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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 47 Completely destroy the black bean sprouts

Black bean sprouts come and go without a trace, specialize in agility, high attack and low defense, good at mobile warfare and guerrilla warfare, and will retreat immediately once they realize they can’t win.

In order to wipe them out, the 200 million Krieg did not use their full strength, leaving 70% of the heavy weapons in the warehouse, pretending to resist with difficulty.

During this period, all the worker puppets were armed. Although they could not be in a neat military appearance, they could have a laser gun in their hands.

200 million Krieg armed, 1.3 billion militia, enough to fill every corner of the nest.

So Sayid slapped his thigh: “I won’t pretend! Waaaagh!!!”

With a roar, 1.5 billion puppets rushed to various parts of the nest and launched a fearless attack. Black bean sprouts soon found that they had nowhere to hide.

No matter where they are, they will be attacked by a large number of lasers. After clearing a batch, there will be a lot of puppets coming forward to kill.

If they don’t run away, they will fall into a war of attrition of firepower, which is not elegant at all for the noble Eldar.

But where can they hide?

Black bean sprouts were shot by lasers one after another. They were horrified to find that every street, every building, and every ruin in the nest city had become a battlefield, and puppets holding laser guns were everywhere.

Although each one was weak, they became a huge force when gathered together.

At this time, the Archon gave an order and simply stopped guerrilla warfare. Relying on complex terrain, advanced technology, and agile speed, they forced their way into the nest city and plundered humans.

At this moment, in front of Sayid, a three-dimensional projection of the nest city was displayed, in which the red area representing the fall was expanding rapidly.

On a position on the edge of the red, nearly a hundred puppets held laser guns and kept shooting outside the bunker.

In the thick black fog in front of the bunker, the black bean sprout motorcycle dodged swiftly, and the laser passed by, hovering on the edge of death, and was so excited that he screamed.

From time to time, unlucky people were shot by lasers, and the bean sprouts and the motorcycle exploded, but more motorcycles rushed through the position at a very fast speed, and the sharp blades on them cut off the heads of dozens of puppets.

Just as the puppet was about to turn the gun, the bunker exploded. When the bean sprout rushed over, it dropped several grenades, which blew up the position.

After destroying this position, they continued to move to the next position. This time, the defenders were well prepared. When the motorcycle passed by, the buried bomb exploded.

The gravel and steel nails turned into a rain of bullets, covering the motorcycle guys. A large number of motorcycles lost control and crashed into obstacles.

The attack of the motorcycle bean sprouts was delayed. The puppet position opened fire. Artillery, tanks, and mortars kept greeting the invaders, killing a large number of motorcycle bean sprouts.

However, it only lasted for a few seconds. A beam of light hit the position, causing continuous explosions. The Void Raven bomber passed over the head and attacked the rear position one after another.

Behind the Void Raven followed a large group of Raven fighters. After the bombing, they continued to lick the ground to cover the fragile vehicles on the ground.

On the ground, the motorcycle bean sprouts cheered. The heavy tank Tantalus drove across the battlefield. The body covered with sharp blades was like an ancient chariot, and the giant pulse disintegration cannon was enough to tear apart all obstacles.

Behind Tantalus, in addition to a large number of conspiracy soldiers, there were also many pain engines and parasitic engines, as well as Haemonchus abominations.

The Archon was ruthless and took out all the assets of the conspiracy to go all in, enough to crush any human resistance.

Even in the future 40k, this is a strong force.

Sayid also used all his strength. With a thought, a large number of Leman Russ tanks, Rhino troop carriers, and Sentinel mechas poured into the battlefield.

Although their technological level was not as good as that of the Eldar vehicles, their number was large enough. In the farther back, several larger figures were looming.

A black bean sprout exclaimed: “It’s the Conqueror Titan!”

The militia gathered at Krieg, Krieg gathered at the Rhino troop carrier, the Rhino troop carrier gathered at the Lemanus tank, and the Lemanus gathered at the Titan.

A large number of combat forces, with Titan as the core, formed tens of thousands of battle groups and launched a counterattack against the Eldar.

Numerous motorcycle bean sprouts rushed towards the Titan, like flies all over the sky, but were blown up by the hot melt rays. Tantalus’s pulse fragmentation cannon immediately retaliated, but was blocked by the Titan’s void shield and was blown up by a plasma.

In the Wolf’s Lair Bunker, the occupied area gradually shrank. Sayid’s mouth curled up slightly and sneered: “Wait, this is just the beginning!”

At this time, a large number of Raven fighters and Void Raven bombers rushed towards the Titan, firing a large number of light spears and missiles, which were blocked by the void shield and ion shield respectively.

Immediately behind the Titan, a large number of Lightning fighters and Valkyrie bombers appeared again, competing with the Black Bean Sprout Air Force for air supremacy.

Although the agility and shield strength are not as good as the Eldar Air Force, the Puppet Air Force is not afraid of sacrifice. Even if one more is exchanged, as long as there is a shot down, it is considered a victory.

Unlike humans, Black Bean Sprouts is not rich, whether in population or resources. It will take a long time to recover after all the planes are destroyed.

At this time, on the Veratrum frigate, the Archon’s face was livid. The moment he saw the Titan, he knew he had hit a wall.

Even in the golden age, the Titan was the super weapon of mankind, and the Eldar had to send out the Nether Knights to compete with it.

However, he was just a pirate group, how could he have the Nether Knights? So from the beginning, this nest city was playing the pig to eat the tiger!

This trip was destined to be a blood loss. The Archon had only two choices: run away directly, or take the conspiracy group back and run away.

The Archon gnashed his teeth and looked tangled. The conspiracy group had been spread out, and it was not easy to take it back.

Said’s reinforcement fleet is arriving. If he doesn’t leave now, he may never leave again.

Looking at his men who fell to the ground while fighting, the Archon showed no mercy. The cabal pursued social Darwinism and had no trace of loyalty or justice.

In the language of Black Bean Sprouts, the word justice does not even exist. In the conspiracy, it is more normal to go down and down than to drink water. The Archon has no psychological burden for abandoning his subordinates.

However, after thinking for a few seconds, it still gave the order: “All members of the conspiracy must gather on the orbital platform and retreat! Return to Comoros!”

The Archon also has enemies in Comoros, and if he loses his troops, returning there is no different from committing suicide.

If I don’t go back to Comoros, where can I go under the persecution?

The universe is so big that there is no room for them.

Black Bean Sprout fought hard all over the hive city. After hearing this, they felt as if they were being amnesty. They all took advantage of various vehicles to run away. With the help of various vehicles, they quickly flew out of the atmosphere and headed to the orbital platform.

Seeing more and more troops gathering on the orbital platform, the Archon took a bitter look at the hive and decided to come back next time.

“With only a thousand days to be a thief, without a thousand days to guard against thieves, he doesn’t believe that the defenders can always be so numerous!”

Just then, an accident happened.

The sensor array discovered four light cruisers, among which the mothership class was releasing carrier-based aircraft, the lance class and the fearless were accumulating light lances, and the macrogun class was approaching.

If the Eldar are the Midi destroyers of the 21st century, in their eyes, the light cruiser fleet is like a World War II battleship, backward and barbaric, but its power cannot be underestimated.

You may not be able to beat Black Bean Sprout hard, but you will definitely have no problem escaping.

However, there are still a large number of conspiracy fighters who have not reached the orbital platform at this moment. The Archon must deal with the Bingmu fleet to buy time for retreat.

In the Wolf Cave bunker, Said sneered: “Finally caught, the Bingmu civilization has entered deep space, let’s use your heads to sacrifice the flag!”

At this time, the emperor said: “It’s best to capture him alive and find out the exit of the webway. This will be of great help to us in the future!”

The explosion trap section is a tribute to the CG animation Iron Warriors


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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