the indigenous people to preserve their strength.

But the natives still discovered them. At this moment, under the satellite surveillance, several Ash Shepherds surrounded the corpse of the puppet, looking at it suspiciously.

The giant insect on the side stepped forward to smell it, then swallowed it in one gulp, making a strange cry, as if enjoying the delicious food, with an expression of great enjoyment.

Said thought to himself: “It’s over. The puppets have entered the indigenous recipes. The contradictions can no longer be reconciled. We can only destroy them!”

“Laboratory Hill, prepare for battle!”

Although there were only a thousand troops, Said was not afraid at all, because there were hundreds of Thunderhawk gunboats parked in the hills, all with nuclear weapons!

It was originally recommended, but the editor made a mistake and it was deleted… I am speechless and autistic, asking for all kinds of comfort~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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