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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 54 Horus reflects on the issue of the Luna Wolves

In the eyes of the Shadow Moon Wolf Legion, this is just another ordinary gang fight. As long as they dare to fight, charge and kill, they can win.

However, their enemies are not humans. Each Black Bean Sprout is a master of guerrilla warfare with first-rate mobility. They use terrain and vehicles to maneuver flexibly, luring the enemy deep, dividing and surrounding the Horus Legion.

The terrain of Comorragh is complex, and the Luna Wolf Legion gradually dispersed. They were partially surrounded by Black Bean Sprout’s superior strength and fell into difficult street fighting.

The Titan Soldiers actually had the same experience, but they kept cooperating and supporting each other during the advance. Under the steel city wall composed of shields, even if the black bean sprouts were full of steel teeth, they could not eat them at all.

Horus, who was staying in the spaceship, became anxious and said to the emperor: “Father, can I personally participate in the battle?”

The emperor nodded and said calmly: “Go!”

Horus took the airdrop pod and parachuted directly into the surrounded legion. He killed several black bean sprouts in an instant, then rushed out of the airdrop pod and killed them.

The original body joined the battle, and the morale of the Horus Legion was greatly boosted. With the added combat power of the original body, they killed a large number of black bean sprouts and escaped from the crisis.

Horus raised his arms and said boldly: “Boys, gather around me! Charge in groups, don’t scatter!”

Hearing the call of the original body, the legion cans dispersed and gathered around the original body, rushing forward at a speed that was slightly faster than the Titan Soldier.

Along the way, they will kill gods if they block God, and kill Buddha if they block Buddha. If nothing unexpected happens, accidents will happen.

The ground in front suddenly collapsed, and a large number of monsters emerged from the ground. Among them were the twisted abominations, clawed terrors, aether hounds, and Ugurs who could be named, as well as many that could not be named.

Very early on, the underground was a Haemon Base.

Titan soldiers were also encountered. These monsters did not distinguish between friend and foe, attacking both the imperial soldiers and the nearby black bean sprouts.

When you encounter them, the wise thing to do is to avoid them and let them sprout.

Some of the Luna Wolves avoided it, but some did not. They rushed forward to kill the monsters, laughing while killing them:

“The monsters here are much more unique than those in the nest. I want to cut off the heads to decorate the walls of my mansion and enrich my collection! Hahaha!”

Some said in disgust while chopping: “You actually have the intention to collect such disgusting monsters. They are so ugly. I will chop them to death!”

When Horus saw this in the distance, he became furious and roared: “You idiots! These monsters can’t tell the difference between us and the enemy. Even fools know how to let them bite the black bean sprouts!”

“Disengage immediately, otherwise military law will be engaged!”

After some micro-management by Horus, the legion no longer competed with the monsters. However, at this time, the formation dispersed again, and many legion soldiers were separated and surrounded again.

Horus had to put out fires everywhere, but sometimes he was not in time, and sporadic casualties soon appeared. Three Luna Wolf soldiers had their heads cut off by black bean sprouts.

At this moment, the emperor said: “The time is up, everyone come back!”

The Titan soldiers began to retreat in an orderly manner, and the shields formed a formation to support each other, slowly approaching the spacecraft, but the Luna Wolf Legion was unable to move forward.

The black bean sprouts detonated the ground around them, creating a large deep pit. At the same time, relying on the ruins of the ruins to block attacks, the Luna Wolves retreated slowly.

At this time, Said looked at the emperor, and the emperor nodded. With a thought in Said’s mind, the Titan Soldier moved towards Horus.

At this time, Horus looked a little embarrassed, and Black Bean Sprout was relying on the terrain to delay his army, unable to advance or retreat.

At this time, the Black Bean Sprout front was in chaos. It was bombarded by ion cannons and heat capacity rays, and Titan soldiers appeared behind the front.

Black Bean Sprout was attacked from both sides, and soon retreated across the board.

Horus’s retreat channel was opened, and the two teams successfully returned to the battleship.

Then, the Emperor released a virus bomb, turning Commorragh into a sea of ​​​​fire. After that, he burned it again with psychic energy, leaving a piece of ruins and rubble before walking away.

In this battle, three cans of Horus died, and no Titan soldiers were injured or killed.

Although Horus’s casualties were not serious, the performance of his own team was closely watched. In the end, if the Titan Soldiers had not rescued him, the Luna Wolves would have lost their skin.

The Emperor said calmly: “Horus, your legions are showing many problems. Do you know the reasons?”

Horus was so humiliated that he felt ashamed in front of his beloved father. Said quickly consoled him:

“Xiao He, don’t be depressed. You have only taken over the legion for a month. It is already good to be able to fight like this. As long as you fight a few more battles and get used to it, the situation will get better.”

Horus said gratefully:

“Uncle, you don’t have to comfort me. I know where the problem lies. Personal heroism is rampant in the legion, and personal honor is higher than collective interests. This ultimately affects the efficiency of the war. If it is not corrected, it will be detrimental to the Great Expedition.”

Finally, he concluded: “In the final analysis, the gang habits in the hive city have not changed, and there is still a gap between them and the real army.”

The Emperor then asked: “Do you know how to correct this?”

The Emperor’s tone was gentle, and he was pleased that Horus corrected his mistake. Said was also very surprised. If it were a nagging person like Perturabo or Mortarion, Said would have hated Said long ago.

However, Horus did not admit his mistakes generously and pointed out his own problems. With this emotional intelligence, it is no wonder that he can become a war commander in the future!

Horus thought for a moment, glanced at Said, and then said:

“As His Royal Highness the Prince said, the army lacks unified thinking, insufficient understanding of war goals, and does not know why it is fighting, so it needs to strengthen ideological education!”

Said was stunned and looked at the emperor. The emperor calmly said: “Go on!”

Horus thought for a while and said: “I support His Highness the Prince’s suggestion, arm your mind with the truth of the Empire, understand the enemies of the Empire, and understand the meaning of war!”

Said looked expectant, but the emperor did not decide immediately, but looked at Malcador: “What do you think of this?”

Makhado smiled and said: “A certain degree of ideological education is indeed necessary. Telling them the purpose of the war is better than their random thoughts.”

Finally, the emperor nodded: “Sayed, form the Imperial Truth Party and promote the Imperial Truth.”

Said was overjoyed and suddenly felt a bright future, and immediately agreed:

“Understood, Brother Huang! The Imperial Army will be an invincible iron army commanded by the Emperor, able to fight holy wars, and loyal in style!”

However, the emperor shook his head: “But a large-scale war will affect the efficiency of the expedition too much, so the current system of the army will not be changed. You need to establish a new independent system.”

After some communication, Said understood the Emperor’s intention to establish an army loyal to the truth of the Empire in addition to the existing army.

Unlike the old armies, they do not rely on family ties to maintain loyalty, but use imperial truth to ensure unity and arm their minds!

It sounds a bit like Santoku’s National Defense Forces and Party Guards. When the National Defense Forces are up to no good for one reason or another, they go to work in the Party Guards.

In the final analysis, the Emperor did not have much hope for the Primarch Legion, believing that rebellion was inevitable. The difference lay in a few insurances…

Anyway, there will be a national sect in the future, and it shouldn’t be unreasonable to establish a predecessor organization now…


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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