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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 56 (Seeking further reading) Comrade Horus

Human beings have three basic desires, appetite, sleep, and desire. When they cannot be satisfied, they can mobilize their power by inciting them.

However, the Astartes were different. Their superhuman bodies prevented them from having these desires. When they attended the grievance meeting for mortals, they showed no empathy at all.

So Horus said: “Your Highness, all your propaganda is aimed at mortals. My boys are all uninterested, and the legions are still confused. Look…”

Said scratched his head. The history of 2k made him very good at mobilizing the suffering people, but if the target of mobilization was Superman, Said had no experience.

If placed in the previous life, such people would have been social elites and could only use tangible benefits or make good-looking slides to draw a better-looking pie.

“What do the Astartes need?” Said not only pondered, but then said to Horus: “In a few days, I will ask the Titan Soldier to teach you personally.”

Horus said happily: “Okay, we look forward to His Highness the Prince’s visit and guidance!”

A few days later, the Titan Soldiers and the Astartes gathered in the auditorium. In order to close the distance, he did not let a mortal priest do it for him, but used an equally huge Titan Soldier.

Looking around at the large number of canned beasts, Said first asked the question: “Are the Astartes human?”

As soon as these words came out, a large number of fierce men were immediately angered. Some of the bad-tempered ones immediately said angrily: “Your Highness, what do you mean by this! Are you questioning our purity?”

“That’s right, we are descendants of the Emperor. Are you questioning the Emperor’s bloodline?”

Facing the overwhelming questions, the Titan Soldier’s tone remained calm and asked again: “In that case, whose empire is the empire?”

This question stopped everyone, and the answers began to become confusing. Some said it was the empire of the emperor, some said it was the empire of mankind, some said it was the empire of the army…

Said shook his head and said: “What you said is wrong. The empire is Superman’s empire! It’s His Majesty! It’s Malcador! It’s the Forbidden Army! It’s the empire of Astartes!”

Said proposed the concept of Superman and believed that Superman was the master of the Empire, which caused a large number of Astartes to think.

At this time, an Ultramarine raised a question: “No, the world was created by mortals. Our power armor, weapons and battleships are all produced by mortals. The master of the empire should be a mortal!”

These words attracted a lot of contempt, as if they were looking at a class traitor. A few with bad tempers almost got up and started to fight. It was about to turn into a fight. Horus said angrily:

“What are you doing! Unorganized and undisciplined, let’s listen to what His Highness the Prince has to say first!”

With the pressure of Horus, the Astartes fell silent and stared at the Titan Soldiers. Said continued:

“This ultramarine is right. The world is indeed created by mortals, and materials are indeed produced by mortals. However, in the face of the three major hazards, can mortals protect themselves?”

As soon as these words came out, an Astartes immediately shouted: “No, the years of strife have proved that it is impossible to revive mankind by relying on the strength of mortals themselves!”

Said nodded and said: “That’s right. In the burning galaxy, the world was created by mortals but guarded by Superman. Humanity should be led by Superman!”

“Superman is the vanguard of humanity, the vanguard of the Empire, and the vanguard of human revival. The Emperor is the leader of the vanguard. We should be loyal to the Emperor. Long live the Immortal Emperor!”

“Long live the Immortal Emperor!”

“Praise to the Immortal Emperor!”

The atmosphere reached a climax, and Said then asked: “So…supermen, who is our enemy?”

Someone said without thinking: “They are the three major dangers! Heretics, aliens, and demons!”

Said asked again: “Why does Superman want to fight them?”

Some people still answered without thinking: “For the revival of mankind! For honor! For loyalty!”

Said nodded: “For Superman, what role does loyalty and honor play in human revival?”

The audience immediately fell silent, and many Astartes fell into thinking. After a moment, Horus said: “In order to… be qualified to lead mankind and become the vanguard of mankind!”

Said nodded and his voice gradually became louder:

“The legion commander is right. Only by eliminating the three major hazards can Superman be qualified to lead mankind, be loyal to the Emperor, and be eligible to receive honors!”

“The only criterion for measurement is the heads of the three major hazards. Regardless of the means, the more you kill, the more loyal, honorable, and qualified you are to lead mankind!”

“The Great Crusade is about to begin, go kill! Go prove loyalty and honor! Let the galaxy burn!”

The emotions of the Astartes were ignited, they raised their fists and shouted in unison:

“War! War! War!”

“Sacrifice your blood to the God Emperor, and sacrifice your head to the throne!”

Through this speech, the Astartes unified the goals of the war and proved that they were qualified to be loyal to the Emperor and qualified to lead mankind by eliminating the Three Pests.

The Astartes have no physical needs, Said can only create higher-level needs, loyal to the Emperor to satisfy the need for honor, and leading humans to satisfy the desire for power.

From the effect point of view, it is excellent!

After the meeting, Horus came to Said specifically and praised: “Your Highness, you are so amazing, it makes my blood boil!”

Said smiled and said: “It’s not that I’m great, it’s that I know what they want and what I can give them.”

Horus scratched his bald head and said: “Um…your highness, I want to join your party, learn your ideas, and then promote them in the legion.”

Said was stunned for a moment and then said:

“No problem. If you have any questions in the future, feel free to come to me and I’ll answer it for you personally! I don’t have much else to do, so I’ll leave the task of developing canned members to you!”

Horus nodded and said: “Okay, I will definitely live up to His Highness the Prince’s expectations!”

Said shook his head: “Since we have the same ideas, we don’t need to call you His Highness from now on. Let’s call him Comrade! Comrade Horus!”

Horus smiled and said: “Yes, Comrade Said! Praise the Emperor!”

“Praise the Emperor!”

After the two separated, Said suppressed his smile and fell into deep thought. Just now, Horus saw the potential of the party, and his thoughts were almost unstoppable.

This caused concern, and Said, through the Party of Truth, created a royalist faction in the Legion to weaken the authority of Horus.

Every Primarch was part of the Emperor’s personality. Horus inherited the Emperor’s ambitions and valued power very much, so naturally he did not want this to happen.

Said did have this idea. If successful, it would be an extra layer of insurance in the event of Horus’ rebellion.

However, Horus was not a fool. He immediately reacted and asked Said to join the Party of Truth, thereby monopolizing the power to develop Astartes members in disguise.

But Said is not depressed. Party is an idea. As long as you agree with the idea, you are a comrade. Any contradiction is a contradiction among the people.

If it is a rebellion, it means going against the ideals and becoming the enemy of the All-Truth Party. This is Hong Guoguo’s conspiracy! This is Said’s strongest insurance!

At this time, the Emperor said leisurely: “Sayed, after the war, the Truth Party advocated that the discussion must be re-discussed. You should know, right?”

“If there is a change, how will the original body be dealt with?”

Said nodded: “Don’t worry, Brother Huang, the original body will definitely rebel before the war ends!”

And the war will probably never end!

The Emperor didn’t hesitate much and said to Said: “Get ready, the Great Crusade will begin soon. Find all the originals first!”

It’s another day of loyalty~

When the Emperor separated military and political affairs and established the Terran Council dominated by mortal elites, Horus had a very strong opinion, so it is not surprising that he supports superhuman politics.

The other two updates will be later, probably until the evening!


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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