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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 46 A fierce battle with black bean sprouts

Through a swift and sharp sneak attack, Black Bean Sprout successfully seized the orbital platform of Inuit 8.

This was a premeditated attack, because the Krieg puppets defending the orbit had no warning at all. Thousands of black bean sprouts fell from the sky, killing them.

They cut off contact with Said before they even had time to resist.

However, more worker puppets witnessed the tragedy at the scene and shared it with Said through Gestalt consciousness.

A long shadow crossed the void, and the satellites in orbit turned into balls of fire and fell. Said lost control of the ground and couldn’t help but clenched his fists.

At the beginning, it focused on economic construction, prioritized the development of productivity, and reduced investment in space defense, resulting in almost no defense in low-Earth orbit.

He thought about the fact that the Inuit were far away from the main waterway, there had been no records of Eldar raids for many years, and the fleet was gradually growing, so he was lucky.

However, the prerequisite for development is safety and stability. With Black Bean Sprout making such a fuss, production in the nest city has been stagnant for at least half a year.

The first light patrol team is reinforcing at full speed. It is at least half an hour before arrival. The only resistance at this moment is the army troops in the atmosphere.

At this time, the slender shadow hovered over the orbital platform. It was a hellebore frigate, and thousands of fully armed black bean sprouts poured out from it.

In the bridge, the Cabal Archon was playing with a destroyed satellite and said in surprise:

“Oh, this group of aliens is so wonderful. They know that artificial intelligence will rebel, but they still use it to drive microscopic scanners!”

Beside it, a scantily clad wizard spirit fighter teased: “The only lesson that humans can learn from history is that humans will not learn from history…”

Then she asked doubtfully: “Speaking of which, are there really humans here? When I was killing just now, I couldn’t feel the deliciousness of the soul in fear and pain!”

A Mandela assassin also nodded and said: “Your Majesty the Archon, when I sneaked in, I didn’t see a single human except for the wooden man.”

The consul thought for a moment and said:

“Forget it, we’re here now, let’s leave after the fight! It’s still half an hour before the enemy’s reinforcements arrive. Before that, we have to capture enough slaves!”

Outside the platform, a large number of Raider motorcycles roared towards the hive city. Laser cannons and missiles bombarded the outer wall of the hive city, blasting a large number of gaps.

The hive city’s defense and control firepower fought back vigorously, and raider motorcycles and vehicles were shot up from time to time.

Black bean sprouts, from soldiers to vehicles to Titans, all embody the characteristics of being agile and crispy.

Not to mention the hell gun in the puppet’s hand, even ordinary gunpowder kinetic weapons can kill a bean sprout warrior and shoot down a raider motorcycle.

However, the bean sprouts will try their best to avoid frontal firepower. They are good at using mobile warfare and surprise attacks to wear down their opponents.

After breaking into the void shield, they used the complex terrain of the hive and flexible vehicles to launch a surprise attack on the defenders.

At the same time, more Cabal soldiers took the space elevator and went deep into the hive city, trying to cooperate with the Raider vehicle troops inside and outside to defeat the defenders.

The Archon is full of confidence in this. The complex terrain of the hive city is a natural battlefield for the Dark Eldar. Those heavy wooden men alone are like a mantis’ arms serving as a chariot.

Now he wants to find out where the humans are hidden. As long as he plunders the slaves and brings them back, he will consider this trip a profit.

The Dark Eldar huddled in the city deep in the Webway, Commorragh, far away from the Eye of Terror, so they were able to escape the disaster when the Sekne was born.

However, the soul of each black bean sprout is bound to the sex pinch, and the soul is extracted by the sex pinch at all times. In order to escape the sea of ​​suffering, the black bean sprout extracts the souls of others to provide the sex pinch.

Just like the ghost next to the tiger, he must always find prey for the tiger to avoid the tiger’s torture.

Black Bean Sprouts’ prey are slaves of various races!

Before extracting the souls, Black Bean Sprout will torture the slaves in various ways, making them suffer so much that life is worse than death, so that the souls can become more perfect and pure.

It can be said that every Dark Eldar is a master of punishment. It is best for ordinary people to commit suicide immediately when they see them. If they fall into their hands, even death is a luxury.

Before the Great Crusade, the Eldar slave hunters had succeeded many times, and the degraded human world was basically defenseless. The Archon thought it would be the same this time.

Even if the light cruiser fleet arrives, he still has the strength to fight. If he had not avoided repairs and reduced the cost of hunting slaves, he would have destroyed them long ago.

However, he miscalculated. There were no humans on Inuit No. 8. Even if he penetrated the entire nest, there would only be puppets everywhere.

In fact, except for Prime Three, the other seven planets do not have any humans.

The Archon knew that there were humans on Planet Three, but it was heavily defended. It not only deployed a large number of orbital defense weapons, but also stationed a fleet deep inside the galaxy.

Black Bean Sprout is not an idiot. He would not eat the meat near his mouth and go to chew the hard bones in the distance.

So after being surprised, Said secretly sneered, and then controlled the puppets of Planet 8 to set up a defense line.

In Said’s impression, Warhammer Hive was filled with filth and evil, and all kinds of alien and heretical chaos cults were hidden in every nook and cranny. For this reason, he paid special attention to strengthening the defensive strength.

There are 1.4 billion puppets in the hive city, of which 200 million are in the Krieg standing army. Although the remaining 1.2 billion are unarmed workers, they can immediately transform into militiamen as long as they are given weapons.

Therefore, at the moment of the attack, the entire hive city became restless. 200 million Krieg puppets took the lead in entering various positions to start a fierce battle with the Dark Eldar.

Some of them were stationed at the outer positions of the hive city, manipulating anti-aircraft guns to form a dense firepower network, shooting at the motorcycles flying in the sky.

The black spots traveled between the hives like flies, avoiding prevention and control firepower, constantly bombing the outer positions, and from time to time, they dropped small groups of troops to launch surprise attacks.

In response, the Hive City unleashed a large number of Lightning Fighters, taking the lead in launching Hellstrike missiles, shooting down a large number of Raider motorcycles, and then dogfighting with cannons.

Compared with motorcycles, although the Lightning fighter is not flexible enough, it is faster. It uses traditional dive attacks and then pulls up to continuously shoot down bean sprout vehicles.

But soon, the Hellebore frigate was dispatched, firing light spears from outside the atmosphere, calling out the Lightning fighters one by one, bombing the Krieger positions with keel torpedoes, and cooperating with the Black Bean Sprout motorcycle troops to uproot the ground positions one by one.

At this time, the defenders were a bit like the Middle Eastern Lions of the Gulf War. They had millions of troops in the air, but they were particularly passive due to their inferior air superiority and mobility.

In a factory on the outskirts of the hive city, Krieg puppets piled sandbags and assumed machine gun and plasma cannon positions. An anti-aircraft gun pointed straight into the sky and fired continuously.

So far, it has shot down two Raider motorcycles. However, the next moment, a keel missile fell, destroying the entire anti-aircraft gun.

Immediately afterwards, countless black bean sprouts jumped out around the position, holding high their sickles and poison crystal rifles, and rushed towards the position.


The Krieg puppets fought back vigorously, firing explosive bombs and hell guns in a dense fire net, instantly killing two conspiracy soldiers. The remaining Black Bean Sprouts used agility to dodge, and at the same time used their poison crystal rifles to fight back.

Just as the battle was stalemate, a Raider motorcycle passed overhead and dropped a fusion cluster grenade, blowing the entire stronghold into the sky.

In the outer positions, Said had 100 million Krieg puppets, but they were scattered in various positions and fought independently.

On the other hand, although the number of the conspiracy group was only one ten thousandth of that of the puppets, they relied on flexibility and maneuverability to gather superior forces in local areas, constantly pulling out strongholds one after another, and advancing closer to the hive.

The situation inside the hive city was the same. A large number of motorcycles flew out of the elevator shaft and raided all levels of the hive city. The defenders were exhausted and retreated steadily.

However, Said did not panic at all and said calmly: “Krige has completed his mission. Next, there is the vast ocean of the People’s War!”

The Cabal is the basic organizational form of Black Bean Sprouts, similar to gangs, with the Archon as the leader.

Witch spirits are gladiators who hang out in duels, accept employment from the conspiracy, and participate in slave hunting.

Heulingren is a master of biochemical transformation. He has a large number of biochemical troops and occasionally participates in slave hunting to obtain experimental materials.

In addition, I also watched the video of Tie Yong fucking black bean sprouts. Tie Yong is really handsome, but I feel that the display is not comprehensive enough…


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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