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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 4 Freeing the Slaves

After ending his communication with the Emperor, Said cleaned up the battlefield. In this battle, he harvested a total of 30 bolters, 30 pairs of power armor, 7 beasts of burden, and 60 slaves.

In the cage, the slaves were huddled in a ball and shivering, and some knelt down and begged the puppet not to kill them.

Said ignored it, controlled the puppet to lock the cage, and drove the beast of burden away from the scene to a hidden pile of rocks.

There, the puppet released the slave, controlled the air on the body, and asked aloud: “Can you understand what I say?”

The slaves looked at each other.

At this time, the little girl who was almost raped came out and replied: “We can understand you, great warrior, how can I help you?”

The puppet asked the little girl: “What’s your name!”

The little girl replied: “My name is Kaya, the great warrior!”

The puppet pointed at the slaves behind him and asked: “Where are you from? Why are you locked in a cage!”

Kaya replied: “We are tribesmen who escaped from slavery in the Holy Kingdom. We live in the Hidden Forest. We were discovered by the Holy Kingdom’s slave-catching team seven days ago and became slaves.”

Holy country? Slave catching team?

Afterwards, Said separated the slaves, and the puppet asked one-on-one and quickly learned the situation nearby.

The place where Said is located is called the Holy Country. They believe in a god named Auckland and are committed to slavery, racial hysteria, and discrimination against women.

Women are slaves, and the aliens are to be killed to death. The ruling class are technological barbarians who are also slave owners.

In Said’s eyes, such a country is idealistic, barbaric, and ignorant, which conflicts with the emperor’s imperial truth. It is simply extremely reactionary.

Such a country must be destroyed!

In addition, the Holy Kingdom has many enemies. It has been invaded by hateful intelligences, alien kingdoms and anti-slavery alliances all year round. There are also countless gangs of predators deep in the mountains and wilderness of the country.

But Said wondered why he had not seen a single robber after traveling for two weeks, let alone an alien.

The slave replied: “This area is called Rebirth. It has the largest factory in the Holy Kingdom. There is a huge demand for slaves and any living creature will be captured as a slave. So no one dares to come here, so the slave-catching team has to go further to hunt slaves. “

Said’s eyes lit up and he asked: “Factory? What is produced in it?”

The slave answered honestly: “Bolt guns, power armor and other industrial products of the Holy Kingdom.”

Said was overjoyed, this meant there was an industrial base here.

He now has nothing. If he wants to develop industry, he can only mine and forge. From steam engines to internal combustion engines, he will go through the road of human industrial development again.

It will take at least three to five hundred years to reach deep space.

If there is an industrial foundation, it will undoubtedly save a lot of time. Thinking of this, Said can’t wait to destroy the Holy Kingdom.

The slave noticed Said’s interest in the factory, adding: “The workers in the factory are mostly slaves and criminals, with a few hired mechanics.”

Said wondered: “What is a mechanic?”

The slave replied: “It is a force that searches for the technology of the golden age. It is often hired by major forces to provide technical support. The technological barbarians do not understand technology, and the factories are run by mechanics…”

Said nodded and finally asked: “You are just a slave, how do you know so much?”

The slave argued: “Sir, before I became a slave, my tribe and I wandered for most of the continent!”

Said did not delve into it further. Anyway, he would verify these words one by one. He controlled the puppet and said: “How long will you have enough food?”

The slave replied: “If you kill the beast of burden, it will be enough to feed us for a month, my lord!”

Said nodded and said: “Okay, you will stay here for a month and are not allowed to leave. I will watch over you.”

Kaya trembled: “Sir, please don’t do this. You killed the slave-catching team of the Holy Kingdom. Rebirth Town will not let you go!”

“They will send reinforcements soon to search the surrounding areas. If they find us, they will kill us!”

Said controlled the puppet and said coldly: “If you leave without permission, I will kill you without mercy. I will take care of it in Rebirth Town. You don’t have to worry about it!”

The slave lowered his head: “Yes, sir!”

In Said’s eyes, mortals who can think independently are an important resource that, if utilized properly, can create huge value.

No matter in the past life or in this life, the glory of human civilization is inseparable from the creation of mortals, so Said will never kill casually.

He hoped that these slaves could become his strength and contribute to the cause of human rejuvenation.

After settling the slaves, Said began to think about the problem of Rebirth Town. According to the intelligence, if the slave-catching team failed to return, Rebirth Town would send reinforcements.

The combat power of the reinforcements is bound to be stronger than that of the slave-catching team. If they are to be eliminated, Said must strengthen himself.

At this moment, in the hiding place, Said concentrated the power armor and bolter, and controlled the puppet to perform maintenance and modification.

Greenskins were created by ancient saints and have a complete technological tree in their genes. As long as they see a technological product, they can recall the manufacturing method.

Said is a human being and does not have a green-skinned technology tree. He has experienced the Golden Age and has a complete Golden Age technology tree like the Emperor. He is basically a humanoid STC (standard manufacturing module).

Although there is a gap between him and the ancient saint, with my Xunsi power, it is enough to cope with the current situation. In his eyes, the barbarian bolters and mechas are as crude as bows and arrows and plate armor.

“I think if this place is stuck, it’s like hitting my back in my previous life. It only takes a few hits to get it unblocked!”

Combining the knowledge in his mind, Said hit the stone a few times, and under the waaaagh force field, he easily allowed the bolter to break through the physical limitations and recover as before.

In addition, there are power armors. After the puppet hammers and bends the parts, the power armors are transformed one after another, making them stronger and faster.

Wouldn’t it be faster and luckier if you painted it red or blue…

In addition to upgrading weapons, Bingmulin is also growing vigorously. It can obtain 500 puppets every other week. Two days after the ambush, the number of puppets has exceeded 1,000.

Said sent 300 puppets to search in the direction indicated by the slave, and finally found Rebirth Town four days later.

Looking at the black smoke billowing from the factory, Said swallowed his greedy saliva and resisted the urge to attack.

He is still too weak to take down such a large city. He must wait for opportunities to weaken, strengthen himself, and then annihilate him in one fell swoop.

The reaction speed of Rebirth Town was not fast. It was not until the third week after the ambush that the puppets saw the reinforcements of Rebirth Town set off.

Based on the direction, they were looking for the missing slave-catching team.

At this time, Said’s puppet army increased to 2,700 troops, including thirty big puppets. During the battle of the slave-catching team, they were strengthened by the waaaagh force field and became taller and stronger.

So Said equipped them with power armor and bolters, becoming an elite force.

In the end, Said planned to choose a good place to bury the search team.

He sent out more reconnaissance puppets to survey the terrain along the way and predict the trajectory of the search team. Finally, he discovered a valley that allowed him to execute the perfect kill.

At this moment, the emperor sent a message:

“Sayed, I have received information that there is a database from the Golden Age on your planet, very close to you. Please find time to take a look.”

Said calculated and found that the coordinates were exactly Rebirth Town, so he replied: “No problem, Brother Huang, I will help you explore the road after I drive over these idiots!”

Popular science:

stc: Also known as the standard construction module, the black technology of the golden age preserves all the technologies of human civilization and can quickly modernize colonies in the Stone Age.

Due to the adoption of too much AI technology, most of it was destroyed during the Iron Man rebellion. Humans exported the technology and burned it on stone tablets. Most of the later Empire’s technology came from this.

But in fact… the emperor and Lin Lian are walking STC. Why the Golden Age was not revived will be explained later~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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