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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 53: Promoting Comoros

Parties and churches are different. The former believes in ideals, while the latter believes in gods.

In fact, Said preferred the latter, but Imperial Truth insisted on materialism, so he had to compromise and choose the former.

He continued: “Mankind’s history throughout the ages has proven that only by uniting in faith can an army become an invincible iron army!”

“In the future, both the government and the army of the empire should build consensus and destroy the enemies of the empire under the leadership of the empire’s truth!”

In Said’s eyes, Horus’s rebellion was like a bloody family ethics drama. Except for a few who were taken away by Chaos, most of the Primarch’s rebellions originated from personal grudges with the Emperor.

Some yanderes lack love and receive no response, some are protecting their mutated offspring, some are mentally disturbed, and there are all kinds of twists and turns that can’t be figured out…

In short, for various inexplicable reasons, there is a sense of pettiness from beginning to end.

In Said’s eyes, this is the consequence of inadequate ideological education.

Every time the Emperor found a primarch, he simply threw him an army, and then handed it over to Horus to command and fight the enemy, without any systematic ideological education.

The Primarchs generally couldn’t figure out why they were fighting!

The Emperor relied solely on family ties to maintain the loyalty of his Primarchs, but this loyalty was extremely unstable and led to the Legion being filled with the old warlord habits: relying on personal relationships to maintain unity.

If the Primarchs and Astartes had not been patched with superhuman traits, the Great Crusade would not have progressed at all.

Said smiled and said: “Everyone who is doing this today will be the first batch of comrades to lead the entire empire through the Emperor’s Party of Truth.”

Said was implying that even if the reform was implemented, under the new system, they would still have no less power.

The Emperor concluded: “Sayed hopes to imitate the 3k era, arm the empire’s mind with imperial truth, let dan command the gun, and the organization is built at the grassroots level.”

Machado complained: “But now it’s 30k, and the party has disappeared for tens of thousands of years. Is it really necessary to reappear?”

Said immediately retorted: “The current situation of mankind is worse than that of the 3k era. Doesn’t Mr. Ma not know what the situation is like at the bottom of the hive city?”

Horus touched his chin, frowned slightly, thinking about the feasibility, and then said:

“According to my uncle’s idea, the imperial army is bound to go to war. Will it cool down the soldiers’ enthusiasm for honor? Will it delay the efficiency of the Great Expedition and run counter to my father’s strategy?”

Said said: “The initial expedition can be replaced by the Bingmu Legion. It will take enough time for the Imperial Army to complete adjustments. The galaxy is large enough and there are enough honors for the soldiers to obtain. There is no rush.”

Horus shook his head and said, “Uncle, that’s not how accounts are calculated. When I was a gangster in the nest city, I heard businessmen often say: If you don’t make money that can be made, it’s still a loss.”

“The expedition efficiency of the Bingmu Army is indeed not inferior to that of humans, but if human troops are added, the speed will be even higher. In other words, using uncle’s method will definitely lead to a loss of efficiency.”

Said was speechless, and Horus changed the topic: “Of course, it depends on how my father views the efficiency of the expedition. If it is not urgent, you can really try my uncle’s proposal.”

The Emperor nodded and said: “What Horus said makes sense. The subspace is about to be calm. I don’t know how long it will last. The only way is to race against time. No matter how efficient the Great Crusade is, it will not be enough.”

“Ideological construction is important, but the priority is not as high as improving expedition efficiency, so the party establishment proposal must be cautious to ensure that it is implemented without affecting the efficiency of the military.”

Said’s heart sank. He knew that his idea was useless. The emperors in history must have wanted to do this, to avoid ethical dramas through political governance and ideological building of the army.

However, the situation does not allow it, and the window period for peace in subspace is very short. The empire must sweep across the galaxy as soon as possible in order to collect resources and carry out the Webway plan.

Therefore, in history, he used family ties to maintain the loyalty of his original bodies, and because he spent all his time cultivating the Web Way, he treated them like tools, which caused the family ties to break down and lead to rebellion.

Said was about to give up. At this moment, the spacecraft suddenly shook and seemed to have suffered a blow. A forbidden soldier pushed the door in and reported:

“Your Majesty, we have been attacked by Comoros!”

The emperor’s voice was slightly cold: “When Xi Gaoqi provided me with the route, he hoped to lend my hand to Comoros. I had no intention of agreeing to it, but Comoros found it on his own…”

Several of them were human spirits and they immediately figured out the joints. Horus said: “Father, Comoros must have been instigated by a clown to cause trouble for us.”

Said vaguely remembered that at this time, Commorragh was still controlled by the Eldar dignitaries. Later, during the Great Crusade, the boss of a certain conspiracy group introduced Salamanders to kill people with their swords, overthrowing the dignitaries, and conspiracies, large and small, ruled.

Various signs connect Harlequin, and their meanings are intriguing.

Said said: “I have a thousand giant warriors here, plus the ship-borne firepower, it is enough to overwhelm this city.”

Malcador was relatively cautious: “Your Majesty, this is an internal conflict among the aliens. There is no need for us to wade into this muddy water.”

Horus had a different opinion: “I heard that this is the birthplace of pirates. If we can burn this place, the Great Expedition will go much smoother.”

Said agreed: “Xiao He is right. Black bean sprouts are enemies of the empire. It is rare to pass by their lair. How can we let them go?”

Malcador did not object again. Seeing that several people had reached an agreement, the Emperor smiled and said: “Okay, Waldo, order the strike cruiser to turn and target Comoros!”

Waldo nodded and said: “Yes, Your Majesty, don’t you care about the Raven and Void Duck fighter planes outside?”

The Emperor waved his hand, and a powerful spiritual energy spread out. The Black Bean Sprout fighters exploded instantly, causing Said and Horus to take a deep breath.

I knew Brother Huang (father Huang) was powerful, but I didn’t expect him to be so powerful.

The strike cruiser flew over Comoros, bombarding it with ion cannons and macrocannons, instantly turning Comoros into a sea of ​​​​fire, and the spiral tower symbolizing the Eldar dignitaries was blown into ruins.

At this time, the emperor said: “Sayed, Horus, you command your respective troops to airborne to Comoros. I will give you one hour to see who can kill more!”

“Okay Brother Huang!” Said said excitedly: “I just killed the black bean sprouts not long ago, and no one knows how to kill them better than me!”

Horus touched his head: “The legions under my command are all good boys who came from the nest city, and they may not necessarily lose to you!”

“Then let’s compare!”

So, each side took out a thousand cans and took an airdrop pod to smash them into the burning Comoros.

Just after leaving the airdrop warehouse, the Titan Soldiers and giant shields formed an indestructible mobile fortress, constantly advancing, killing all living creatures in sight.

Countless conspiracy warriors were like knights, relying on the complex terrain to besiege them from all sides. However, as soon as they emerged, they were hit by explosive bombs and their bodies fell at the feet of the giant god soldiers.

“waaagh! waagh! waagh!”

Following the rhythmic slogans, the Titan Soldiers slowly advanced, and the corpses of the attempted sneak attacks fell like raindrops, just like an efficient killing machine.

Said was depressed because his idea could not be realized, and he planned to vent his anger on black bean sprouts.

In contrast, the Luna Wolves are much wilder. They come from the hive gang and inherit the past habit of fighting. They are armed with chain swords and explosive bombs and kill in the black bean sprouts.

The environment in Comoros was similar to that of the Lower Nest. They quickly found their touch, waving their chainswords and roaring bolt guns. Relying on their strong physical fitness, each of them was unparalleled.

However, as the progress progressed, many people moved too far forward, lost touch with the main force, and fell into the siege of the conspiracy soldiers…

After deduction, Warhammer has really become immutable, and any internal reform will be difficult to achieve.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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