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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 51 One person is the navigation and star language

Said stated his solution, and the Bingmu Legion completed the initial expedition. During this period, the Emperor reformed the army, coordinated the conflicts between the parties, and cleared the soil of rebellion to the greatest extent.

Ordinary puppets can replace the mortal auxiliaries, and giant god soldiers can replace the Astartes, without affecting the efficiency of the expedition.

The Emperor thought for a moment and replied: “Let me think about it first, and then make a decision after returning to Terra!”

“But you should know that the rebellion of the original body is inevitable, and any system will be particularly powerless in the face of the fate of the subspace organization.”

Said nodded and said: “I know Brother Huang, but this is not a reason to lie down!”

After ending the communication, Said plunged into the construction of the star. Factories all over the galaxy started working day and night, producing massive amounts of materials. All kinds of steel creations filled the galaxy.

A month later, the construction of the stellar defense system was completed, and several battle moons stood at Mandeville Point and the entrance to the Webway.

Several huge meteorites were assembled into a moon-sized satellite through Golden Age technology, which was covered with weapons such as macro cannons, light spears, and missiles.

The fortress does not need to be moved, so the weapons and equipment are several orders of magnitude higher than those of a battleship. Coupled with the soil cover of soldiers and trees, it is almost indestructible.

The Battle Moon is there to defend against any Warp and Webway visitors.

Within the star system, there are various large and small fortress space stations. In addition to being equipped with basic weapons, they can also block and monitor large areas of the star field and provide early warning for planetary orbits.

In low-Earth orbit, Said relies on the orbital platform to build defenses around the planet. With the support of surface materials, the firepower far exceeds that of any fleet.

As a supplement to orbital defense, every natural satellite has been transformed into a battle moon. Coupled with the universally equipped void shield, the entire star system has become an iron wall!

At the same time, fleet construction is not idle either.

As early as half a month ago, Said built the subspace engine and the Geller force field, and equipped them on the light cruiser to conduct short-distance subspace navigation experiments.

The result surprised Said. The puppet positioning function can work in subspace. When a wooden ship sails into subspace, it can observe the projection in the real universe.

Just like humans on the ground, they can see the shadow cast by an airplane in the sky on the ground, and thus know the distance between the airplane and its destination and when it should land.

Putting it into subspace, Said can know the projection of the spacecraft in the three-dimensional universe at any time and ensure that the spacecraft moves towards its destination.

If you add puppets to convey messages, it can be said that Said alone is worth all the Astropaths and Navigator families.

The former is responsible for interstellar communications, and the latter is responsible for interstellar navigation.

“Brother Huang, Brother Bingmu is so powerful. With me here, both the Navigator and the Astropath can retire!”

The Emperor was pleased and asked curiously: “The subspace is scalar time, and you are in vector time, how can you perceive each other?”

Vector time is time with direction, while scalar time is time without direction. Navigating in subspace may cause the arrival time to be earlier than the departure time.

If Said uses the brain of vector time to force perception, it may lead to unpredictable consequences.

Said recalled carefully and then replied:

“In the subspace, the spacecraft encounters two kinds of energy. One determines the corresponding position in the three-dimensional universe, and the other determines the corresponding time in the three-dimensional universe. The former can affect me, but the latter cannot!”

“My three-dimensional brain cannot recognize scalar time. The power of my thinking formed a waaaagh force field to prevent the spacecraft from being affected by scalar time…”

Cogito ergo sum! Almighty I am thinking!

In this way, as long as the puppet exists on the ship, subspace navigation will be free from the influence of time confusion and will still advance along a fixed direction and vector in time.

In Said’s perception, compared to the three-dimensional universe, the subspace spacecraft advances at an extremely fast speed, just like observing birds in the sky from the ground.

The emperor couldn’t help but breathe quickly, and said excitedly: “My brother, you are truly a gift from God to mankind!”

If beacons and navigators were medieval lighthouses and lookouts, Said was the GPS satellite.

Interfering with navigation and creating storms are the main means used by subspace evil gods to humiliate humans. With the emergence of Said, the former will no longer work.

At this moment, in the eyes of the emperor, Said was undoubtedly the savior of mankind, so he said:

“Sayed, your subspace experiment must have been noticed by those four people, and they will definitely use methods against you. I have three days to arrive, so be careful before then.”

Said laughed loudly: “Don’t worry, brother Huang, the first moon-class cruiser is almost ready. No matter what comes, it can be destroyed!”

At this moment, in the orbit of the star base, a huge Gothic-style warship slowly left the port. The macro cannons and light spears on it were extremely ferocious.

It is the Moon-class cruiser, a multi-functional battleship that integrates various modules such as light spears, macro cannons, and carrier-based aircraft. Its status is similar to the Dreadnought-class light cruiser.

The Moon-class cruiser has no shortcomings and its performance is relatively average. It is usually used to perform independent missions. In Said’s plan, it will lead several light cruiser fleets to explore the Necron world.

But thinking of the emperor’s warning, Said did not send the moon class out, but used it to guard the home and prevent the Chaos conspiracy with the light cruiser fleet.

However, it was calm for several days. Except for the great gains made by the Tribunal on the third main star, there was no movement anywhere in the galaxy.

Human beings are the medium for evil gods to interfere with reality. There are not many people in Said’s territory at all, and the few that are there are all under the microscopic scanning surveillance of satellites.

Syed knew exactly how many holes there were in their underwear, let alone the Chaos Summoning Ceremony. Before the scene was set, the Inquisitor broke in…

With absolute strength in hand, the evil god’s conspiracy had nowhere to hide. Said spent two days safely and ushered in the third day.

On this day, the space at the entrance to the Webway was distorted, and Said’s figure was shaken, immediately putting the Battle Moon on alert.

It could be the emperor or something else.

But as a golden warship sailed out, the alertness on Said’s face disappeared, he clenched his fists and let out a silent cheer.

“Saeed, my brother, I’m here to get you!”

The emperor’s voice came to his consciousness, and Said burst into tears. Although he could see each other every day through the puppet and his perceptions could be transmitted in real time, he always felt that there was something missing.

Just like simulated silicone, no matter how lifelike it is, it can’t compare to real skin…

Said couldn’t wait to board a spaceship and flew straight to the Battle Moon. When the hatch opened, he saw a golden figure with a halo above his head.

Having learned the lesson from last time, he did not pounce on him immediately. Instead, after seeing the person clearly, he came over and hugged him tightly.

The emperor was not wearing power armor. He pressed Said on his chest with his big hands and said gently: “Welcome back, my loyal brother!”

When it comes to the knowledge of relativity, you have to think carefully when choosing words and sentences, so I uploaded it late, but it’s still the same sentence: Almighty I am thinking!


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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