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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 57 (Seeking follow-up reading) Rogdorn

Said was stunned when he heard the Emperor’s decision. According to the original development of the story, the Emperor should have recovered the original body while on the Great Expedition.

However, now he changed his mind and gathered all the original bodies before starting the expedition.

He couldn’t help but wonder: “Does Brother Huang have a new plan?”

The Emperor shook his head: “It’s not as complicated as you think. You, Said, did not appear in the original prophecy. In order to ensure the efficiency of the Great Crusade, we had to search for the original body while on the expedition.”

Said became even more confused and continued to ask: “What does this have to do with me?”

The Emperor nodded: “Of course. From Terra to Macragge, if you use the star torch to navigate, it will take one year to travel through the subspace. If you use the puppet to navigate, it will only take one month! It is comparable to walking on the Webway!”

Macragge was the homeworld of the Primarch Robert Guilliman, on the edge of the galaxy, almost representing the greatest distance traveled.

If Said Navigation is a GPS, then the Star Torch uses a sextant to observe the sun, moon and stars. If it encounters rainy weather (subspace storm) covering the sky, it will lose its way.

Therefore, Xingju Navigation is bound to take many long detours, and even appear at wrong times. Compared with the GPS that takes a straight line, it is simply a world of difference.

It is worth mentioning that Inuit is only a few dozen light years away from Macragge, and it only takes a few days to travel through subspace.

It took the Loyalty a month to travel from Inuit to Terra. The Emperor was inspired by this and revised the expedition plan.

Therefore, in less than a month, the original bodies will be able to gather on Terra. With the original bodies together, the legion’s combat power will be fully maximized and the expedition efficiency will be maximized.

Although he knew that there would be changes in the future, Said did not expect that there would be so many changes. Whether many of the original bodies would rebel or not was determined from the moment father and son recognized each other.

For example, Angron…

But since Brother Huang made the decision, Said naturally supported it unconditionally, so he asked: “When will we set off!”

The emperor shook his head: “We don’t need to go. I sent twenty clones, each with a part of my power. Together with the imperial army and your puppets, it’s enough to bring them back.”

“Huh?” Said was dumbfounded.

The father and son recognized each other, and the son was moved to tears. He felt that having his biological father was like having the whole world.

As everyone knows, this father is only one in twenty. Your father is picking up different children in many places at the same time.

Said really didn’t know what those sensitive primarchs would think.

But the emperor saw that Said was worried and calmly comforted:

“Don’t worry, the substitute is specially designed based on your prophecy, and the return time will be specially staggered. Those mentally unstable original bodies will not be able to see the flaw.”

Said thought for a moment, nodded and said: “Now that you have thought about it, I will prepare twenty batches of puppets for you.”

“No, just batch 18!” The Emperor waved his hand and said: “There is no need to look for the two failed Primarchs. While I am looking for you, I will use the Extermination Order on their home planet.”

“?wtf!” Said was dumbfounded. He knew that in later history, two primordial legions were purged during the Great Crusade and their records were erased.

This move caused dissatisfaction among the other Primarchs and became one of the triggers for the Horus Heresy.

Based on clues, the hammer guys speculated that the two original bodies had genetic defects and were probably contaminated by aliens, so they had to be destroyed.

Guilliman once said: “They were not a rebellion, but a failure.”

This shows that at the beginning of the design, or during the growth of the original body, it encountered irreversible contamination.

The Emperor calmly explained: “After hearing your prediction, I immediately sequenced the genes of Primarch No. 2 and No. 11, and the results were consistent with the prediction.”

Said sighed: “So, you eliminate the threat in the cradle, they are yours…forget it, Brother Huang did the right thing, although the process was very sad.”

As a hammer man, Said felt extremely regretful that he could not get to know the two missing legions.

After the two reached an agreement, countless puppets were running around outside the palace, preparing warships and various supplies.

In the palace, the two most powerful brothers in the empire talked about the next topic, Said Hui reported:

“Brother Huang, I built a huge fleet in the Inuit system, several times the size of Terra. Do you need me to give you some?”

The Gestalt civilization exploded with terrifying productivity. All Inuit planets were wrapped in steel, and the productivity reached an extremely terrifying level.

The emperor thought for a moment and asked, “If you kept them all, what would you use them for?”

Said replied without hesitation: “Divide the fleet into three groups:

One group went south to explore the Necron world, and then went to enclosure the Tau territory;

The other split the Truth Fleet and followed and monitored the eighteen primarch legions. The Loyalty served as the College of Loyalists to provide ideological education;

The last one serves as the Hōmu expedition fleet and launches an expedition in the name of the Imperial Prince! “

The emperor thought for a moment and continued to ask: “The third prince’s fleet, where do you plan to expedition?”

Said smiled and said: “I will fight wherever Brother Huang points, as long as there is a fight!”

The emperor rubbed Said’s head and said calmly: “Wait for my order then!”

After saying that, he got up and went to the underground of the palace to continue to devote himself to the research of the webway.

Said wanted to help, but it was not much help. At this moment, the research had reached a bottleneck, and a great expedition must be launched to obtain more materials and knowledge before it could continue to advance.

“The main body is free again, where will we go today?” Said pondered in his mind…

According to the Nordic Accords, Said must stay with the Emperor and be protected and controlled by the Imperial Guard and the Sisters of Silence, so after returning to Terra, Said never stepped out of the palace.

As long as he controls Said, the emperor can control the entire Bingmu civilization.

However, he didn’t care. This super palace located in the Himalayas was the holy land in every Hammer’s heart. The secrets inside could not be seen in a hundred years.

While the puppets are running around, the main body is content to be a homebody and tour around the palace.

The days flew by quickly, and in less than a week, Said met the second returning Primarch, Rogal Dorn, known as the Indomitable Man, Master of Tower Defense, and Guard of Terra.

The unyielding person describes his character, he is tough and stubborn, hates lying, and often offends people.

The tower defense master explained his specialty. He was the only civil servant among the original bodies and was good at building castles and fighting defensive battles.

The Praetorian of Terra stated that he spent most of the time guarding the Emperor’s home during the Great Crusade, and was the leader of the Loyalists during Horus’s siege of Terra.

So, when Said saw a serious, resolute, and rigid middle-aged man, he came up and said with a cold face: “Are you Prince Said of the Empire?”

Said smiled and nodded: “Hello, Dorn, I am Said, your uncle. Your Majesty has arranged a place for you in the palace. Please come with me.”

As the two of them walked, Dorn asked, “I have read your Truth Party platform, and I have a question.”

Said smiled and said: “You said, I will tell you everything I know. In fact, your brother Horus often asks you the same question.”

Said was happy in his heart. If he could fool such a stubborn person into joining the organization, the entire Seventh Legion would be stable.

However, Donne asked: “Father said that no one is born worthy of worship, not even himself! Your program requires worship of father, which is extremely disloyal!”

“WTF?” Said was dumbfounded.

The Second and Eleventh Legions are a tragedy. In addition to Guilliman’s words, there is also a lot of data to prove that genes are contaminated. Here I quote the analysis of the boss of Station B.

In addition, Rogal Dorn’s character is really annoying, even if he is a loyalist, he has quarreled with countless people who have nothing to do with him, because he feels that this is different from his father’s teachings.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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