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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 61 Expedition Parade

When the Emperor decided to launch the Great Crusade, the Mandeville Point of the solar system was distorted, and a fleet of unprecedented size jumped out.

Despite being notified in advance, the local defense forces were still shocked because the fleet was so large.

There are thousands of battleships, aircraft carriers, battle cruisers and other main ships, and various light cruise destroyers and other auxiliary ships are endless as far as the eye can see.

The commander is certain that even if all the imperial warships combined are not enough to cover half of them.

After leaving Mandeville Point, the fleet headed straight for Terra, quietly anchoring at the gravitational balance point, receiving attention from all sides.

They are the Inuit military fleet. Under Said’s instruction, they appeared in the eyes of all parties in Terra in an extremely domineering manner.

Through the puppet perception, Said looked at the huge fleet and couldn’t help but say something in his mind:

My fleet covers the sky, no matter how many suns there are in the sky, so… it sweeps across a thousand stars!

This is not an exaggeration. If the military and wooden fleet were spread out, it would be enough to block the sun.

At this time, as soon as the emperor gave instructions to Angron and decided to start the Great Crusade, Said’s face turned red with excitement and his body trembled:

“Brother Huang, hurry up and start, I can’t wait waaaagh to travel across the galaxy!”

With an army in hand and fighting spirit rising, Said can’t wait to lead his fleet to compete in the galaxy!

The emperor smiled slightly, touched Said’s head, and said calmly:

“Soon, the expedition ceremony will be held tomorrow, the Primarchs will take over their armies, and then the expedition will begin!”

“In addition, thank you Said, because of your appearance, I was able to launch the expedition earlier than expected, and I was even more prepared!”

“If there are gods in this universe, then you must be a gift from the gods to mankind. I thank you on behalf of mankind!”

With the addition of Said’s puppet, the army construction, material preparation, and expedition time far exceeded the emperor’s expectations.

It can be said that compared with the original history of hastily launching wars and supporting wars, the emperor was much more calm at this time.

But after all, it was the Lord of Humanity’s thanks. Said was flattered and a little embarrassed, scratching his head and said:

“Hahaha, I actually didn’t do anything. If Brother Huang wants to thank you, then hurry up and go on an expedition. I’ve been farming recently and I’ve been having trouble with it!”

The emperor smiled and said: “As you wish!”

The next day, the two took the golden battleship and arrived at the Mandeville Point in the solar system.

There, the empire built a huge naval fortress, and any enemy coming out of Mandeville would be attacked head-on.

In addition to the huge firepower, there are countless battleships parked here and countless armies stationed here. The expedition fleet will enter the subspace from here and embark on the journey.

Today, a huge square was expanded in front of the fortress, and the infantry formed numerous square formations and waited quietly in the upper square.

The Adeptus Custodes, Sisters of Silence, Primarch Legions, Soldier Wood Legions, and Mechanicus troops gathered in the square. These were the armies of almost all factions in the Empire.

The Emperor was to stage a grand military parade, the starting point of the Great Crusade and the first public appearance of the Primarch to the world.

The golden battleship landed in the square, and the emperor walked out in golden armor, followed closely by Said in white gilt robes. In front of them, seventeen primarchs had already lined up waiting.

The Primarchs stepped forward one after another, took the Legion’s banner from the Emperor’s hands, and then returned to the Legion’s square, where the Emperor announced the start of the parade.

“Long live the Emperor!” “Long live the Empire!” “Long live Mankind!”

The Astartes, the Mortal Auxiliaries, the Puppet Legions, and the Adeptus Mechanicus troops walked past the rostrum one by one and saluted the golden-armored giant with an eagle salute, and the Emperor returned the same salute.

At the same time, in the sky above the planets in the solar system, huge projections broadcast the military parade simultaneously. Looking up at the sky anywhere in the solar system, you can see the golden emperor and his loyal troops.

Outside the orbit of the planet, the Hingmu battleship emits projections and broadcasts sounds to the planet.

“Praise the Emperor!” “Long live the Emperor!”

“Is the young man beside the emperor Said, the prince of the empire? He is so handsome!”

“The Emperor lives forever and the Prince is always in good health!”

“Not as handsome as Prince Sanguinius!”

“Fart, Fulgrim is the prettiest!”

“It must be exciting to knock the three of them…”

Amidst countless loyal discussions, the overwhelming fleet sailed past the star port and was broadcast throughout the solar system through live broadcast.

The huge battleships, in infinite numbers, easily aroused the fear of giants in human genes. Countless humans trembled and knelt down, begging the God Emperor for blessing.

Seeing the huge military strength, the people of the empire were full of confidence in the Great Crusade, and their support for the war continued to rise.

After the military parade ended, the emotions of the solar system reached their peak, and the emperor slowly spoke in front of the entire empire:

“People of the empire, no enemy can stop us from establishing a great cause for thousands of years. For the continuation of mankind, for the glory of the empire, and for the happiness of the people, the imperial army will fight against all enemies until they fall or victory comes!”

“Long live the Emperor!”

“Praise be to Omnisiah!”

“The Emperor’s glory lasts forever!”

At this time, the emperor continued:

“We are about to regain control of the Milky Way, but the subspace aliens will tear the real universe into pieces, and the real universe aliens will feast on the corpse of the Milky Way!”

“It is mankind’s manifest destiny to defend the galaxy. We must go on an expedition to kill all the aliens and restore mankind’s past glory!”

“We have conquered the solar system and stepped back into the cradle of raising mankind. The stars in the sky are waving to us. It is time to take the final step!”

The entire empire was boiling, and countless people shouted: “Kill all the aliens, revive humanity, and defend the galaxy!”

The emperor’s voice became calmer: “Now, we have cleaned up religion and eradicated the gods and fears in people’s minds. Next, we will connect the humans scattered in the star sea and restore the old territory of mankind!”

“At that time, people will safely travel across the stars, all the resources of the galaxy will be at their fingertips, demons and aliens will be eliminated forever, and the laws of the empire are the strongest protection for mankind!”

Finally, the Emperor raised his right fist and shouted loudly: “To revive humanity! I declare: The expedition begins!”

The solar system is boiling!

On this day, later known as the Great Expedition, the Emperor delivered his Expedition Speech, declaring that humanity would once again dominate the galaxy and fulfill its Manifest Destiny to rule the galaxy.

After the parade, the Emperor summoned all the Primarchs, Said, Malcador, and the Forge-Generals of the Adeptus Mechanicus for a military council of the expedition.

At the meeting, the Emperor announced the formation of eighteen Primarch Legions, each of which, in addition to the Astartes, also included the Mortal Auxiliary Army and the Wooden Auxiliary Army, as well as the Mechanicus troops, the Legion of Truth.

After the reorganization of the Legion is completed, the Primarch Legion will return to its home planet and use it as a base to launch expeditions in all directions, with the Emperor as the overall commander in charge of the overall situation.

The Emperor kept his word, and no one had any objections. He then set about arranging the details of each Primarch Legion’s expedition direction, regional governance, logistics and supplies.

The meeting lasted for ten days before the initial expedition strategy was finalized. At this time, the Primarch Legion was reorganized and disappeared into Mandeville Point one after another at the Emperor’s order.

Looking at the disappeared fleet of the original body, Said wondered: “Brother Huang, what is the mission of the Prince’s Legion?”

The Emperor handed Said a map that marked the direction of Said’s expedition, starting from the Eye of Terror and continuing across the galaxy.

The direction was inexplicably familiar, and Said couldn’t help blurting out: “This is…a big rift!”

The Great Crusade has begun~ The speech has been revised several times. It must not only fit the emperor’s personality, but also shock people’s hearts, and also present the platform of the Party of Truth~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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