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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 48 Naval Battle Bean Sprout, Airborne Platform

After hearing the emperor’s order, Said immediately agreed: “Okay, Brother Huang, I promise to catch you alive!”

Then he controlled the fleet and headed towards Black Bean Sprout’s Hellebores.

The Black Bean Sprout battleship is the same as the ground troops, with high attack speed, agility and crispy skin. In terms of tonnage, the Hellebore-class and Macrogun-class light cruisers are comparable.

In other words, as long as it is hit by a luminous spear, the hellebore class can be disabled immediately.

Said made a prompt decision and asked the lance class and the fearless class to lock on to the enemy ship, charge the lance, and then launch it.

The light spear arrived instantly, but the enemy ship suddenly disappeared like a bubble.

He immediately checked the auspicious instrument and saw that there was no sign of the enemy ship on it. Said’s heart sank, thinking that this must be the method of the Eldar.

The Eldar were born from the ancient saints and possessed many super advanced technologies. Although they were lost, they were still a great god-level civilization. It was normal for them to be hidden from the detection of auspicious devices.

However, the auspicious device is the only means of detection for Said’s fleet. If the auspicious device fails, it is equivalent to becoming blind. No matter how fierce the firepower is, he will only be beaten.

Said thought about countermeasures, and then noticed the black bean sprouts gathered on the orbital platform, and immediately ordered a group of carrier-based aircraft to kill them.

In order to protect the orbital platform, Said did not dare to use powerful bombs. He only used conventional machine guns to shoot down a large number of black bean sprouts.

The enemy ships were circling around like this, just to delay time and allow the troops to wait for an opportunity to retreat. Killing the black bean sprouts at this moment was the only way to attack the enemy. I didn’t believe that the Hellebore class could stand still.

The next moment, the Black Bean Sprout battleship responded. A pulsar light spear hit the light spear-class light cruiser and was blocked by the void shield.

“Overload rate 30%…”

Said was surprised that the bean sprout light spear was so ferocious. It knocked down a third of the shield in one go. If it hit the armor, it would not be able to block a few shots.

But fortunately, the void shield can recover on its own as long as it is not hit continuously.

At the same time, through the attack, Said found the location of the Hellebore class. The light spear immediately fired back, but still missed.

Said was not in a hurry, and pointed his finger at the black bean sprouts on the orbital platform, continuing to force the enemy ships to appear.

However, the Hellebores responded again. In the void in front of the light cruiser, several Hellebores suddenly appeared, outflanking the light cruiser fleet from all sides.

Said’s heart tightened and his eyes condensed. Four Eldar warships were enough to destroy a light cruiser.

Then I couldn’t help but wonder: “Since it is so powerful, why didn’t you take it out earlier and kill the light cruiser fleet instantly?”

At this time, a missile from the carrier-based aircraft hit the enemy ship. Said suddenly realized: “These are all holographic projections!”

He recalled the Golden Age, during the conflict between humans and Eldar, and the Eldar’s signature defensive weapon: the holographic field.

While interfering with scanning, many ghost images are created, and the ghost images can appear repeatedly, only one of which is real.

In order to rescue his troops, the Archon gave up being the sixth man in the void and reduced the impact on the orbital platform by interfering with the light cruiser fleet.

As a result, Said continued to fight ghosts, and the battle entered garbage time. Seeing more and more bean sprouts on the platform, Said felt that he could not continue like this.

Although I don’t know what Hei Dou Ya wants to do, I must not let him succeed.

But facing the holographic field, he was at a loss for what to do. His thoughts drifted back to the golden age again, and he instantly thought of a way.

Augurs can’t find it, but microscanners can!

The satellites have been destroyed, and there are many reserve satellites on the battleship, which are equipped with microscopic scanners that can break through the limitations of the holographic field and find the Black Bean Sprout battleship.

However, this method is not easy. First of all, the detection range of the microscopic scanner is limited, and the Bean Sprout battleship is agile and fast, and can easily escape the detection range.

Therefore, the scanner must be installed on a carrier-based aircraft to make up for the shortcomings in detection distance through maneuvering. However, this leads to the second problem-computing power.

Microscopic scanning requires massive computing power. In the past, it relied on artificial intelligence, but now it relies on the Gestalt consciousness of soldiers and trees. Carrier-based aircraft are not scientific research ships. There is no soil of soldiers and trees in them, so they cannot directly use Gestalt computing power.

This determines that the carrier-based aircraft must be like a satellite, linking to the Thinker array in the ground soldiers and trees, and sharing the Gestalt computing power with the help of ground soldiers and trees’ soil perception.

This means that carrier-based aircraft must stay in low-Earth orbit like satellites, which undoubtedly further limits the detection range. The Black Bean Sprout warship can easily avoid detection with its maneuverability.

At this time, Said set his sights on the orbital platform, and an idea came to his mind:

If the orbital platform is used as a relay station to connect the meditators on the ground, can the range of activities of the carrier-based aircraft be increased and it does not need to be limited to low-Earth orbit.

The more Said thought about it, the more he realized it was feasible, and the only obstacle was the black bean sprouts gathering on the track.

They must be destroyed!

At this moment, outside the war zone, ten law enforcer light cruisers were cruising. Due to their weak armor and shields, Said did not let them enter the war zone.

Their mission is to enter the theater to perform ground attacks and orbital airdrops after the space naval battle has been decided. However, the situation has changed now.

Said gave an order, and ten law enforcers broke into the war zone and went straight to the orbital platform, where they were immediately discovered by the Black Bean Sprout battleship.

Hellebore appeared in front of the law enforcer in a flash, launching a large number of keel torpedoes directly towards the law enforcer.

The torpedo route has been accurately calculated to block all forward routes for the law enforcers. If they don’t want to be destroyed, they must dodge and stay away from the orbital platform.

However, the law enforcers did not dodge, and rushed straight to the orbital platform, desperately closing the distance, and released the Thunderhawk gunship on board just before being destroyed by the missile.

Each Law Enforcer is equipped with thirty Titan Soldiers, and ten Law Enforcers are 300 Titan Soldiers. They ride on Thunderhawk gunships and launch airdrops to the orbital platform.

Their task is to install signal repeaters on the platform to receive signals from carrier-based aircraft and transmit them to the computer center on the ground.

Archon Black Bean Sprout discovered this scene. He could not understand the wooden man’s intention. At this time, the Great Crusade had not yet begun, and the evil name of the Astartes had not yet been known to the aliens.

At this moment, there are nearly 10,000 cabal fighters gathered on the orbital platform. In the eyes of the Archon, the presence of this few people cannot pose a threat at all.

Thunder Eagle artillery fire cleared the area, and Black Bean Sprout temporarily retreated. Thunder Eagle slowly landed, the hatch was lowered, and the ambush Black Bean Sprout opened up its firepower.

Countless poisonous crystal bombs were fired into the Thunder Eagle’s unloading port, and no matter what was inside, it would be hit head-on.

Behind the Black Bean Sprout position, a large number of motorcycles were waiting, ready to wait for the enemy to be defeated and then rush out instantly to harvest the heads.

However, the next moment, several black bean sprouts who opened fire were shot in the head at the same time. Steam filled the hatch, and fire flickered from time to time, and bombs roared.

Every gunshot was accompanied by the fall of a black bean sprout. Just when they were surprised, a steel shield wall slowly walked out of the deep hatch.

On each giant shield, a bolt gun was set up and fired continuously without any miss.

The shield wall extended, and 300 shields formed a battle line, advancing towards Black Bean Sprout with a slow but unstoppable momentum.

Said sneered: “If you are fighting against the agile and crispy bean sprouts, you should be tough and fight…”

So for the first time in the galaxy, Douya felt the fear of being dominated by cans.

The scene where Tie Yong appears with a shield is so cool!

It actually overshadowed loyalty for the time being~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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