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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 38 Moon Attack and Defense

When a hydrogen bomb explodes, chemical energy is converted into kinetic energy, creating a shock wave, which results in devastating effects.

However, in a universe without air, or when encountering a ventilated race, shock waves are useless. The power of hydrogen bombs is greatly weakened, and the only trump card is various electromagnetic waves.

Chemical energy is converted into heat or electromagnetic pulses, the former killing carbon-based organisms and the latter destroying electronic devices.

For the cosmic races that are still in the wild, they have no electronic equipment, and the lethality of nuclear bombs is only the high temperature at the explosion point.

However, the area destroyed by high temperature is limited.

Even if Said has hundreds of hydrogen bombs, they are just more powerful conventional bombs, and their killing range is not much different from that of the mother of all bombs.

Therefore, facing the attack of 100,000 Ash Herders, Said did not rely on nuclear bombs. A thousand giant puppets built positions and fought conventional battles.

One hundred thousand Ash Herders rode giant flea insects and slowly advanced towards the laboratory hills. Every time the giant insect jumped a step, the Ash Herders would raise their steel guns and fire a volley at the big guy’s position.

The hills are covered with rocks, and they are condescending, becoming natural positions and bunkers. The puppets set up explosive bombs and machine guns, and quietly stared at the approaching Ash Herdsmen.

Although there was sufficient ammunition, there was no supply after all. In order to fight for a long time, Said decided to bring the enemy closer to fight.

For some reason, although the Ash Herdsmen’s firearms fired at an extremely slow speed, they had an extremely long range. The dense bullets hit the rocks, causing pieces of gravel to bounce up.

If it were a Krieg puppet, it would definitely be doomed if it took one shot, but the big guy’s armor is the benchmark of the Astartes, which is a mixture of ceramite and plastic steel, so there is no need to worry about the herdsman bullets.

Through composition testing, Said discovered that the bullet was the excrement of a giant insect and the primer was insect urine.

Good guy, all the shit and piss are gathered together, you are worthy of being a race blessed by Nurgle!

When the Ash Herdsmen entered a certain distance, Said had a thought in his mind, and the bolt guns on the position fired a volley, and the tracer bullets formed the scythe of death, harvesting a large number of lives.


In Gestalt consciousness, each bolter was aimed at a herdsman, and a thousand bolters were fired in volleys, each time taking away a thousand ash nomads.

One hundred thousand Ash Herdsmen were killed with one hundred volleys. In just two minutes, the first batch of Ash Herdsmen were wiped out.

Said whistled. If the Ash Herdsmen were all of this strength, he would have enough confidence to hold his position until the extermination order came.

Not long after, the second group of Ash Herdsmen gathered, this time with a total of 300,000 people. Different from the first time, after looking at the corpses of their compatriots, they screamed, and the giant insects began to mutate.

During satellite scanning, the metabolism of giant insects increased, the area and thickness of the chitin shell expanded, and the sensitivity was greatly weakened.

If it was originally a pickup truck, it is now a tank. It sacrifices sensitivity to increase defense and resist the bombardment of explosive bombs.

A large number of tank giants walked in front, covering the Ash Herdsmen in the rear. With the coordination of skilled infantry tanks, they launched a second wave of offensive against the puppet positions.


A large number of explosive bombs were fired, hitting the chitin shell and exploding repeatedly. The insect screamed in pain. When the fire light dissipated, except for a trace of burning, the insect was not damaged at all.

Soon, the Ash Herdsmen advanced to a sufficient distance, raised their guns and fired a volley of “dung bombs”. As the distance narrowed, the kinetic energy of the poop bombs increased, and they were able to shoot the big guy to the ground.

Said put away his contempt and his expression became solemn. Every civilization that has stood for thousands of years has its own unique technology and heritage.

Said no longer held back, and the Thunderhawk gunship attacked, dropping two nuclear bombs, vaporizing a large number of Ash Herders, but more Ash Herders hid under the giant insects.

When the shock wave passed, the herdsmen left the bug bunker and prepared to move forward, when the Spartan tanks crushed them head-on.


There are turrets in front and on both sides of Sparta. The Turtle God Cult is like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, killing the herdsmen. Under a close assault, each cannon can take away a giant insect.

The giant insects immediately launched a counterattack, opening their mouthparts and spitting out globs of green acid that corroded the armor of the Spartan tank.

The acid has weak lethality. The tank is made of ceramic steel and plastic steel and is extremely strong. However, there are nearly 300,000 giant insects, which can easily corrode the armor if they change quantitatively or qualitatively.

Under the spit of nearly 300,000 people, the tank force was completely wiped out and corroded into a pile of scrap metal. They were all of Said’s tanks on the moon!

His face was solemn, and his brain was spinning rapidly, thinking of countermeasures.

At this time, in the laboratory under the hills, Said was transmitting data from the Golden Age. The data included information on anomalies in nearby star fields and research progress.

As a Hammer, Said easily discovered the remains of a Necron and the growth conditions of a “titanium creature” from the fragments of information.

These massive amounts of data fill up one storage wet document after another, and complete transmission will take a lot of time, even far beyond the construction period of the space elevator.

For these precious information, Laboratory Hills cannot be lost!

But right now, the enemy is strong and we are weak. The Big Brother’s armor is no better than a tank, and his troop strength is only a thousand. Once 300,000 giant insects enter the valley, the Big Brother cannot stop them at all.

At this moment, after the giant insect destroyed the tank, a large number of acid cannons smashed into the puppet position. Some puppets were hit in the head, and the armor was paralyzed amidst the rustling sound.

The puppet responded with violent explosive shells, but it was of no avail to the beetles and could only cause sporadic casualties to the Ash Shepherds in the rear.

Farther back, a new wave of Ash Shepherds was gathering, even larger than this time.

Seeing this, Sayid was ruthless and dispatched all the Thunderhawk gunboats to launch the remaining more than 100 nuclear bombs.


Nearly 200 giant suns appeared in the sky in an instant, and the shock wave swept the entire moon. After the explosion, the entire battlefield was cleared.

Sayid survived the second wave of attacks, but he knew that he would not be able to withstand the third wave, so he thought about it and all the big guys withdrew into the laboratory.

The Thinker array stopped transmitting data, and the puppets removed the AI ​​center and replaced the Thinker array. A large number of puppets held the screen and typed the code.

Sayid planned to use the Thinker as a medium, through manual input of instructions, Gestalt consciousness coordination, and military wood soil monitoring, with powerful computing power and reaction speed, to achieve the same effect as AI.

Ordinary humans can never match AI in typing code, because the speed of typing code is limited. A door closing action takes ten to twenty minutes to input, which is extremely inefficient.

But under the Gestalt consciousness, the puppets are of one mind and one body, as if they were one person, and can write code quickly like an assembly line, with each puppet responsible for one character.

In this way, the Thinker will have the same reaction speed as the AI.

Soon, the data connection was completed, and the puppet took over the AI ​​authority and controlled the automatic turrets in the laboratory. The gunboats were from the golden age and were powerful. With the big guy’s bombs, they could last longer.

At this time, a new wave of Ash Herders gathered, this time there were as many as 500,000. By monitoring the air flow through satellites, Sayid easily learned about their conversations.

He learned that due to the heavy losses in the previous waves of attacks, the Ash Herders decided to launch: a decisive offensive!

The Warhammer universe rarely uses nuclear weapons, not only because nuclear weapons are not powerful, but also because humans have stronger weapons, such as virus bombs, cyclone torpedoes…


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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