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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 44 Gang Jumping

A loyal day begins with gang dancing!

The mission of the Titan Soldier is to board an assault boat under the cover of Hainan Airlines fighter planes to join forces in corrupting the base, set up a thermonuclear bomb with a large yield, and then run away.

The star base is as huge as a battleship. Even without a void shield, the Enforcer’s light spear cannot immediately destroy its armor.

They had no choice but to let the giant soldiers go deep inside and detonate the energy center to achieve the purpose of destruction.

The Furious Interceptor took the lead, passing through the void shield first, relying on its flexible maneuverability to deal with the tentacles, while simultaneously launching light spears and anti-ship missiles.

The light spear burned off the tentacles, and the missile blew up the tentacles. Then more tentacles grew out of the base, entangled with the Fury fighter jets.

From time to time, Fury was blown up, but relying on its quick positioning, Fury still managed to contain the tentacles and create opportunities for the Starhawk bombers.

160 Starhawks passed through the void shield, each launching ten anti-ship missiles, and 1,600 missiles fired out, heading straight towards the corrupted base.

Under the guidance of the Thinker, the missile rushed towards the same impact point. The Corrupted Base seemed to sense the danger and spread out more tentacles to block the missile.

In an instant, missiles continued to explode, but hundreds of them still passed through the layers of tentacles and bombarded the outer shell of the corrupted base.

About half of these missiles are armor-piercing bombs, responsible for destroying the shell armor, and the other half are incendiary bombs, responsible for dealing with biochemical steel.

When it hits, the armor-piercing bullet knocks away a large amount of biological tissue, and the incendiary bomb explodes countless plasma light groups, which continue to burn the surrounding area.

The corrupted base seemed to feel pain, and the tentacles waved more violently, even to the point of chaos.

At this moment, the shark assault boat passed through the void shield and flew towards the gap opened by the missile.

Bombers and fighter jets continued to attack the tentacles to attract attention, while the sharks nimbly dodged and approached in a roundabout way. The corrupted base seemed to have never recovered from the bombing and was completely unaware of the sharks’ approach.

Maybe it never thought that the enemy would dare to join the gang!

When the penetration of the assault boat carried huge kinetic energy, it pierced hard into the area where the missile bombed, and a wave of psychic energy emanated from the base and was transmitted to Said’s ears.

“It seems to be a scream…” Said whispered, and then with a thought, six hundred giant soldiers in the shark assault boat kicked open the hatch and entered the corrupt base.

These three-meter giants were walking in the passage. The red light on their helmets was particularly cold and bloodthirsty. They turned on their wrist scanners and observed their surroundings. The leader suddenly raised his bolter and fired continuously in one direction.

“Bang bang bang…”

The corrupted base did not welcome this group of uninvited guests. Countless tentacles sprouted from the corridors and walls, twisting towards the Titan Soldiers.

However, as soon as they extended out of the wall, they were easily and accurately shattered by explosive bombs, and the unknown slime spilled all over the floor.

The six hundred bolt guns, under the distribution of Gestalt consciousness, almost fired every shot. Each gun was assigned a different target, and the tentacles were killed faster than they could grow.

At this time, the scanner sent back the results, and Said thought to himself: “Compare the scanned data of the scientific research ship, there is no change, start taking action!”

Their target is the energy center. The scientific research ship has scanned it once before and knows the internal structure, but chaotic changes are everywhere and must be confirmed again.

The three-dimensional map is generated. Although it is strange, the energy center can still be identified.

Starting from scratch and rebuilding the energy center is not a small project. Why not just use what is already available? Monsters are not fools.

After confirming the location, the Titan Soldiers advanced deeper into the base. The sound of bolters was heard continuously along the way, and any tentacles that emerged were instantly shot.

Tentacles launched a sneak attack from the ground. Oncoming were roaring chainswords, giant divine soldiers with explosive bombs in their left hands, and chainsaws in their right hands. If a god blocked it, it would kill a god, and if a Buddha blocked it, it would kill a Buddha.

The Corrupt Base did not expect these 3-meter giants to be so ferocious. After a roar, numerous tentacles gathered into balls and rushed towards the giant soldiers from all directions.

The explosive bombs continued to roar, and the chain swords continued to be swung. As the number of tentacles increased, although the giant soldiers could not be affected, they stopped their progress.

But Said had already expected this. With a thought, the giant soldier opened a box, and there were directional fusion grenades inside.

The Titan Soldier attached several grenades to the bulkhead, and the red light flashed continuously. After a few seconds, they exploded, countless mucus spurted out, and a big hole was blown out of the bulkhead.

The Titan Soldiers filed in and soon encountered the second bulkhead. They continued to follow the law, stepping on countless rubbles and silent biological tissues, and headed straight for their destination.

The corrupted base became even more restless, and its tentacles gathered into balls, wrapping up and swallowing up several giant soldiers. However, they were unable to deal with the canned mechas of the giant soldiers, and they couldn’t even compete with their strength.

The Titan Soldier easily broke free from the entanglement of the tentacles, shot a ball of blue plasma through the tentacle balls, and then swung his roaring chain sword to kill.

These tentacles, which can fuse steel and explode warships, are powerless against the three-meter giant.

Said’s heart was racing. No wonder the Astartes were the backbone of the empire. A few hundred of them were equivalent to the combat power of tens of thousands of Krieg puppets.

You know, there were millions of infantrymen on the Soviet-German front in World War II, but the outcome was decided by less than a thousand tanks.

The same is true in Warhammer World. As the Astra Militarum slowly pushes the front line, the Astartes and the Titans decide the outcome.

Said decided to increase investment in psychic energy and create more giant soldiers.

At this moment, in the corrupted base, the giant god soldiers were unstoppable, rushing all the way to the energy center, loading thermonuclear bombs, and setting up timed detonations.

The resistance of the corrupted base is getting weaker and weaker. It seems that it has found that it cannot defeat the giant god soldiers. It lies flat and smashes. Even dead subspace creatures can be resurrected in the subspace. They simply wait for death and restart.

The Titan Soldiers returned along the original path, but the Corrupted Base gained strength again and tried their best to prevent the Titan Soldiers from returning to the Shark Assault Boat.

The Corrupted Base can be resurrected, but the Titan Soldiers cannot. It would be a profit to simply leave them here to perish together.

Said didn’t want to let it succeed. These six hundred giant warriors had experienced battles and were strengthened by the waaaagh force field. They were stronger than ordinary giant warriors. It was not worth losing them in such a broken base.

At this time, a piece of news flashed into Said’s consciousness: the macro-gun-class light cruiser has been built!

Unlike the weakly armored Law Enforcers, the Macrocannon class is used in space combat, equipped with heavy armor and shields, and is not afraid of tentacle whipping at all.

With a thought in his mind, Said controlled the macro-cannon light cruiser to sail at 0.9 times the speed of light, arrived at the asteroid belt in an instant, rushed straight to the corrupted base, and passed through the void shield.

The tentacles kept beating on the body, but it could only cause slight shaking. When it was close to a distance, the side macro cannons fired together, bombarding the armor of the star base.

This relieved the pressure on the giant soldiers, and the advance became much smoother. On the periphery of the rapid base, a directional fusion grenade was installed on the bulkhead, a gap was blown, and he jumped out.

The jetpack was activated, and more than six hundred giant soldiers continued to accelerate, moving away from the corrupted base.

A large number of tentacles swept towards them, but they were restrained by Starhawk and Fury. The macro artillery light cruiser continued bombardment to cover the departure of the Titan soldiers.

Finally, with a roar, the star base as huge as a battleship was detonated and turned into countless space junk.

After flying for a while, the 600 Titan soldiers were recovered by the Thunder Eagle gunboat.

Said breathed a sigh of relief and ordered: “The engineering ship continues to move forward and build the star base!”

In most jumping gangs, there is no return option. You basically win or die. You don’t need to return if you win, and you don’t need to return if you lose.

My opponents here are extremely weak. Only the Titan Soldier can kill seven in and seven out, which does not represent the average level of Warhammer.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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