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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 49 (Seeking follow-up reading) Shooting down the Black Bean Sprout Battleship

The shield array advanced, blasters fired in unison, like a moving city wall, and the gap in the shield was a city chop with bolt guns mounted on it, firing continuously.

Under the Gestalt consciousness, the 300 giant soldiers were fully equipped with both offensive and defensive capabilities, and they kept approaching the black bean sprouts.

From time to time, Black Bean Sprouts tried to fight back, but were blown away by explosives as soon as they appeared. Their agility was meaningless because explosives were faster.

The infantry of the conspiracy spread out using various bunkers, while the vehicle motorcycles used mobility to attempt to attack from both sides and the rear.

However, they don’t know that under the shooting assistance system, the bigger the target, the higher the hit rate. No matter how agile the motorcycle is, it can’t match the speed of the muzzle rotation.

In just a short moment, the flying motorcycles exploded one after another, followed by other vehicles, falling on the path of the Titan Soldiers’ advancement, demonstrating their military exploits.

Many Dark Eldar abandoned their vehicles and hid in bunkers with the Cabal warriors, fighting and retreating.

Nearly ten thousand spirit tribesmen were beaten back by three hundred giant divine soldiers, with casualties everywhere. Any spirit tribe that dared to take the lead would be killed instantly.

In front of the tight shield wall, the Eldar’s brilliant martial arts had no place to display, and all that was left was the collision of primitive firepower.

This move of the Titan Soldier was to restrain these agile warriors with high attack and low defense.

However, Said did not forget the original purpose. The giant soldiers only advanced a certain distance before stopping and building a defensive position.

A huge machine was moved from the Thunderhawk gunship behind him. The Titan Soldier tore off a few wires and connected them to the Thinker Array through the orbital platform communication network.

“Signal relay station, assuming it is completed!”

Said clenched his fists and turned his attention to the mothership-class light cruiser. The carrier-based aircraft inside had also been modified and equipped with a microscopic scanner.

They will act like moving satellites, finding Eldar warships hidden within the holographic field.

A group of carrier-based aircraft spread out and began to patrol around. The microscopic scanner was activated to scan the void. At this moment, dozens of phantoms of Hellebore frigates attacked the fleet, shooting dozens of light spears.

Only one of them is true, but Said must respond to all of them as real attacks.

One shot of the Eldar’s light spear can overload one-third of the void shield, launching sneak attacks from everywhere. It only takes three shots to kill a light patrol.

However, Said was unable to determine the enemy’s position and could only be beaten passively. He could not afford to lose, so he had to maneuver the warship to avoid it and distribute the impact according to the overload level of the void shield.

However, now with the mobile microscanner, the situation was reversed instantly. After the Phantom launched the attack, the light patrol team immediately responded with a macro cannon.

The Eldar warship easily dodged the macro cannon, and then continued to be the sixth as usual. A light spear grazed the bridge and the Archon said angrily:

“Damn, these savages actually cracked the holographic field.”

At this time, he thought of microscopic scanning satellites. In the golden age, every ship had those things, and the Eldar holographic field could not fool them.

He guessed the reason, but had no idea what to do. At that time, the Eldar were at their peak, and they might have had more powerful invisibility methods, but after their decline, many technologies had been lost.

After losing the advantage of stealth, the disadvantage of Eldar ships without shields began to become prominent. A large number of Furious fighters surrounded them and fired dense missiles from all sides.

The Archon quickly maneuvered the battleship to avoid most of the missiles, but a small number hit the solar sail, causing damage to the ship’s power.

The Archon was thinking anxiously about countermeasures. He knew that the fighter plane must have used a trick to carry the microscan, otherwise it should have been used from the beginning.

He also turned his attention to the orbital platform and noticed the giant signal repeater guarded behind him by the giant god soldiers. He immediately knew the point of breaking the situation.

He gave an order, and a large number of black bean sprouts on the platform jumped out of the bunker, attracting the firepower of the giant soldiers. At the same time, the remaining motorcycles attacked one after another.

They also have thousands of warriors. In their eyes, as long as they are not afraid of death, they can break through the blockade of hundreds of giant soldiers and blow up the signal repeater.

The Archon promised that as long as he blew up the signal repeaters, he would let the Haemonculi resurrect them when he returned.

This is not a lie. As long as the death does not exceed a certain time limit and there is a little residual flesh and blood, the Haemonculi can resurrect any Dark Eldar.

Of course, the cost was very high, but the consul couldn’t care less. Otherwise, no subordinate would dare to charge.

The soldiers of the conspiracy used their agile movements to interfere with the Titan Soldier’s aim, and the vehicle took the opportunity to break through. Although the losses were heavy, it still played a small role.

A vehicle was hit by a bomb and caught fire. Several black bean sprouts on it jumped off the vehicle before the explosion and fell directly behind the Titan Soldier through inertia.

As soon as they landed, they jumped fiercely, pulled out their sharp-toothed scimitars, and rushed towards the giant soldiers who had their backs turned to them.

The Titan Soldier held a shield in his left hand and a bolter in his right hand. He seemed to have no time to react when faced with a stab in the back. He saw that the scimitar was about to pierce his chest, but suddenly stopped.

A military thorn was held by the giant god soldier, and it penetrated the black bean sprout through the chest first, while the giant shield was supported by the tripod, allowing the giant god soldier to free his hands to counterattack and stab in the back.

This is just the beginning. Black Bean Sprouts are not short of those who dare to die. When the vehicle is hit, they will use the spirit of the kamikaze and go straight towards the shield array, forcefully smashing a gap and exploding.

This move resulted in the death of several Titan soldiers. Other bean sprouts seemed to be inspired and drove their vehicles to hit the Titan soldiers in an attempt to open a gap and attack the signal repeater.

However, the giant soldiers did not retreat even a step, and their bolt guns continued to fire accurately and fatally. Hundreds of black bean sprouts were killed every second.

The consul felt his heart bleed, not for the lives of his subordinates, but for the cost of resurrection. The scene that followed left him even more stunned.

The space elevator door opened, and a large number of Krieg puppets walked out, killing the black bean sprouts. The laser flashed, and instantly shot down the bean sprouts.

The ordinary puppets have recovered the occupied areas and are free to go to the orbital platform to support operations.

Being attacked from both sides, Black Bean Sprout’s morale instantly collapsed. In their eyes, the more than 200 giant divine soldiers in front of them became an insurmountable chasm, and they began to huddle in their bunkers and stopped charging.

This scene made the consul anxious in his heart. Just now, a luminous spear exploded the solar sail, further weakening the maneuverability.

With the holographic field disabled and mobility weakened, he no longer had the advantage over human warships.

Not only was he unable to rescue the troops, but he would also get himself involved, so he decided to make a desperate move and let the battleship risk approaching the orbital platform and blow up the repeater with a light spear.

With one shot, he could destroy the machine, activate the holographic field again, and escape.

However, he did not know that all this was what Said had expected. When the Hellebore warship entered the shooting range, a light spear was fired from the orbital platform and hit the Hellebore warship.

It turned out that when the ordinary puppets were reinforcing, a light spear launcher was transported to the orbital platform and waited for the enemy ship to mount it.

The hit Hellebore battleship lost control and plunged onto the orbital platform, smashing the signal relay and completing its intended goal.

A large number of puppets rushed onto the orbital platform, shouting “surrender without killing” in the Eldar language. The surviving Eldar, including the Archons, raised their hands to surrender.

Said asked: “Brother Huang, what do you want to know? I’ll ask it for you and let these turtles have a taste of the torture they invented!”

The emperor said calmly: “If the location of the entrance to the webway in your star domain and the route to Comoros go well, I can come find you!”

We will meet brothers soon~

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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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