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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 50 What kind of imperial army should be built?

Brother Huang is here to pick me up!

Said looked happy and asked: “How will Brother Huang get here? Through the network channel?”

The emperor nodded and said: “I made a deal with Xigoch. It provides a network route from Terra to Comoros, but the route from Comoros to the Inuit Star Territory is unknown.”

Said knew clearly that the black bean sprouts came from Comoros and must know the route. As long as he opened its mouth, the emperor could quickly reach the Inuit system.

In order to see the emperor as soon as possible, Said immediately started intense torture work.

Although he is not a master of torture, he has accumulated a vast amount of knowledge over thousands of years, knows the body structure of the Dark Eldar, and knows how to make the Dark Eldar suffer.

But while these black bean sprouts were screaming, they also laughed at Said for his lack of creativity and blew him up on the spot.

To this end, he dedicated three production lines to produce torture instruments, and mobilized one percent of his computing resources to conceive of punishments.

Finally, after huge investment, all the Black Bean Sprouts, including the Archon, broke down and revealed the information Said wanted.

Through multiple verifications, as well as the voyage records of the captured ships, Said obtained the route to Commorragh and then told the Emperor.

The emperor nodded and said: “Wait for me, Said. You have been exposed to the sight of all major cosmic forces. Please pay attention to your safety during this time.”

Said agreed excitedly, and then asked: “Is this why you didn’t use subspace and used the webway to find me?”

The emperor’s voice was a little more helpless:

“Yes, in order to prevent us from meeting, a subspace storm has set off in the star field near you. Subspace navigation is impossible, so we have to use the webway.”

Said said boldly: “This shows that the evil gods are afraid of our alliance. The more they stop us, the more we will do it! When we combine our swords, we will defeat these monsters and snake gods!”

After Said ended the communication, he was excited and put all his energy into the construction of the star system.

The stronger the subordinates are, the more beneficial it will be to the Emperor’s plan!

During this period, the planetary blocks expanded, nests rose from the ground, and the land of soldiers and trees continued to expand, bringing more production capacity and labor force.

Relying on abundant supplies and puppets, Said completed the second phase of the stellar base’s construction in just one month.

The second phase of the stellar base is no longer a simple fortress, but has been equipped with many functional modules, such as fleet anchorage, Colossus assembly plant, stellar defense headquarters, etc.

This means that Said can build larger warships and a defense system that covers the entire star.

Relying on sufficient labor force and abundant industrial production capacity, Said then launched two major projects at the same time: the Moon-class cruiser and the Webway space fortress.

Once completed, the Black Bean Sprout pirates will be unable to enter the star system and will be attacked head-on as soon as they exit the Webway.

At the same time, Said left the Wolf Lair where he had lived for many days, went to low-Earth orbit, and took a spaceship to settle at the star base.

He remembered the Emperor’s warnings and was wary of dangers from all directions.

Compared with Inuit 3, the star base is located in the core of the galaxy, has wider depth, tighter protection, and higher safety factor.

However, the star base is a man-made object, not a natural celestial body, and cannot refine the soil of weapons and wood.

Said then moved several large meteorites from the asteroid belt, refined them into the soil of soldiers and trees, and placed them underground in his residence to ensure that he was in the territory of soldiers and trees.

During this period, Said and the Emperor exchanged views on the current situation. The Emperor asked: “Sayed, what are your plans for the Inuit after you leave?”

Said said: “There is no distance limit for puppet manipulation. Even across the Milky Way, real-time three-dimensional space-time positioning can be achieved. I plan to continue my previous plan: to encircle the enemy!”

The emperor asked again: “Where do you plan to expand your territory?”

Said replied: “I read the database in the lunar laboratory before and learned that there are several Necron worlds nearby, so I just circled them for study.”

The emperor was slightly doubtful: “Can we guarantee that they will not be awakened? If they are awakened, it will not be conducive to the Great Expedition.”

If the Necrons awaken at this time, it is hard to say what the outcome of the Great Crusade will be. The future will definitely change as a result, and Said will lose the advantage of prediction.

Said said confidently: “Don’t worry, Brother Huang. I stayed on the moon for so long just to digest the research report on ribs.”

“Although the research on the Golden Age is not in-depth, I still know how to avoid waking them up! Think of the black stone obelisk that restrains chaos, the tombstone door that breaks through the webway… They are all good things!”

The Blackstone Obelisk can create a realm without psychic energy. As long as one is placed on Terra, no demons can enter, and the rebel Horus cannot reach Terra at all.

The Tombstone Gate can break through the Webway and directly conduct interstellar navigation. If the Empire can understand it thoroughly, it can get rid of the shackles of the subspace and quickly mobilize troops in the galaxy.

Thinking of these super technologies, Emperor Wannian Gujing Wubo’s heart beat faster, and he couldn’t help but breathe quickly and said:

“You’re right, even if you can’t get anything, just a few words of inspiration can have a huge impact on mankind!”

At this time, Said asked: “Brother Huang, please tell me your plan, too?”

The emperor shook his head, dispelled his longing for necromancy technology, and replied:

“I have recaptured the Mechanicus and am integrating the army to prepare for the Great Expedition. After you come back, together with your Bingmu Legion, we will be able to expand to the Sun Star Territory.”

Said thought for a while and said: “The current imperial army comes from Terra and is extremely loyal to Brother Huang, but what will happen next? How to ensure that they will always be loyal?”

Said’s puppets cooperated deeply with the empire and infiltrated the Terran government and the army in large numbers. From grassroots officers and soldiers to officers and bureaucrats at all levels, puppets were everywhere.

While serving the institution to increase efficiency, the puppets relied on Gestalt consciousness to become the emperor’s gendarmes and political commissars in the imperial army and the main government.

Said knew everything about the Empire, even more than the Emperor, and easily discovered the flaws in the army.

The emperor said calmly: “You think that the army is confused, many do not agree with the truth of the empire, and their loyalty comes from their personal worship of me.

As the territory expands in the future, it is inevitable that soldiers from other places will be mixed in. They are not as loyal as the Terrans and will become the soil for rebellion. “

Said nodded and said: “Yes, we must use a more systematic concept to arm the minds of the people, and add an insurance policy in addition to personal loyalty to Brother Huang!

Finally build an imperial army: commanded by the emperor, capable of fighting holy wars, and loyal in style! “

The emperor thought for a moment and then said: “I roughly know what you want to do. This is a big move. You have to solve two problems!”

“First, the Great Expedition waits for no one. Now that the subspace storm has temporarily stopped, it is our strategic window period. We must seize the time. Your approach will inevitably cause chaos in the army for a period of time and affect the efficiency of the expedition.”

“Second, your puppet has made a huge contribution to the empire. This is obvious to all. However, there are also many people who are dissatisfied with you because their power has been eroded. If your ideas are implemented, conflicts will inevitably intensify.”

Said had a prominent position, and his puppets were his eyes and ears, and could reach heaven. Many department chiefs did not dare to offend him, and even gave up their power.

At this time, the puppets controlled many official government and military departments and became an independent prince faction. They only knew the prince’s kindness and power, but did not know that there was a superior.

Many bureaucrats and even Malcador complained about this, often reporting to the Emperor.

Said said confidently: “Don’t worry, Brother Huang, these can be solved!”

An unimagined path of loyalty!


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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