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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 40 The First Battle

At this moment, 600 million Krieg puppets are marching forward, attacking cities and territories in the United Kingdom, leaving no chickens or dogs behind wherever they go, and eradicating all living things.

Said had no time to identify. He had to clear away the chaos pollution and build a blockade around the subspace rift to prevent the spread of Israeli pollution.

But this is not the biggest trouble. Israel’s subspace energy is escaping and constantly eroding the soil of Bingmu. Unlike the moon, Inuit 3 is Said’s base camp and cannot be lost.

But facing Nurgle and Selel at the same time, Said’s spiritual power was limited and he gradually became unable to do what he wanted.

I had no choice but to ask for help from the powerful Emperor Brother!

The emperor did not immediately offer help, but calmly said: “Do you know where you made the mistake?”

Said’s thoughts suddenly drifted back to his childhood, when his uncle murdered their father. Said failed to kill his uncle in revenge, but was successfully assassinated by the Emperor’s psychic powers.

Afterwards, the emperor also asked Said: “Sayed, your assassination failed, do you know where you went wrong?”

Memories came to his mind, and Said’s nose felt sore, and he suppressed his reply:

“I was careless and didn’t eliminate the potential danger as soon as possible! I should have killed him directly like I killed my uncle!”

After knocking down his uncle, he planned to kill him again in Ling Chi, but his uncle seized the opportunity to fight back, so he had to let Huang Ge come to the rescue.

The emperor still said calmly: “You are my brother, Said. You have been pursuing perfection since you were a child. The same goes for my uncle, the same goes for painless cleaning, the same goes for zero-casualty battles, and the same goes for carelessness this time!”

“You care too much about my opinion and pursue perfect victory, but you don’t have to. I don’t ask much of you, and how can you be perfect in this cruel universe?”

Said nodded: “Yes, Brother Huang, I remember it!”

In order to clear out the United Kingdom without leaving any dead ends, Said did not immediately attack in an all-out manner, but planned to build a fleet to complete orbital bombardment, causing Israel to descend.

For the upcoming Great Crusade, he used his limited psychic energy to create Astartes puppets and failed to refine the entire moon, leading to the Nurgle Crisis.

Now that I think about it, that is simply looking down on Chaos, how arrogant and arrogant it is.

Knowing that Said realized his mistake, the emperor said gently:

“I didn’t warn you at first, just to teach you a lesson and improve your memory. Now be prepared, I’m transmitting psychic energy!”

“Okay, Brother Huang!”

It’s so cool to have Brother Huang protecting me. If anything happens to me, I’ll have someone to resist me!

Said closed his eyes to rest, and a large number of puppets from the Moon Base and the United Kingdom knelt down, placing their palms on the ground. A huge amount of spiritual energy was injected into Said’s body, and poured into the realm of chaos through the puppets.

On the corroded land, the power of chaos is like ice and snow melting in the light, collapsing in front of the emperor’s spiritual energy. Said was delighted in his heart:

“Brother Huang is mighty! Brother Huang is great! waaaagh!!!”

The emperor said calmly: “I am only curbing the pollution of chaotic spiritual energy. Demons are the source of secondary pollution. You have to rely on yourself for this!”

At this time, a large number of pink demons poured out of the subspace rift and set foot on the land of Inuit III, emitting chaotic spiritual energy all the time.

Said said confidently: “Brother Emperor, just look at me. I have invested a lot of resources in the past to create an army that can compete with the Astartes!”

At this moment, 600 million Krieg puppets built a blockade, surrounding the demon within a radius of 60 kilometers, and countless artillery tanks and Titans were waiting.

Within the encirclement, a large number of lust demons swarmed in all directions, snatched the survivors out of their houses, and held various brutal sacrificial rituals.

The lust demon takes the form of a pink human, with one hand being a sharp pliers. It is said that when cutting people, it will deliver peak pleasure. The pliers are both weapons and ritual tools.

There are so many different rituals and forms that Jin Ling’s books make people feel ashamed after reading them, but they all have one characteristic: strong sensory stimulation!

Whether it is sound, picture, taste or touch, it will bring a strong sensory impact. I am surprised that it can be like this!

Just like throwing a baby to death is already cruel, but someone tells you that you can trample it with horse hooves.

From the satellite, Said could see that his blood vessels were beating. If it were not for the emperor’s protection, his spirit would have been corrupted by Israel, so he ordered angrily:

“Hydrogen bombs! Use hydrogen bombs to burn them all!”

The Thunderhawk gunship was dispatched and fired a hydrogen bomb towards the encirclement, but a scream was heard and a bolt of psychic lightning shot out of the encirclement, exploding the hydrogen bomb in the air.

“Keepers of secrets!” Said blurted out. Keepers of secrets are the leaders of the demon army. With them, hydrogen bombs are basically ineffective.

At this time, the human beings in the encirclement were almost dead, and the demons had nothing to do. The secret keeper screamed, and a large number of desire demons charged towards the Krieg puppets.

The Israeli searchers took the lead, and the desire demon rode a mount that was a combination of an anteater and a velociraptor, rushing toward the position at extremely fast speeds.

In the trenches of the position, Krieg puppets were waiting with laser guns in hand. When the searchers appeared, they were instantly enveloped by dense beams of light.

The Seekers were unarmored and had the advantage of coming and going quickly, but they were useless in front of Krieg’s tight defensive positions and were killed in large numbers.

The surviving searchers retreated one after another. They had completed their mission: to detect the defenders’ firepower and leave the task of attacking to the numerous cannon fodder.

Behind Krieger’s position, the four field artillery groups adjusted their muzzles according to the shooting elements, and followed Said’s thought and let out a thundering roar.

Numerous fireballs fell on the crowd of desire demons, and explosions occurred one after another, turning into a sea of ​​fire wherever they went.

The Israeli demons didn’t have any tactics, they just relied on a sea of ​​people to charge mindlessly, and died in large numbers under the powerful artillery fire.

Thunderhawk gunships roared past in the sky, and a large number of rockets left their launch nests under their wings, dragging their long tail flaming tails and roaring towards the target.

Explosion is art, burning is beauty, and volleys are romance. The Israeli army was defeated head-on without even seeing the enemy’s face.

However, from the subspace rift at the rear, countless desire demons still poured out. Driven by the secret keeper, they attacked Krieg’s position.

At this time, the Israeli demons also started magical attacks, and energy light balls continued to bombard the Krieg position, causing sporadic casualties.

Both Said and the Israeli army were heavily outnumbered, and it was impossible to tell the winner for a while.

Unless Said was beheaded or the secret keeper was beheaded, in order to win quickly, Said had a thought in his mind, and one hundred thousand Astartes puppets flew into the sky on the Thunderhawk gunship.

In the atmosphere, the Thunderhawk gunship released its suspension hook lock, and the airdrop pod fell into the atmosphere. Under the friction of the atmosphere, it streaked across the sky like a meteor and hit the Israeli military formation.

Many demons felt something in their hearts, and subconsciously looked up at the sky. The next moment, they were smashed in the head by the airdrop warehouse, and several three-meter-tall giants walked out of it.

Explosive bombs roared, melt roared, and plasma flashed. A large number of giant puppets walked out of the airdrop chamber, constantly harvesting the Israeli demons around them.

A hundred of them can occupy cities, a thousand of them can destroy planets, and ten thousand of them can destroy civilization. In order to ensure victory, Said invested one hundred thousand Astartes puppets at a time.

As soon as they appeared on the battlefield, they showed strong combat power, quickly clearing the landing site, forming a battle line, and blooming in the center.

After stabilizing their position, they did not join up with the Krieg puppets, but went straight to the subspace rift and launched a beheading operation against the secret keeper.

When the Emperor was a child, his father was killed by his uncle, and then he used his spiritual energy to cause his uncle to have a heart attack and die. Here is a second blow, hehe!


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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