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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 42 The era of great construction

Although the invasion of sex has been contained, there must still be demon claws, hair, blood, etc. left on the surface after the war. If you are not careful, it will become a new source of pollution.

Said can control the entire planet from a microscopic level, but only at the physical level. He does not know whether it contains the chaotic spiritual energy of the subspace.

In the past, he could only ask the emperor at times like this, but there were so many suspected sources of pollution that Said was too lazy to ask them one by one, so he simply used the extermination order.

After preserving important facilities, people and materials, Said made a thought and launched purification of the main planet.

The virus bomb breaks away from the law enforcement patrol and rushes to the surface.

At this time, there are still many survivors of the war on the planet. They are hiding in every corner and have neither surrendered to Said nor joined the rebels.

Said didn’t know whether they were contaminated, but he didn’t have time to tell. As the Emperor said, how can perfection be found in this cruel universe?

If they are loyal to the Emperor, their souls will return to the Golden Throne.

The virus bomb slides down like a meteor, explodes in the air, releases a special virus, destroys the cell structure of all living things, and converts all surface life into organic sludge and flammable gases.

Soon, flammable gas filled the entire atmosphere. At this time, the battleship fired a laser, which ignited the gas.

In an instant, the entire planet’s atmosphere became a fire storm. Wherever the gas existed, it was a flame. Looking from the universe, the entire planet was burning.

In this way, no matter how much lust remains, it will be burned away by fire, and the remaining pure seeds will be reborn in the ashes of the old world.

Said was not without cost. Four scientific research areas and two military areas were reduced to ashes and could only be rebuilt after the war.

But he didn’t care. He had a new construction plan for the purified planet.

After the burning, 100 million pure human beings were selected to return to the surface and start a new life.

Inuit 3 has a total of fifteen districts, six of which are occupied by the United Kingdom. All of them were turned into blank districts in the virus bomb.

There are three options for zoning and construction: scientific research, military, and industry.

The scientific research area accommodates humans. Currently, the number of humans is not saturated. Even if it is, Said has other ways to increase the upper limit of accommodation.

The industrial zone has a nest city, which can continuously develop upwards and expand production capacity without high land requirements.

Only the soldier tree cannot build a nest, it must grow on the soil.

Moreover, whether it is the reconstruction of the scientific research area, factory workers, nest construction, or fleet expansion, a large number of puppets are needed.

It can be said that the demand for labor is a bottomless pit. No matter how much the puppet output is, it cannot meet the needs of production and construction.

Therefore, within the six blank districts, Said built four military districts and two industrial districts.

In the previous battle, Said obtained a large amount of psychic energy and successfully refined four blank zones, increasing the number of soldier zones to six.

In this way, he will add 1.2 billion ordinary puppets a week, and they will enter various hive factories and construction sites to work hard to build the Said territory.

On the space elevator and orbital platform, there are countless puppets busy around, assembling one patrol after another of law enforcement patrols.

In addition to the orbital bombardment module, the Enforcer cruiser is equipped with a carrier-based aircraft launch platform and a lance weapon.

The Enforcer was designed to intimidate the governors and residents of the star, as well as eliminate native aliens such as the Ash Herders.

With the Enforcer Battleship at his disposal, Sayid will be able to use the Exterminator at will, making him invincible within the atmosphere.

Said quickly built forty Enforcers, carrying three thousand Astartes puppets, and parachuted to the moon of Inuit III.

As soon as the puppet landed, he held the ground with one hand, injected spiritual energy, and refined the land, turning the moon into five military divisions, which would produce one billion puppets every week.

Including the six soldier zones on the main star, 2.2 billion puppets will be put into construction every week.

Whenever a puppet grows out of the ground, it is immediately put into various construction sites and factories, allowing countless industrial products to come off the production line, and causing nests to rise from the ground.

At this moment, Bingmu Civilization has entered an era of great construction!

Half a year later, the appearance of Inuit Three changed drastically. On the ground, countless nests sprung up. They were divided into two categories, scientific research nests and industrial nests.

The scientific research nest is used for mortal life and research. Different from the impression of the imperial nest, the scientific research nest has no factories, only mortal living areas and scientific research areas.

There is no industrial pollution or massive factories. The scientific research hub has more life support systems to increase living comfort.

It can be said that the quality of life in the scientific research hive is not inferior to that outside the hive. According to Said’s estimation, as the hive continues to rise, it will be able to accommodate tens of billions of mortals.

In order to stimulate fertility, Said adopted a parenting system of sharing children and educating them. Babies are taken away as soon as they are born, and are collectively educated and raised by professionals to cultivate them into scientific research talents needed by civilization.

Due to the lack of parenting pressure and the sound social welfare system, baby booms have appeared one after another in the scientific research area, pushing the scientific research nest to increase in height.

Compared with the slow growth of scientific research hives, industrial hives grow much faster. More puppets work, more production lines are built, and more products are shipped out.

The industrial hive swallows massive amounts of raw materials every day and spits out daily necessities such as food, weapons, battleship parts, etc. During this period, countless puppets work hard, endure the harsh environment, and contribute to civilization.

At the space elevator, a hive city is under construction. In the plan, resources from the stars will be roughly processed here and then transported to various hive cities.

At this moment, this resource is a puppet.

The moon’s space elevator stands tall, and billions of puppets fly from here to the main star every week. They either become workers, join the army, or enter the scientific research hive to provide management and services to mankind.

On Terra, the Emperor also wiped out the moon and headed for Mars, preparing to regain the Mechanicum that was entrenched there.

Said thought to himself: “It’s time for me to colonize the star system too!”

After half a year of development, there were still only forty Enforcer light cruisers. Said used more resources to transform the newly built Enforcers into scientific research ships.

He dismantled the orbital bombing system and installed a microscopic scanning module; dismantled the lance launcher and installed a cogitator computer array; dismantled the outer armor and filled the soil of soldiers and trees. Even the carrier-based aircraft was half gone and replaced it with reconnaissance satellite.

In this way, a scientific research ship was built, with microscopic scanners collecting information, and Bingmu Zhitu integrated the entire battleship into Gestalt perception, sharing huge computing power and processing the scanned information.

The puppets grown from the soil of Bingmu became the crew members of the scientific research ship and were responsible for daily maintenance.

Said built ten scientific research ships. When everything was ready, he would give an order and the engines of the scientific research ships would accelerate and drive towards the sun that emits light and heat.

Transition chapter, loyal Said enters deep space~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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