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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 60 The days of being a nanny to the Primarch

The Primarch’s Giant God soldier held the line, while the main body cast a spell with psychic power in the back, easily controlling Mortarion’s movements, making him bend his knees and kneel on the ground.

The puppet then punched hard, hitting Xiao Mo’s head with an uppercut. The Primarch was about to say something, but because of the smashed mask, he coughed when he inhaled fresh air.

The Primarch’s Giant God soldier strengthened his strength and agility, and even Horus didn’t dare to take his punches. With just one punch, Xiao Mo was beaten beyond recognition, with a bruised face.

Unlike Dorn’s offense, Sayid simply suppressed Mortarion violently, punching him to the flesh without any restraint.

Because he knew that the conflict between the two could not be reconciled at all.

Mortarion was born on the planet of Barbarus, which was full of poisonous gas. He was adopted by an alien (actually a human corrupted by Nurgle), suffered from abuse by his adoptive father, and hated the aliens in particular.

And because his adoptive father often tortured people with psychic power, he hated psychic power. Sayid had both psychic power and aliens, and he was simply incompatible with Xiao Mo, and there was no way to educate him.

Originally in history, Malcador was good at psychic powers, so Xiao Mo wanted to kill him, and even hated other brothers who used psychic powers. His popularity was very poor.

Moreover, the reason why this guy rebelled in the future is a mystery. Although he had a feud with the emperor, it was not enough to rebel. It can only be attributed to his natural rebellious nature.

For this rebellious son, Sayid simply let go and beat him up, learning from Batman Curze and setting rules with fear.

Seeing that Xiao Mo was beaten to the ground and dying, Horus hurriedly tried to smooth things over:

“Your Highness, calm down. Xiao Mo is new here and doesn’t know the rules. I will go down and talk to him clearly…”

Horus had to give face, Sayid snorted coldly, let Mortarion go, and threw down a sentence:

“I am the prince of the Empire, the brother of the Emperor, and everything I do represents the will of the Emperor. Opposing me is opposing the Emperor and is disloyal. Mortarion, if you do it again, I will kill you without mercy!”

Because the noise was so loud, many Primarchs came out to watch. When they heard Sayid’s words, they felt a chill running down their feet and dared not underestimate their uncle who was as tall as their waists.

In the following days, Sayid realized the hardship of being a mother. The Primarchs were like a group of giant babies with vigorous experience. They couldn’t sit still on the second day.

Curze turned into Batman and flew to the hive to do justice; White Scar went to the Siberian wilderness to race; Vulcan did charity in the slums; Finus and Fu Meifeng went to compete in making weapons…

There were also many quiet ones, such as Perturabo and Dorn who were repairing infrastructure in various places on Terra and made great contributions; Mortarion was recovering from his injuries; Magnus spent all day in the library…

These were the Primarchs who knew where they were going, and there were many who did not know where they went. Only when there was an explosion or riot somewhere could we vaguely detect traces of the Primarch’s activities.

And the Little Saint, Guilliman, Lorgar, Horus and the Sayid puppet discussed the Truth Party’s program and decided on the future work plan.

The five people formed the ruling bureau of the Party of Truth, with different emphases and overlapping divisions of labor. They voted to pass the “Outline of the Initial Action Plan for the Great Crusade”, and the initial division of labor among the five people was as follows:

Sanguinius implemented the external propositions of the program to ensure that military actions were in line with revanchism, expansionism, racial cleanliness, etc.;

Guilliman was responsible for economic propositions, implementing planned economy and giving priority to the development of heavy industry to provide a material basis for the expedition;

Horus was responsible for implementing political propositions and maintaining the Empire’s military-first, authoritarian, and superhuman dominance.

Lorgar was responsible for implementing cultural propositions, advocating the worship of the Emperor, the three major dangers of hatred, and the manifest destiny of mankind to rule the galaxy.

He creatively proposed to form a battle brotherhood in each Astartes Legion, where groups of three or five would speak freely regardless of military ranks and positions and learn the program from each other.

In this way, as long as one person is a member of the Party of Truth, he would spread the ideas of the program to the other few people. Even if the Primarch did not believe in the Party of Truth, he could not stop the spread of the Party of Truth in the Legion.

Although the Primarchs suppressed their descendants by blood, they were still able to think independently. Before the Horus Heresy, the loyalists accounted for almost half of the army.

Finally, Sayid was responsible for supervision and training, and supervised the Legion of Truth and the Academy of the Loyalty. The former was composed of puppet legions and served as a military police to supervise the army, while the latter trained activists into cadres.

During this period, various parts of Terra were in chaos because of the Primarchs. The White Scars’ drag racing and Curze’s lynching were minor matters. The biggest one was the fight between Dorn and Perturabo.

The fight between the two Primarchs collapsed half a block, almost like two Hulks, and no one could stop it.

The cause was that Fulgrim was chatting with two civil engineers, and Fu Meifeng asked Dorn: “Can you build a fortress that Perturabo can’t break?”

Dorn replied straightforwardly: “I can!”

Then Perturabo felt greatly insulted, so he had a conflict with Dorn, and Dorn’s temper instantly intensified the conflict.

Civil affairs belonged to Makado, but he threw it to Sayid, who made Sayid the nanny of the Primarch?

Sayid had to personally lead the Giant Gods to stop the fight, using psychic power to control the actions. The Primarch Giant Gods were violent, and each of them was given fifty lashes and thrown back to the villa for confinement.

Afterwards, Sayid felt extremely tired. Although the main body did not move much, the continuous chaos made him nervous and he could not help but miss the days when Inuit controlled everything.

If he was not there, the job of taking care of the children should be done by Makado, but this old shaman couldn’t stand Sayid’s idleness and pushed the job to him.

Sayid planned to develop members of the Primarch, so he readily agreed. Now it seems that it is hard to say whether it is a profit or a loss.

So, he mentally contacted the emperor: “Brother Emperor, how long does it take for Angron to arrive? Being a nanny is really hard to do, especially the nanny of the original body.”

The two brothers had the same mind. The emperor knew what Said had been through these days, and he said with a guilty tone:

“Thank you for your hard work, my brother. Gather the primarchs and prepare them to take over the legion. The Great Crusade has begun!”

Said was surprised: “Angron hasn’t arrived yet, aren’t you waiting for him?”

There is a webway exit near Angron’s home planet, so the Emperor’s clone only brought a few Imperial Guards and puppets to retrieve Angron.

At that time, Angron was carrying out a gladiator uprising and demanded that tens of thousands of his men be taken back to Terra. However, the Emperor had an agreement with Xigoch to limit the number of people passing through the webway and could not take these people away.

If violated, the Eldar could close the webway at any time. Based on this consideration, the Emperor gave a second option, waiting for Angron to complete the uprising.

However, until now, Angron has not overthrown the slave master rule. The Emperor’s clone watched the uprising process and couldn’t help but feel deep contempt.

Angron was known as the City Devourer. His head was planted with the Butcher’s Nail by his slave master, which made him extremely bloodthirsty. Every time he captured a city, he immediately massacred it indiscriminately.

This resulted in Angron being the enemy of the whole world, and the rebel army’s progress was slow.

Said suggested: “How about we go down and help, it can speed up the battle.”

The emperor shook his head: “It’s useless. Look at what this beast did. Besides slaughtering the city, he slaughtered the city. Unless he killed all the tens of billions of people on the planet, the uprising would not be successful.”

“Leave him alone, let him continue his reckless behavior, and just pick him up during the Great Expedition!”

The boss and Dorn are mortal enemies~

Xiao Mo is really arrogant. There is no need to talk nonsense to this kind of person, just beat him up~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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