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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 58 Primarchs with different characteristics

Disloyalty is a very serious charge in the Empire and can even be grounds for death.

Said was both angry and inexplicable. All fools knew that the promulgation of the program had to be approved by the emperor, so why was he so disloyal?

In an instant, a breath was blocked in Said’s chest, with nowhere to vent. Just as he was about to say something, Dorn said first:

“Father will never agree to such an assertion. There must be a misunderstanding! I want to go find my father and ask for clarification!”

Damn it! And make a small report!

Said was not a good-tempered man. In an instant, a huge puppet that was not inferior to the original body rushed out and punched Dorn in the face.

“You are a fool. When I was fighting with Brother Huang, you were still drinking milk in the Eskimo’s igloo! How dare you question my loyalty!”

The main body yelled angrily while controlling the puppet to beat Dorn violently. In order to suppress the original body with weird personality, Said specially created a puppet of the original body to challenge them alone.

The original puppet was benchmarked against Horus. During the strengthening process, he often competed with Horus and continuously instilled spiritual strengthening. Until now, it has been able to last ten minutes in the hands of Bald He.

Dorn was caught off guard and was punched to the ground. He then fought back and struggled with the puppet. While fighting back, he replied:

“Right is right and wrong is wrong. Not because you came to dad early, what you said and did is right! I want to tell dad and point out your mistakes!”

The two five-meter giants struggled with each other. Dorne’s combat power was considered to be at the forefront among the original bodies. The puppets of the original body were unable to take down Dorne for a while.

So Said activated his psychic powers and shouted angrily: “Rogal Dorn, kneel down!”

Dorn suddenly couldn’t move his hands and feet, struggling hard and refusing to bend his knees.

Said shouted angrily again:

“Kneel down!”


The psychic power was doubled, and although Dorn fought hard, his knees inevitably bent under the unknown force and hit the ground hard.

As the number of puppets increased, and through countless internal manipulations, Said gained massive amounts of psychic energy at all times.

At this time, his psychic ability was not only comparable to that of the Emperor, but at least not inferior to Malcador or Magnus, it was more than enough to bring down Dorn.

Dorn gritted his teeth and his eyes were angry. The original puppet stepped forward and slapped him.


“This slap slaps you for disrespecting your elders!”


“This slap slaps you for making random accusations!”


“This slap will punish you for being unfaithful and unfilial!”

Finally, he couldn’t stand the accusation against Dorne and immediately retorted: “How could Dorne be unfaithful and unfilial? Dorne is extremely loyal!”

Said said with disdain: “The program must be reviewed by the Emperor. If you say that the Emperor has misunderstood the program, you are questioning the emperor’s judgment!”

“As a human minister, this is called disloyalty!”

“As a son of man, this is called unfilial piety!”

After saying that, without waiting for him to argue, he picked him up and carried him deep into the palace. There, the emperor built large villas for each primarch.

Throwing Donne into the villa, Said ignored him and left.

At this moment, he couldn’t help but have a headache, because the Emperor had given him the task of receiving the original body. It would not be easy to do this job if there were thorns like Dorn.

Originally, he wanted to use this to promote the Party of Truth, but now it would be nice to be able to coexist peacefully. After all, not every Primarch is like Horus!

But he soon stopped worrying. After fighting Dorn, he found that the original puppets combined with psychic powers were enough to suppress the original body.

If you encounter a thorn again, just like Dorn, you will be beaten until you are convinced. No matter what your stubborn character is, your fist is the truth!

In the next few days, Dorn did not come to trouble Said. Instead, he went to see the Emperor and found Said to sincerely apologize:

“I’m sorry, Your Highness, my father said that people have the right to worship. The Truth Party only calls for worship, but does not force worship. I am one-sided…”

Then the conversation changed: “But in my eyes, the Truth Party is still very dangerous, and it is easy to misinterpret what my father said, so I can’t agree with it. Goodbye!”

After leaving his words, Dorn turned and left, leaving behind a confused Said.

If you don’t agree, don’t agree. Said gave up convincing this person, then turned a corner and saw two figures, one golden and one purple.

A man with blond hair and gold armor, a pair of white wings on his back, and a handsome and beautiful face. He has both the fortitude of a man and the beauty of a woman, just like a holy angel.

The other has white hair and purple clothes, a delicate and beautiful face, and gorgeous and noble clothes. He is like a male protagonist from a shoujo manga. When he looks in the mirror, he wishes he had fallen in love with him.

Both of them had kind smiles on their faces, and Said easily recognized their identities: the angel Sanguinius, and the purple phoenix Fulgrim.

The most beautiful person in the galaxy, he has single-handedly raised the average appearance of humans to be on par with the Eldar.

However, the two of them have different emphasis on handsomeness. Although they are both equally good-looking, Xiaosheng prefers natural looks, while Xiaofu has more embellishments.

Said couldn’t help but imagine what they would look like after their sexual transformation.

“Hello, Your Highness, dear uncle, nice to meet you!” Fulgrim greeted friendly.

Sanguinius admired:

“Along the way, people are praising the name of the Puppet Master. Your puppets have improved Terra’s administration and production, benefited the people, and are worthy of my respect, Sanguinius.”

Said was overjoyed. It seemed that not all the original bodies were thorns, so he said: “They are all for sharing your Majesty’s worries and for the great cause of human rejuvenation!”

Then he asked: “By the way, why did you two come back together?”

In order to prevent the clones from being exposed, the return time of the Primarchs will be staggered, and it is almost impossible for them to return at the same time.

Purple Phoenix smiled and said: “Before I came to the palace, I traveled on Terra and met my ninth brother who had the same idea. Then we traveled together for the rest of the journey and returned to the palace.”

“But when I was traveling, I saw the changes that the puppets brought to Terra, which shocked me so much that I could hardly find any fault with it!”

Said was flattered. You know, the third sister… the third nephew is a perfectionist. During his growth, he almost made his wasteland home planet look brand new.

From the Emperor, Sayid learned that many Primarchs did not return to the palace immediately after leaving the spaceship, but traveled on Terra to get familiar with the new empire.

So he laughed and said, “All this is the credit of the Imperial Truth. Without the direction pointed out by His Majesty’s words, the puppets would not have achieved such success.”

As they spoke, several people came to the palace villa complex, and Sayid handed each person a booklet: “Everyone, the Truth Party should learn about it. If we have the same ideas, we are comrades!”

Before parting, both of them said that they would get to know each other well, and Sayid rekindled the hope that the Primarch of La would join the organization.

A few days later, a quarrel came from the gate of the palace.

“Father is not a god, he denied it himself! There is no god in this world!”

“Father is a god, and he will not be a god just because he denies it. The Truth Party’s program has made the latest interpretation of the Imperial Truth and has not denied the statement of the God-Emperor! There are still a large number of members in the organization who agree with the God-Emperor!”

“Father is the Human Emperor!”

“God Emperor!”

“Human Emperor!”

Sayid smiled and said, “Guilliman, Lorgar, why don’t you come in and talk!”

Don’t look at Fulgrim’s flamboyant and showy appearance. Before he surrendered, he had a very good personality and was very compassionate. He got along well with many Primarchs.

Moreover, he did not conquer the world as a dragon in his home planet, but worked as a workshop worker in a factory. He improved production tools to benefit the people, used the machines of the golden age to develop productivity, improved people’s lives, and conveyed three very positive energy perspectives: encouraging people to transcend the status quo and strive to realize their self-worth, rather than being a worker who works hard for survival all their lives… 3k leeks are simply crying


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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