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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 59 Primarch Gathering

Guilliman has blond hair and blue eyes, with eyes as bright as torches, and a metal oak leaf iron ring on his head. At first glance, one can’t help but think of the Roman statue of Caesar, thinking that he is resurrected.

Lorgar’s face and bald head are covered with scripture runes, which are very recognizable. If all the words are erased, it is not difficult to find that he is a handsome monk.

Outside the palace gate, the two argued with each other until Sayid appeared and asked together:

“Are you our uncle, the Imperial Prince Sayid?”

Sayid smiled and nodded and said, “I am, welcome home, come with me, I will take you to the residence in the palace!”

The eyes of the two lit up, and Guilliman immediately stepped forward and asked, “Did you write the platform of the Truth Party?”

Lorgar asked anxiously, “It is advocated that the father should be worshipped, and only gods should be worshipped, so the father is the god, right?”

Guilliman retorted: “No, humans can also be worshipped. In my hometown, many people who have made great contributions are also worshipped. They are human beings!” Luo Jia crossed his hands in front of his chest, looked up at the sky, and said devoutly: “When they are unknown, they are human beings, but when they have made immortal achievements, are well-known to people, and become that majestic statue, they are gods!” “In my eyes, my father has mastered immortal power, made unparalleled achievements, become a majestic statue, and is worshiped by the people. He is a god!” Guilliman shook his head: “No, my father denied that he is a god, so he is not a god. Worship is just a need of the times. Am I right, uncle prince!” At this moment, the three of them walked in the palace at dusk, and the faint light of the setting sun on the horizon shone, dragging out three long shadows. If a painter in the future saw this scene, he would definitely draw this scene and let this “Human-God Debate” be passed down through the ages. Sayid thought for a moment and said, “Whether your majesty is a man or a god, the truth is not important. Everything depends on the current situation.”

“When the current situation requires your majesty to be a god, your majesty is a god. When the current situation requires your majesty to be a man, your majesty is a man!”

But the two brothers were not satisfied with this answer. Whether they are human or gods determines whether the world is materialistic or idealistic, and also determines the foundation of the original body’s belief building.

Although Sayid knew the truth, he did not say it. If he said it, it would definitely cause one of them to collapse in his three views. With the original body’s twisted personality, it would inevitably cause unknown changes.

So he shook his head and said, “I don’t know either. For thousands of years, I have often asked my brother the same question, and he always gave me a negative answer.” Guilliman had a triumphant expression on his face, and Sayid continued, “But he has done a series of great deeds that only gods can accomplish!” Upon hearing this, Lorja immediately said devoutly to the palace: “Praise the Immortal God-Emperor! I firmly believe that my father is a god, and even if he is not, he will eventually become a god!” Sayid was stunned and asked, “Lorja, why do you think your majesty has become a god?” Lorja said, “Human emotions will act on the sea of ​​souls, and the sea of ​​souls will react to reality and become a real god.” “Father is deeply loved by the people. As long as there are enough humans who believe that father is a god, father can become a god!” Guilliman immediately retorted: “What sea of ​​souls? Everything can be explained by science. It’s just that we lack knowledge and can’t understand it correctly!” Looking at the two people who were arguing again, Sayid suddenly thought that before Lorja was teleported to the mother planet, the baby cabin floated in the subspace for thirty years. It’s hard to say what happened during this period. At this time, the three arrived at the villa area of ​​the palace. As usual, Sayid stuffed a pamphlet into each of them and said with a smile: “Take a look at the Emperor’s Truth Party. If you are interested, you are welcome to join!”

Guilliman had already seen it and said decisively: “I basically agree with the Truth Party’s propositions on politics, economy, culture, etc., so I will join!”

Lorga was not to be outdone: “Father is a god, and more people should be aware of this. I will join too!”

Sayid was overjoyed and said immediately: “Welcome, Comrade Guilliman, Comrade Lorga, go directly to Horus, he is your direct leader.”

Currently in the Truth Party, the Primarchs and Astartes are under the jurisdiction of Horus, and the mortals are under the jurisdiction of Sayid. The two are responsible for the organizational construction of different objects.

Soon, there was a noise outside the villa area. Horus brought a large group of giants as tall as him into the villa area. They talked and laughed with each other, and the atmosphere was quite good.

After seeing Sayid, Horus smiled and said, “Your Highness, I have brought the rest of the brothers to you.”

Then Sayid saw Chagatai Khan, Leman Russ, Perturabo, Iron Hands… and a bunch of other Primarchs.

Except for Angron, all the other Primarchs were there, so he said in a friendly way:

“Nephews, welcome home, this is your living area, you can find the Imperial Guards or puppets if you have any problems, His Majesty will come to see you soon.”

The Primarchs cast contemptuous glances from time to time. In front of a group of giants, Sayid was too short, almost like a child.

Such a dwarf is their uncle? Father’s younger brother? Their elder?

It’s a bit unpleasant!

Sayid snorted coldly, and the Primarch-level puppet stood behind him, with a five-meter body comparable to the Primarch, defeating those contemptuous glances.

After settling his nephew, Sayid pulled Horus aside and asked, “Lorgar and Guilliman have entered the duang, how are you doing?”

Horus looked helpless: “It’s difficult, except for Sanguinius, no one else cares!”

Sayid was puzzled and asked, “Then why are they fighting? There must be a reason for fighting, right?”

Horus said: “For many Primarchs, war itself is enjoyment, and there are no complicated motives behind it.”

After Horus explained it, Said found that he wanted to be simple.

Fulgrim felt that the aliens were too ugly and wanted to purify them, not caring about the revival of humanity.

Petula himself was a pacifist and liked to build. Even going to the battlefield was just to please the emperor. However, the program advocated revenge through war, which he had no interest in at all.

The Night Lord Curze fights to be a vigilante, using fear to enforce law and justice, and doesn’t care about anything else.

Vulkan took a clear stand against superhuman politics and advocated that the mortal elite should hold power; the Thousand Sons had a good impression of demons and facilitated the study of subspace.

Senior Sister Fei, White Scar, and Lemanus were from relatively primitive planets and did not understand the complex political program, nor did they want to understand it. Alpha had already surrendered to the secret sect, so there was no hope at all.

Only the Lion King and Dark Crow did not express their opinions, only expressing their understanding.

Said helplessly raised his forehead and thought to himself: “This is Superman. He is so casual.”

Then he said: “Let them go, right? Where’s Mortarion?”

At this time, Horus seemed to remember something and said:

“Sayed, you have to be careful about Mortarion. He has gone crazy. He thinks puppets are a kind of alien pollution. Don’t talk about joining your party, he also wants to kill you!”

“???” Said had a black question mark on his face, and then he saw a Primarch carrying a sickle and wearing a respirator walking towards him.

Saeed knew he was Mortarion, and he couldn’t breathe the fresh air, so he used a mask to inhale the drug fumes.

Horus stood in front of Said and said coldly: “Mortarion, what do you want to do! You are not allowed to be disrespectful to His Highness the Prince!”

Mortarion waved his scythe and said: “Horus, get out of the way, I want to eliminate this hateful alien!”

Just as Horus was about to take action, Said patted him on the shoulder and said, “It’s okay, Xiaohe, I just want to teach this stupid moth a lesson!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the original giant god soldier rushed forward!

10,000 years later, in 40k, Guilliman picked up Lorgar’s Book of Sacred Words for the first time. It demonstrated why the Emperor was a god throughout, and he found it very reasonable~

Guilliman has always been a staunch materialist fighter, and he is the only one who firmly believes in the truth of the Empire.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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