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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 52 Return of Horus

After chatting with the emperor for a while, Said found that besides Waldo and the Imperial Guard, there were two other people standing nearby.

One of them was Makhado, who was looking at Said with a smile on his face, not knowing what he was thinking. The other was a tall bald man like the emperor, with a simple, kind and sincere smile on his face.

That was a face that no Hammer would ever forget—Horus Luperkar!

The emperor introduced Said: “You have met Malcador, this is your nephew…”

Said took over and said: “I know, your name is Horus Lupekar, I am your uncle, my name is Said!”

“Hello uncle, respected prince of the empire, everyone knows the name of the puppet master. Even though I have only been back for less than a month, your name is already like thunder!”

Horus looked down at the boy who was less than his waist, and touched his head in embarrassment, feeling a little uncomfortable with his uncle.

But this did not prevent him from realizing Said’s status in the empire, or his status in the heart of his father. With his high emotional intelligence, he would not show the slightest contempt.

And then the few giant soldiers who followed Said into the cabin made the arrogance completely disappear.

No matter how weak the body is, being able to command a large number of Astartes, a massive fleet and trillions of armies speaks for itself of its weight.

At this time, a giant soldier bent down and put his palm on the ground, letting Said stand on it, then raised it to the same height as Horus, patted Horus’s solid shoulder, and praised:

“I will call you Xiao He from now on! We are all loyal servants of His Majesty, and we should work together to clear away all evil spirits and monsters for His Majesty and the empire!”

Xiaohe…you are so young!

Horus was a little uncomfortable with it, but Said was indeed qualified to be called that. Horus suppressed his dissatisfaction and did not hesitate to praise him. His sincere appearance made people instantly like him.

Said knew that this was Horus’s innate ability, which could show strong affinity and make others unconsciously like him.

The rebellion happened a thousand years later. Before that, Xiao He was a loyal and loyal son of the Emperor, so he put down his hostility and praised Horus:

“Brother Huang, he is worthy of being your son. He will definitely be the mainstay of the empire in the future!”

The emperor smiled and said nothing, but Horus was particularly helpful. Said continued: “In the future, if you need uncle’s help, just mention it, whether it is a puppet or a fleet, you can get as much as you want!”

This guy is the emperor’s appointed war commander, and Said does not hesitate to win over him.

After a brief exchange of greetings between uncle, friend and nephew, Said greeted Makado and said:

“Mr. Ma, I didn’t expect you to come too. It seems that Tyra’s government affairs are all going well, and Mr. Ma has the ability to strategize!”

Makado said with a smile: “No, no, His Highness the Prince has promoted me. Without the help of your puppet, how could I be so relaxed!”

These words emptied him out in the Yin Yang Prince Said faction, leaving him with nothing to do.

Said also smiled and said: “I feel that Prime Minister Ma is too bored. How about I withdraw the puppets and enrich Prime Minister Ma’s life…”

Macado’s smile disappeared, with a constipated expression on his face, and then he shook his head and said: “Thank you for the prince’s kindness, but I don’t want it anymore. If that happens, the people below will not tear me apart!”

Terra produces 200 million puppets every week, and the Ministry of Interior needs 100 million.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to decouple from the puppet, but the situation doesn’t allow it. Under the Gestalt consciousness, the efficiency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has doubled, saving a lot of manpower and material resources for the Great Expedition.

The Emperor needs to seize the opportunity to carry out the Great Expedition while the warp storm subsides. The efficiency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is particularly important. The Ministry of Internal Affairs can leave Malcador, but it cannot do without Said.

Loyalty to the emperor was paramount. Not to mention that Said had formed a royal faction, even if he really tried to ignore Malcador, he would hold his nose and admit it.

Moreover, Said did not ignore Macado. The team of puppet secretaries still reported to him in every detail and implemented according to his instructions.

In the Ministry of the Interior, a delicate balance was maintained between the royalists and the bureaucrats, and both parties worked together to prepare for the Great Expedition.

The emperor looked at the few people calmly and said nothing, but Horus smelled a different smell from them.

He has just joined his father’s core team not long ago. He still has a lot to learn and should read more and think more.

At this time, the battleship set sail and entered the Webway, expecting to return to Terra in a month. At this time, the Emperor brought the three people into the conference room and asked:

“Everyone, Said’s puppet went deep into all levels of the empire and reported to me the phenomena he observed. There is an issue that deserves attention.

The imperial army and officials at all levels of the government have confused minds and do not have a deep or thorough understanding of the truth of the empire. Said, tell them! “

Said nodded: “Ma Xiang, Horus, as we all know, the official ideology of the empire now is imperial truth, advocating materialistic science, racial hysteria, and authoritarian rule!”

Malcador and Horus nodded, and Malcador asked: “I wonder which point the officials at all levels below do not fully understand? Which point does their daily style violate?”

Said said: “The emperor eliminated religion, and people and officials regarded the emperor as a new god. Although this goes against the ideal, it is not harmful. On the contrary, the attitude towards aliens is worthy of vigilance!”

Makhado was shocked. This was a very serious accusation. Said continued:

“Many officials have insufficient understanding of the dangers of aliens. They turn a blind eye and follow their facial features. They think cuteness is justice. They are secretly raising Eldar slaves!”

“Among the lower classes, the sales of Eldar books are booming, and they have become a tool for many men to generate electricity late at night! The Harlequin Troupe has performed many times in the Terra Hive…”

“These are all documented cases, and there are countless cases that have not been discovered!”

Makado was surprised. Although he had heard a little about these things, after all, he did not have Said’s perception and his understanding of the problem was not deep enough.

Said continued: “The embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in an ant nest. The Great Expedition has not yet started, and there are so many problems. How can we ensure the purity of the empire after the Great Expedition conquers many worlds!”

“After all, the fall of the Spirit Clan is still vivid in our minds. Who can guarantee that their yesterday is not our tomorrow!”

Malcador looked solemn, but Horus didn’t know why. The Emperor didn’t tell him the history of the Eldar’s fall, so he asked:

“Um…uncle, how did the Spirit Clan fall?”

When Said was about to explain, the emperor said first:

“An overly comfortable environment leads to confusion of thought, and various heretical thoughts arise. A powerful alien form is nurtured in the subspace and devours the Eldar!”

The Emperor concealed the existence of the Four Evil Gods from the Primarch, transforming them from gods into powerful xenos.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with saying that. In the Warhammer world, gods are powerful beings. Although the conditions are harsh, they are not unkillable and have no essential difference from aliens.

The three fell into silence, digesting Said’s words, when the emperor asked: “Sayed, what are your thoughts on the issue of ideological confusion?”

Said said: “I hope to lead an agency dedicated to the ideological struggle of the empire and ensure that the truth of the empire becomes the only sun of the empire!”

A vigilant gleam flashed in Macado’s eyes and he asked: “If you lead this organization, what are you going to do?”

Said said coldly: “Refine and develop the imperial truth to make it a holy book that guides all aspects of life, and then strengthen supervision at all levels of the government and the military to launch a white terror against heretics…”

Malcador frowned and questioned: “You mean to establish a new religion?”

Said shook his head: “The imperial truth is a materialistic idea, how can it be a religion? It has a more civilized name: duang!”

Since we want to avoid tragedy, we must take an unimagined path. No matter whether we can successfully break fate, it is worth trying.

Odin also tried his best to avoid Ragnarok. Although the result has not changed, it is undeniable that the process is quite exciting~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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