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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 5 Eliminate Barbarian Reinforcements

The desert is smoky, the sun sets over the long river, and the convoy in Rebirth Town marches on the wasteland, raising large amounts of smoke and dust.

In the distance, a puppet emerged from the sand, revealing a face covered with runes, staring at the retreating team.

The search team was much stronger than the slave hunting team. Not only did they have sixty technological barbarians, all equipped with bolters and power armor, but they also had three armored vehicles equipped with plasma cannons.

Considering that the slave-catching team was in danger, they equipped the search team with stronger combat capabilities.

According to the slave, the Holy Kingdom is the strongest force on the planet, and its current combat power is enough to deal with any threat.

Said has nearly three thousand puppets, of which only thirty big ones can compete with him, and the rest are all defenseless.

Although the big guy has a bolt gun and power armor, he doesn’t have much ammunition and energy. He can only sustain the battle for two minutes. He can’t win with them alone.

But Said was still full of confidence, and he laid a dragnet in front of the search team.

At this time, in the search convoy, the barbarians were shouting, playing heavy metal music, driving dirty cars, emitting black smoke, and jingling garbage pendants.

This scene looks very much like Mad Max.

A tall barbarian seemed to be annoyed by the noise. He punched the stereo, beat the noisy boys one by one, and finally asked: “Where are you now?”

The subordinate replied: “Go back to the boss, and we will go to Rebirth Canyon immediately. Beyond that is the place where the slave catching team lost contact.”

The boss pulled out his bolter and fired randomly into the sky while roaring:

“The useless slave catching team can’t even handle a few slaves! When we find them, they will all be stunned!”

He believed that the slave-catching team was killed by slaves, but his subordinates had different opinions:

“Boss, Cole was trained by you, and his subordinates are all veterans. It’s unlikely that he will be killed by a few slaves! I feel there is something fishy in this!”

The boss’s eyes narrowed: “You mean there are other forces infiltrating the Hidden Forest?”

The men nodded and said: “This possibility cannot be ruled out, so we’d better be careful and avoid the canyon ahead.”

The boss sneered: “Bypass? Fart! You are afraid of an ambush, and I am afraid that I can’t find the enemy! With the blessing of Holy Lord Auckland, we are invincible!”

In this area, the Holy Kingdom is the strongest, and no force has ever been able to challenge its dominance, not even the aliens, not the hateful intelligences, not even the anti-slavery people!

Soon, the convoy drove forward into the Rebirth Canyon. On the top of the mountains on both sides of the canyon, the puppets poked their heads out and stared at them.

Said calculated the speed, and then with a thought, the puppet on the top of the mountain held a wooden stick, moved a large number of boulders, and threw them at the convoy.

The technological barbarians were startled, and then boulders fell like raindrops, hitting the armored vehicle hard, knocking the vehicle over, and the barbarians in the vehicle jumped out one after another.

They looked embarrassed, but in fact there was no damage at all, so the puppets moved the second wave of boulders and knocked down a large number of technological barbarians.

If they were mortals, they would have been smashed to death. However, these barbarians were genetically enhanced and equipped with power armor. They withstood the falling rocks without any casualties.

The boss was furious, raised his bolt gun and fired at the top of the slope. The top of the slope exploded repeatedly, and the two puppets who had no time to dodge were blown to pieces.

But Said had achieved his goal. The falling rocks not only overloaded some of the Barbarian power armors and had to take them off, but also separated them from the armored vehicles.

And after the rockfall, it was the real killer.

There are sand dunes on both sides of the Rebirth Canyon, and the sand dunes are attached to the rocks, just like the snow on the mountains. Said gave an order to detonate the explosives on the slopes of the dunes.

The next moment, the dune sand slid down and rushed towards the valley bottom. The barbarians below were stunned and said in panic: “No, it’s a sand avalanche!”

They ran toward the exit of the canyon, but were blocked by rocks, their vehicles were destroyed, and their power armor malfunctioned. Their escape was extremely slow, and they could only be submerged by avalanches of sand.

Only the barbarians whose power armor was not overloaded escaped the disaster.

Outside the valley, the barbarian boss counted the number of people and found that half of them were missing, but they could not even see the shadow of the enemy.

He shouted angrily: “Who is it! Come out!”

Then he raised his bolter and fired in all directions. No one responded in the empty wasteland.

Soon, he heard the sound of dense footsteps. Looking into the distance, he saw thousands of puppets surrounding them on three sides, charging like a tide.


The puppets opened the skirmish line, five to ten meters apart from each other, and continued layer by layer to the horizon, as if they could not see the end at a glance.

A flash of surprise flashed in the boss’s eyes, and then he became angry: “Where…where did these aliens come from! Why didn’t they report it before!”

The younger brother beside him trembled: “Boss…Boss, what should we do now?”

The boss said boldly: “What a fool! The wooden people are unarmed, and our explosive armor is enough to overturn them!”

The remaining thirty technological barbarians leaned against the rocks, reducing the defensive surface, suppressing fire at the wooden man, and fired a continuous barrage.

Each explosive bomb has a fusion warhead, which causes continuous explosions in the puppets, killing a large number of puppets.

The puppets keep their distance to reduce casualties and get as close to the enemy as possible. However, they still suffer casualties at an extremely high speed.

In just two minutes, Said lost 700 puppets.

The barbarian boss was surprised: “Aren’t these aliens afraid of death? They die so quickly and yet they keep rushing forward!”

The subordinate said: “Boss, our ammunition supplies are all in the car, and there are at least two thousand aliens left. At this consumption rate, the ammunition may be insufficient.”

But the barbarian boss said disdainfully: “What are you afraid of? The body of a wooden man is the same as that of a mortal, just like those slaves in the factory. I can kill a hundred of them with my bare hands!”

“Not to mention we still have power armor. When we run out of bullets, we’ll fight in close combat! It’s enough to kill them!”

With the words of the barbarian boss, he regained his morale, picked up the blaster, and continued to fire. The firepower became more fierce. In just ten minutes, another thousand puppets were killed.

At this moment, Said still has a thousand puppets in his hands. If the enemy maintains this momentum, he will lose this battle.

At this moment, Said heard the emperor’s voice: “Why don’t you invest in your elite puppets?”

Said was startled: “Brother Huang came out and said it in advance, it’s very scary!”

The Emperor had been monitoring Said and was well aware of his condition. He said calmly: “You are very important to me and there is no room for failure.”

Said was flattered, and after thinking for a while he replied: “The big guy doesn’t have much ammunition, so he can’t use it on the opponent. He must let the cannon fodder be used up first, and then wait until the enemy’s crossbow is exhausted before dispatching!”

After saying that, he controlled the puppet to dodge the gunfire, reduce casualties as much as possible, and continue to close the distance.

Soon, the puppets only had 400 troops left, and they were only 20 meters away from the barbarians. They could see each other’s faces clearly. The barbarians ran out of explosive bombs, drew out their chainswords, and prepared for hand-to-hand combat.

The puppet was holding a stone spear and rushed towards the barbarians amidst the sound of waaaagh. The two sides collided fiercely, chain swords were waved, and the puppet’s stumps were flying around.

“Kill, kill, kill! Die for this useless wooden man!” The barbarian leader looked like a madman, destroying the withered and rotten among the puppets, killing gods when gods stood in his way, and Buddha when he stood in the way of Buddha.

He usually likes to kill randomly among the slaves, but those slaves are soft and weak, unlike these puppets, which are crisp and feel great when killed.

When the subordinates saw this, they were greatly encouraged, and they all followed behind the boss, killing each other, and the number of puppets was reduced rapidly.

The barbarians were having a great time killing, and upon seeing this, Said resorted to a killing blow.

On the chaotic battlefield, suddenly thirty puppets were wearing power armor, holding bolt guns, and were attacking the barbarians…


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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