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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 55 The Source of Suffering

At the entrance of the webway in the Solar Sector, a golden warship leapt out. From here, it would take a week of conventional power to reach Terra.

During this period, Sayid discussed with Malcador and Horus to expand and refine the Imperial Truth and make it a complete program.

Finally, on the eve of arriving at Terra, he took the draft to the Emperor and said expectantly: “Brother Emperor, how about promoting it according to this concept?”

After the Emperor took it, he found that Sayid had expanded a lot of propositions in terms of economy, politics, culture, and diplomacy based on the original Imperial Truth.

First of all, the mission of the Truth Party is to lead and unite all human beings in the galaxy, recreate the golden age through the Great Crusade, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind. To this end, the following propositions are implemented:

In terms of economy, it advocates a unified currency, planned economy in the directly governed world, giving priority to the development of heavy industry, and 10th tax in the non-directly governed world, to provide material guarantee for the Great Crusade.

In terms of politics, it advocates monarchy, military-first governance, and superhuman governance. Local planets are divided into direct governance, limited autonomy, and complete autonomy, providing institutional guarantees for the full mobilization of resources.

In terms of ideology, strengthen the emperor worship, publicize the three major hazards, promote human supremacy, advocate frugality and restraint, pay attention to hygiene, and strictly enforce lifestyle.

Externally, advocate expansion and revenge, racial cleanliness, launch a great expedition, and eliminate the three major hazards…

The emperor thought for a while, and then said: “Most of them are fine, but how far will you go in worshipping the emperor?”

Sayyid smiled and said: “Brother Huang, don’t worry, you are the emperor of man, not the emperor of God. This move is just to unite people’s hearts, strengthen authority, and unite more forces for the great expedition.”

The emperor advocates materialism, opposes religion and gods, and opposes blind worship. However, he is an autocratic monarch. In order to promote a grand expedition, he must carry out a certain degree of personal worship.

Don’t you see that the great leader also opposes personal worship, but what happened later?

Therefore, Sayyid is not worried that the emperor opposes personal worship.

As expected, the Emperor sighed and said helplessly:

“Okay, Sayid, but I have to add one more thing: these propositions will only last until the end of the war. Once mankind becomes great again, this program must be discussed again.”

Sayid nodded, performed the Sky Eagle Salute, and said solemnly: “I will obey the order of my Emperor!”

At the same time, he couldn’t help thinking:

Will the war end?

In the burning galaxy, there is only war!

So, the program was vague about the Human Emperor and the God Emperor, advocating that as long as you worship the Emperor devoutly, it doesn’t matter whether it is the Human Emperor or the God Emperor.

Sayid’s operation was to lay the groundwork for the Truth Party to transform into a state religion in the future.

With the Emperor’s endorsement, Sayid invested in the establishment of the party. At this time, the Mandeville Point on Terra twisted and an Inuit spaceship appeared.

There were tens of thousands of Inuit church members on board, ranging from ordinary priests and nuns to Inquisition agents, almost forming a branch church.

As the first batch of regular workers, they assisted Sayid in establishing the party. Another month later, the Imperial Truth Party was established.

Then, the prince factions in the Ministry of the Interior and the Mortal Auxiliary Army all joined the Truth Party and became the first grassroots members.

They generally have two identities, one is the government and military positions, and the other is the Truth Party positions. Sayid indirectly controlled these departments through the party organization.

One day soon after, another Inuit warship used the Mandeville point. It was a modified Moon-class cruiser with its weapons removed and its space expanded.

In this way, this cruiser can accommodate 200,000 humans. It will serve as the Loyalty Academy to carry out the propaganda work of the Truth Party’s ideas.

Sayid named it: Loyalty!

Under the leadership of the organization members, a large number of Ministry of the Interior staff and Mortal Auxiliary Army soldiers boarded the Loyalty to learn the Truth Party’s ideas.

Here, they first came into contact with a grievance meeting.

“Everyone, you have all experienced the strife years of Terra. Can you tell me how you lived at that time?”

The crowd sat around, and an Inuit priest said in the open space in the center.

At this time, an old soldier who had participated in the war of unification stood up and said: “My father was tied to a cart by the warlord because he could not pay the heavy taxes of the warlord and was dragged to death!”

“Later, the emperor came and avenged me. He let me serve him and keep me well fed and clothed! Praise the emperor!”

Everyone said in unison: “Praise the emperor!”

Another employee of the Ministry of the Interior stood up and said with a slightly crying voice:

“One day I went out to search for food, and the warlord soldiers broke into my home, took my daughter away, and fed her to the alien monsters. They were not human, woo woo woo!”

The pastor asked: “Did you get revenge later?”

The employee of the Ministry of the Interior gritted his teeth and said: “The emperor and his angels came and destroyed the monsters. I hope my little Cindy can rest in peace! Praise the emperor!”

Everyone whispered in unison: “Praise the emperor!”

Afterwards, more and more listeners stood up and narrated their past sufferings and the deeds of being saved by the emperor, and finally praised the emperor in unison.

So, the pastor asked again: “How is your life now?”

Everyone was silent for a moment, looking at each other, and finally, someone mustered up the courage to stand up and said:

“It’s much better now than before. Although there is still heavy work, at least there is food to eat and clothes to wear, but… I feel it can be better.”

Soon, someone else stood up and said: “I come from the lower level of the nest city. My father is fighting in the border and his life and death are unknown. My mother is sick from overwork in the factory. My sister looks at the empty bowl and says she is not hungry!”

“Although we die less easily than in the past, life is still hard.”

These words resonated with each other, and the grievance meeting came to a critical moment. The pastor asked: “In this case, do you know why it is still so painful?”

At this time someone said: “Go on a great expedition to collect resources!”

Someone else said: “Because of corrupt officials?”

Someone else said: “Because the war is still going on and we still need to fight hard!”

These words triggered bursts of agreement.

“Yes, after unifying Terra, we still want to fight outside! They say they want to revive humanity and revive the Golden Age!”

At this time, the pastor asked again: “Why do we want to go to war? Who is the target of destruction?”

As soon as this question came up, many people answered: “Aliens, heretics, and demons are the people who separatized Terra in the Age of Strife!”

At this meeting, they knew the source of the difficulties in life: aliens, heretics and demons, although Terra had been unified, they had not been completely eliminated.

Immediately afterwards, the pastor described in detail the picture of mankind in the golden age. The utopian beautiful society intoxicated the audience, and finally said:

“The Golden Age ended because of the three major dangers. Therefore, we must unite under the Emperor’s command, participate in the expedition, destroy them, return to the Golden Age, and live a good life! Long live the Emperor!”

“Destroy the three evils, long live the emperor!”

“Now, let me tell you what the three evils are…”

The grievance conference was fruitful, and people spread the word from word to mouth. The truth of the Empire was like a prairie fire, quickly burning throughout Terra.

For a time, the people were filled with hatred for the three evils, believing that as long as they eliminated the three evils, restored the galaxy, and relied on the rich resources of the galaxy, they could end suffering and revive mankind.

As a result, people were united as never before and prepared for the Great Expedition.

Just then, Horus found Said and asked:

“Your Highness, your grievance meeting will not work here. We Astartes are superhumans and have no grievances to complain about…”

I have been very restrained, please let the beast be let go~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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