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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 39: Joint Nurgle and Israeli Offensive

In the context of the Ash Herders, the entire moon is their territory.

Once there is a conflict over territorial ownership, a decisive battle will be held to decide the territorial ownership, similar in nature to a trial by combat.

The Ash Herdsmen’s decisive battle with Said means that as long as Said repels them, he will recognize his occupation of Laboratory Hills.

Said was overjoyed when he heard this, not because the Moon troops were confident of winning, but because in the culture of the Ash Herdsmen, every decisive battle and offensive would take a long time to prepare.

As long as Said completes the construction of the space elevator in time and explodes the warship, no matter how many offensives come, it will be useless.

On the other side of the moon, the Ash Herders are gathering, and depending on the pace, there will be millions of them within a month.

At this time, it has been two months since the war started, and another month will be enough for the construction of the space elevator to be completed.

In order to buy more time, Said assembled all the Thunderhawk gunboats and bombarded the Ash Herdsmen assembly point indiscriminately, causing a lot of damage and slowing down the assembly speed.

The Ember Herdsmen were technologically backward and unprepared for the sudden bombings. They could only be beaten and lost their air superiority.

But after a series of blasphemous and dirty rituals, the Ash Herdsmen sacrificed a large number of tribesmen, allowing the giant insects to grow wings of flesh and blood.

The fleshy wings were full of ulcers and holes. Said did not understand the principle of its flight, but it flew up in the strong wind, competing with the Thunderhawk gunship for air superiority.

But that was of no use, because they couldn’t fly out of the atmosphere, and the Thunderhawk gunships hovered in low-Earth orbit and continued to attack the Ash Herders with reduced dimensions.

In terms of air superiority, Said firmly holds the advantage.

In this way, after a month of continuous bombing, the Ash Herdsmen only gathered less than 500,000 people. Even if they changed their gathering points many times, it was of no avail.

It is worth mentioning that the Ash Herders did not associate orbital strikes with air strikes, but only regarded them as natural disasters similar to meteorites.

The Thunderhawk gunship was hovering in orbit. The Ash Herders could not see the Thunderhawk gunship. They only knew that the blow came from the sky and was regarded as punishment from the gods.

Since it is divine punishment, we can only accept it silently and cannot pray for God’s blessing to deal with the blow.

After Said learned about it, he immediately increased the intensity of the attack. The orbital attacks continued during the march of the herdsmen. When they reached the laboratory hills, there were only a little over 300,000 troops left.

Just like that, the decisive battle offensive that had been brewing for a long time returned to its starting point!

Under the observation of the satellite, the Ash Herdsmen fell into divisions. Some proposed to continue to gather troops, some proposed to take the initiative to attack, and some hoped to hold a blessing ceremony again.

Whatever the outcome of the debate, fewer than two hundred thousand men ultimately participated in the offensive.

They rode giant insects with wings and rushed towards the laboratory stronghold in a mighty manner. The Thunderhawk gunship output was non-stop, and explosions continued to occur in the insect swarm.

By the time they landed, there were already less than a hundred thousand. In front of them, the steel door of the laboratory slowly opened, and when the herdsmen and bugs poured in, it slowly closed again.

In the base, the golden age weapons are activated, the automatic turrets are outputting at full power, and various lasers, black holes, and energies are taking turns to greet them. The entire base turns into Shura purgatory.

In the main control room, nearly a thousand puppets sat in front of the meditator array, constantly tapping codes, quickly forming instructions one after another, and transmitting them to each weapon terminal.

With efficient killing, the intruders were wiped out in just ten minutes, and the door to the experimental base slowly opened again.

Soon, the second group of Ash Herdsmen entered and soon turned into a pile of corpses, followed by waves of death.

In less than a few hours, 300,000 Ash Herdsmen were wiped out!

Looking at the corpses on the floor of the laboratory, Said was not happy at all. Instead, he was very confused and felt that victory came too easily.

At this time, the emperor’s voice came to his ears, saying: “Saeed, be careful of Nurgle’s plague, it will not only corrupt life!”

Said was shocked. There was information from the Golden Age in the laboratory. If the cogitator was infected by the Iron Plague or the Chaos Waste Code, the consequences would be disastrous.

So hundreds of puppets held flamethrowers and sprayed fire dragons wildly at the corpse. More puppets lifted the corpse and moved it outside the laboratory.

But it was still a step too late. Said noticed a huge spiritual energy pressing in. The soil under his feet began to disintegrate, and the area continued to shrink.

In the occupied area, using the flesh and blood of the dead Ash Herdsmen as a medium, the Chaos Realm began to invade the real world.

The originally bright passage turned dim, the fresh air turned rancid and turbid, and the smooth steel walls sprouted flesh and tentacles, constantly waving and swelling.

Said gritted his teeth: “This must be Nurgle’s conspiracy!”

There are only two ways to eliminate the soil of soldiers and trees. One is to continuously burn the ground with flames, and the other is to introduce alien spiritual energy to wash away.

Corrosion in subspace is the second type, and the method to deal with it is also very simple. Just continue to inject your own spiritual energy to fight against corrosion.

Said gave an order, and a thousand puppets knelt down, their palms close to the ground, injecting spiritual energy into the land of soldiers and trees.

The corrosion soon stopped, but before Said could take a breath, an even larger amount of psychic energy hit him, and he could only resist.

As a veteran evil god, Nurgle’s spiritual power is unlimited, while the spiritual power of Bingmu can only be accumulated through combat. If there is a competition for the number of psychic powers, Said will definitely lose.

At this time, the emperor reminded: “Destroy the medium quickly!”

Said suddenly realized that he controlled a puppet holding a flamethrower to burn the corpses of the herders to ashes. Without the medium of corpses, psychic energy could not be injected.

But Nurgle immediately counterattacked, and the flesh and blood of the corpses bonded together to form chaos eggs, which staggered towards the puppet.

The fierce battle began, bolt guns roared, chaos egg juice sprayed everywhere, melt rays burned, and explosion juice splashed.

The pus falls on the soil of soldiers and trees and becomes a new invasion medium, transmitting greater corrosive power.

With Nurgle’s multi-pronged approach, Said’s spiritual power gradually became unsustainable. To obtain spiritual power, he had to go through war.

With Inuit III remaining at peace due to a peace treaty with the United Kingdom, Said’s only source of spiritual energy comes from the battlefield of Terra.

The war on Terra continues. Under the leadership of the Emperor, the puppets are fighting in full swing. Said has accumulated a large amount of psychic energy, enough to refine the entire moon.

With these psychic powers, it stands to reason that Said would have already refined the moon and eliminated the Ash Herders.

However, in preparation for deep space exploration, Said used most of his spiritual energy to strengthen the puppets and obtained 300,000 Astartes-level puppets.

Therefore, they were ill-prepared to face Nurgle’s sudden corrosion.

“Damn it, I was still careless! When I discovered that Nurgle was involved in the Planet Cup, I should have completely refined it! But I didn’t do it because I despised the Ash Herdsmen!”

Said cursed secretly in his heart, but he was extremely lucky that he had already set up troops on the border and could go to war with the United Kingdom at any time and gain psychic powers!

“One Seer and one Nurgle! They are all the same, destroy them!”

With a thought in his mind, 600 million puppets crossed the border and entered the United Kingdom.


The puppet army is overwhelming and encounters no resistance at all. At this moment, the United Kingdom is in a state of madness, and the whole country is impart, holding a ritual of indulgence and blasphemy.

Even when faced with swords and axes and the army slaughtering the city, he still indulged himself all the time.

Said had a bad feeling. If Nurgle and Sere cooperated, everything would be planned…

The guess will soon come true!

Over the United Kingdom, the barrier between reality and subspace weakened, and a large number of pink demons poured out to kill. At the same time, the pink field spread, corroding the land of soldiers and trees on the planet.

Said’s face was ashen and he said anxiously: “Brother Huang, help me quickly!”


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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