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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 43 Corrupted Star Base

Inuit is a star system with one sun and eight planets. Taking the sun as the coordinate, from near to far, the planets are numbered from one to eight.

Said’s main star is the third one, namely Inuit 3. After unifying the main star, it is imperative to colonize other planets.

By modifying the Enforcer light cruiser, he obtained ten scientific research ships and planned to explore the entire star system, with the star Sun bearing the brunt.

The reason why we explore the sun first is because in the golden age, only by establishing a star base can we occupy the galaxy.

This operation is not only about marking the territory, but also because many constructions can only be completed by relying on star bases.

For example, the entire solar system defense system, giant structure assembly factory, etc. cannot be completed in planetary orbit due to gravity.

Therefore, the scientific research ship ignored other planets and went straight to the sun to compete for space.

At 0.9 times the speed of light, it took only a few minutes for ten scientific research ships to reach the sun, circle around, and activate microscopic detectors.

Looking from the universe, one can see that the scientific research ship emits an insignificant beam of light, sweeping back and forth on the surface of the sun, like a scanner.

Massive amounts of data are uploaded to the meditator, sensed by the land of Bingmu, transmitted to the Gestalt consciousness of the Bingmu civilization, and decomposed and processed by massive computing power.

In this way, Said’s understanding of the sun reached an atomic level.

During this period, he discovered a problem. When the soil of Bingmu left the surface of the planet and filled the warship, it would continue to slowly degrade into ordinary soil. Spiritual energy must be input regularly to curb the degradation.

The smaller the number of filled soldiers, the faster the degeneration rate and the less spiritual energy consumed. The larger the filling amount, the slower the degradation and the more spiritual energy consumed.

The scientific research ship is not big, and its psychic power can still be maintained at present. If there are more and bigger warships in the future, the consumption will be astronomical.

“Only scientific research ships need to share computing power, which means that the filling of soldiers and soil can only be used for scientific research ships!”

Said thought to himself, drew a few strokes on the drawing, and modified the design.

It takes two months to complete the exploration. During this period, he designs a new type of space battleship – the Macrogun-class light cruiser. As the name suggests, it is a light cruiser with enhanced macroguns.

The cruiser’s sides are covered with macroguns, each one as huge as a building, equipped with cranes, gantry cranes and a large number of maintenance personnel.

For such a huge artillery, the shells are naturally not weak, and one shot can often level the nest city to the ground. The macro cannon and the light spear torpedo are juxtaposed and become one of the main weapons of the warship.

The law enforcers strengthen the orbital bombing system to suppress planetary rebellions, similar to militia police, and the macro artillery class is a regular army to fight against threats from deep space.

Said’s Macrogun-class light cruiser corresponded to the Endeavor-class of the Imperial Navy. Later, he also designed the Spear-class and Mothership-class, which respectively enhanced the Lance and carrier-based aircraft, corresponding to the Tenacity-class and Defiant-class, as well as the Balanced Three. Dreadnought-class light cruiser with a variety of weapons.

After the design was completed, Said decided to build one of each of the four types of warships. The parts would be produced in the nest and shipped to the orbital platform for assembly. He would initially have space combat capabilities.

Light spears, macro cannons, and motherships form a formation, while Dauntless relies on balanced performance to move forward for reconnaissance. With the cooperation of light cruisers, their combat power is no less than that of a cruiser.

Just as the fleet was gradually taking shape, the scientific research ship located in the star completed its exploration. After analyzing the data, Said decided to build a star base in the asteroid belt.

As a result, the scientific research ship began to explore the asteroid belt, and at the same time the engineering ship left its home port and slowly drove towards the asteroid belt.

The engineering ship is huge, bulky and slow. By the time it arrives, the asteroid belt has been explored.

But soon, Said urgently ordered the engineering ship to stop moving because the scientific research ship discovered an abandoned star base in the asteroid belt.

The Constant Base is as huge as a battleship, and in front of it, scientific research ships are like tiny flies.

By firing a scanning beam, Said discovered that this was a star base from the Golden Age, now abandoned and deserted.

He was confused: “Where are the human corpses inside? There are many people in the star base. If they are all dead, how can there be no corpses!”

But the subsequent observation results shocked him. In the microscopic scan, the movement of microscopic particles violated almost all physical rules!

Organic matter suddenly turned into inorganic matter, unknown substances appeared out of thin air, and even combined into unknown bacteria, and the macroscopic shape was distorted for no reason.

Said suddenly remembered one thing: subspace corrosion!

Whether the moon is polluted by Nurgle or the United Kingdom is polluted by Israel, the scene is similar under microscopic detection.

Under the influence of subspace energy, microscopic particles no longer follow any physical rules.

This corroded star base has a proper name in Warhammer – Demonic Engine, which refers specifically to the mechanical creations corroded by the subspace.

The star system was Said’s territory, and he naturally did not allow such a thing to exist in it. He immediately dispatched a fleet of 20 law enforcer light cruisers to destroy the space station.

At the same time, the demon engine started moving.

In the microscopic scan, the internal structure of atoms is constantly changing, steel creations turn into flesh and blood, and countless huge tentacles sprout from the star base, and they wave with force.

In an instant, four scientific research ships were blown up, and the rest fled one after another.

Said thought silently: “Brother Huang, which evil god is this?”

The emperor said calmly: “I don’t know. There are so many demons, demons, and snakes in the subspace. How can I know them all? But they are definitely not those four.”

Said was determined in his heart: “It’s not easy to deal with those four people. With Brother Huang’s protection, I will definitely kill them indiscriminately!”

The emperor’s tone remained calm: “It’s up to you, but be careful!”

Said laughed loudly: “Brother Huang, please don’t worry. I have accumulated a lot of spiritual energy during this period. If I encounter the same situation as last time, I won’t need you to take action anymore.”

While they were talking, the Enforcer fleet arrived at the asteroid belt. To be cautious, they fired a volley of spears through the old distance, focusing their fire to corrupt the star base.

The light spear is similar to a large laser gun. It continuously irradiates an energy pulse beam to destroy the physical structure of the target. It is powerful enough to burn through several layers of fine steel armor.

The attack distance of the light spear is far beyond the length of the tentacle. If there are no accidents, even if the corrupted base is as big as a battleship, it can only be beaten passively.

But something unexpected happened at this time. Moments before the light spear arrived, a purple light film wrapped around the corrupted base, easily bringing the light spear down, causing ripples and bubbles.

It’s the void shield!

Said had a pained face. The void shield was an unbreakable shield before it was overloaded. The Corrupted Base was as big as a battleship, backed by a star, and had an extremely abundant energy reserve.

Law enforcers are used to suppress planetary rebellions. The power of the light spear is not high. Hitting the void shield of a battleship is like stabbing the armor with scissors, giving you the Year of the Monkey and the Moon of the Horse.

According to the current conditions, to break through the void shield, one must use missiles, carrier-based aircraft bombing, or jumping gangs.

The Enforcers have no missiles, but are equipped with four Fury fighters, eight Starhawk bombers, and a Shark assault boat carrying thirty Titan soldiers.

Among them, the Titan Soldier is the Astartes puppet. In order to distinguish the human cans and highlight the characteristics of civilization, Said specially took the name of the Titan Soldier.

The 20 Law Enforcer light cruisers are 80 Fury fighters, 160 Starhawk bombers, 20 Shark assault boats, and 600 Titan soldiers. This is a gang-hopping force that cannot be underestimated.

“Set off!”

Following Said’s order, the law enforcers spread out a large number of vehicles and enveloped the corrupted base.

(The video of the Extermination Order has been uploaded and is in the Easter Egg Chapter. If you are interested, you can check it out! Loyal people of the Emperor!)

Stellar colonization uses the setting of stars. You must first use scientific research ships to detect them, and then use engineering ships to build star bases before you can occupy the star system.

Anyway, the Golden Age is similar to Qunxing. The male protagonist comes from the Golden Age, so it shouldn’t be a violation.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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