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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 41 Extermination Order

The Keepers of Secrets are the great demons of Israel, and they look different depending on the mood in which they were created.

Some are so ugly that they cause physical discomfort.

The reason why it is called the secret keeper is because it can reveal the secrets deep in human hearts. For example: You don’t want your browsing history to be made public!

Said is protected by Brother Huang. Not to mention that the secret keeper cannot reveal the secret, he has no secrets at all. The shit he did in his previous life is nothing in front of Brother Huang, and he is not afraid of being exposed at all.

However, it is undeniable that the Keeper of Secrets is powerful in combat. Facing the advancing Astartes puppets, it takes the lead and kills them as fast as lightning.

Its hands sprouted pink blade limbs, which it swung like a tornado, easily splitting the dense bombs, and jumped into the puppet formation.

Swinging the sharp blade, a large number of nearby puppets would die if nothing unexpected happened. However, with a “clang” sound, the sickle was easily struck.

The Keeper of Secrets took a closer look and saw that it was a loyal chainsword!

The Astartes puppet was wearing black armor and holding a roaring chain sword. After the Secret Keeper attacked, he stepped forward, pulled out the plasma cannon on his leg, and fired at close range.


The high-temperature plasma ball burned, and the secret keeper let out a scream of joy, as if the pain was instantly transformed into happiness, while not forgetting to fight back.

The lustful spiritual energy swept across all directions, shrouding the Astartes puppets, and a strange feeling was transmitted to Said’s heart, and then he felt that the secret keeper had disappeared.

The next moment, the emperor’s spiritual energy was input to dispel the strangeness. Said was excited and said silently in his heart: “Long live the emperor! The emperor’s holy power bestows illumination and protection!”

At this moment, he lacked spiritual energy and could only resist with willpower when facing the erosion of sex, but found that he was not as strong as he had imagined.

The emperor comforted him: “Don’t be depressed. Your body is almost the same as a mortal. It is normal for you to lack willpower in the face of the great demon’s erosion. Concentrate on fighting and leave the mental aspect to me!”

“Okay, Brother Huang!”

Said readily agreed, manipulating the Astartes puppets to form a formation to surround and kill. Some wielded shields and bombs, and some wielded chain swords to fight in close combat. They cooperated from both distance and distance to surround and kill the big demon of Israel.

Several explosive rounds hit the secret keeper, causing little damage, but he staggered. At this time, the melee fighter came up to him and swung his chain sword, successfully cutting a deep wound.

The big demon screamed again, gradually becoming helpless, so he jumped deep and planned to escape. However, as soon as he got off the ground, he was immediately hit by a death-strike missile and was carried to the ground in an extremely embarrassed state.


It became angry, roared crazily, and frantically summoned a large number of lust demons and seekers, but was easily killed one by one by the peripheral Astartes.

The auxiliary aiming system is so powerful that one hundred thousand Astartes can basically fire without miss. Under the control of Gestalt consciousness, it turns into an efficient killing machine, and the center blossoms.

Due to the fierce killing, the pressure on the 600 million Krieg puppets outside the encirclement was greatly reduced, leaving only two or three scattered cats and dogs.

Said thought about whether to let Krieg’s entire army charge and press the entire Titan and Spartan army. He felt that it would be a pity to have these weapons in the rear.

But soon, I found that it was no longer needed!

Because the fleet is built!

The warship parts have already been built in the ground hive city. When the space elevator is built, it will be immediately transported to the orbital dock for assembly.

With the work of hundreds of millions of puppets, Said assembled seven Enforcer-class light cruisers in just one week.

This is a light warship, mainly used to suppress rebellions within the star system and combat piracy. It is equipped with a light spear, a carrier-based aircraft flight deck, and an orbital bombing system.

However, in order to meet the construction deadline, Said did not have any other functional modules except the engine and orbital bombing module.

But it was enough. Under the control of the puppet, the Enforcer fleet flew over the war zone, with the bombing sight aimed at the encirclement.

On the ground, the Astartes puppets quickly retreated outside the encirclement. The violently beaten Demon was confused and shouted to summon numerous pink demons, forming a pink frenzy and launching another offensive.

The next moment, the law enforcer fleet shot out beams of light, like spears of divine punishment, piercing the ground vertically, setting off an explosion that destroyed the world.

The power of fleet bombing can be controlled freely, from small to precise strikes, to thermonuclear level, enough to clean a sixty-kilometer encirclement.

Among them, the Keeper of Secrets was given special attention, and a large number of hydrogen bomb-level strikes followed. It tried to prop up the shield, but to no avail, and it broke within two blows.

The battleship is equipped with a huge energy system that can sustain this kind of attack for a year.

In just a few minutes, the encirclement turned into a burning purgatory. The secret-keeper demon collapsed under the continuous blows and was exiled back to the subspace.

Driven by instinct, the remaining demons charged towards the Krieg puppet.

However, they were vulnerable to Titans, Spartan tanks, Deathstrike missiles, Valkyrie bombers, and Astartes puppets, and were easily torn to pieces.

During the continuous burning, the power of chaos on the land began to escape. As soon as the lustful demon walked out of the subspace, his face was covered in overwhelming explosions, and he was instantly wiped out.

Gradually, fewer and fewer demons jumped out, and the subspace rift gradually faded, then disintegrated and disappeared.

At this point, Said has completely occupied the Inuit III main star, and the Enforcer fleet is divided into two groups.

One part will stay above the main star and continue cleaning up, while the other part will go to the moon to completely eliminate the Ash Herders.

With the help of the Emperor’s psychic powers, Said successfully eliminated Nurgle’s influence from the base and closed the laboratory door tightly, unable to escape.

The ashes herdsmen outside have nothing to do with the stainless steel gate, they can only let the giant insects corrode it little by little. However, when faced with the materials of the golden age, they have to corrode for years and years.

“The fleet has arrived at the target and is about to carry out the holy war mission. Long live the Immortal God Emperor! According to the grace of the Golden Throne, we declare an extermination order for this world. We will execute the entire world and annihilate millions of souls. May the justice of the empire protect everything. May the empire protect everything. The Emperor protects us.”

Over the moon, low Gothic language echoed, and the Ash Herdsmen looked up at the sky, their bodies trembling slightly, as if recalling the fear they had experienced.

The Enforcer fleet dropped the Thunderhawk gunship and recovered the database in the base.

After the handover was completed, the base puppet remained on the moon’s surface, staring at the retreating Thunderhawk gunship.

Fighting Nurgle, they would inevitably become contaminated, but out of caution Said did not let them leave.

They were left on the moon to witness the coming of divine punishment.

Unlike the main star, Said used cyclone torpedoes on the moon. The missiles as huge as aircraft carriers left the battleship and flew towards the lunar surface.

When it falls to a suitable height, thermonuclear fusion produces powerful plasma that instantly burns the atmosphere into a vacuum, and then melts the surface into glass.

In an instant, the entire ecosystem was wiped out. Whether it was puppets, ash herders, or even Nurgle Corrosion, everything was burned clean.

Only in this way can we ensure that the moon is pure and clean!

At the same time, a large number of shelters were established underground on the main star. Under the guidance of puppets, civilians who had passed the purity verification entered in an orderly manner.

Important buildings such as the hive city and the space elevator have all activated their void shields, creating a scene of doomsday.

Said learned his lesson, and in order to more thoroughly understand the chaos pollution, he decided to issue an extermination order on the surface of the main star!

Every hammer guy longs to command an extermination order~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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