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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 62 Blackstone Expedition, Dealing with the Oil Man

From Said’s prophecy, the Emperor knew of the existence of the Great Rift, saying:

“The premise for the emergence of the Great Rift is that Abaddon destroyed the black stone obelisk in the Rift area through twelve black expeditions.”

“The black stone obelisk has a forbidden magic field that can shield psychic energy and close subspace rifts. The raw material of the obelisk, black stone, is also an important material for building the Webway.”

Said probably understood what the emperor meant, and he replied: “So, the emperor wants me to seize the black stone world, protect the obelisk, and mine the black stone deposits?”

The Emperor nodded: “Yes, my brother, this gap across the galaxy requires a huge force to occupy. The Empire cannot do it, the Mechanicus cannot do it, only you, Said, and only the Bingmu Legion can do it!” “

This also explains why in the original history, the Emperor did not send a special force to occupy the Great Rift. It was not because he didn’t want to, but because he couldn’t.

The Great Rift stretches across the galaxy, from one end to the other, and no Legion but the Said has the power to control it.

Thinking of this, Said said seriously: “I understand Brother Huang, I promise to complete the task!”

Then he remembered something and asked: “By the way, Brother Huang, can you activate the black stone obelisk and open the forbidden magic field?”

The emperor nodded: “I can, but it can only last for a few hours, and then it will cool down for a long time. After all, I don’t know much about black stones.”

“That’s why we need the Inuit Army to study the Necrons and find more efficient ways to utilize them.”

Said remembered that when Magnus blasted through the webway, the black stone had no effect at all. If the forbidden magic field was in effect, Ponyboy’s psychic bomb would not be able to break through the defense at all.

At this time, the emperor seemed to remember something and said regretfully:

“Actually, I also know that there are six black stone fortresses in the Gothic Sector, each of which is a weapon against subspace. Unfortunately… I only know switches and simple operations, and nothing else!”

Ultimately, for the Emperor, Blackstone technology was immature and had many unstable factors. Although it was powerful, it could not be trusted.

Said understood the Emperor’s concerns. If he encountered races with deeper technological foundations, such as the Eldar and Necrons, they would become remote-controlled bombs with backdoors.

The most appropriate approach is to leave the fortress in the remote Gothic sector and deploy heavy troops to defend it. Said said: “Do I need the prince’s army to occupy it in advance?”

The Emperor shook his head: “No, the Prince’s fleet is expeditionary across the entire Great Rift. No matter how many troops there are, it is still stretched thin. It is not suitable to divide the troops to occupy a star sector, so I gave Ryan the responsibility.”

Lion’s First Legion, known as the Grand Keepers, possesses many weapons from the Golden Age, originally used to deal with the Mechanicum rebellion.

However, now that Said knows all the technologies of the Golden Age and is enough to suppress the Mechanicum, the First Legion has a new mission: guarding the Blackstone Fortress!

After figuring out these joints, Said said: “Then I will let the prince’s army set off now, starting from Cartier and the Maelstrom, to clear the entire great rift!”

The Emperor said: “The Mechanicus will also follow suit to assist you in researching black stone creations and mining black stone deposits.”

Said frowned: “The Mechanicus? What are they doing here? Can I command them? The Prince’s Legion can independently complete mining and research tasks!”

The Mechanicus is extremely independent. From a legal point of view, it is completely possible to ignore Said’s orders. The Black Stone is an important weapon of the country. Said feels very bad when two forces that do not belong to each other intervene.

The Emperor calmly explained: “Don’t worry Said, you, like me, have a complete set of Golden Age technologies, and the Mechanicus also knows this.”

“In the eyes of the Mechanicus, if I am Omnissiah, you are the original power. If you join the Mechanicus, Forging General is just your starting point!”

Said was surprised: “You mean the oil man will obey my orders?”

The emperor nodded and said: “Yes, until your knowledge is drained, or they truly realize that the technology of the golden age is yesterday’s news, and they must find another way, until then, they are more obedient than dogs!”

Said had a lot of knowledge in his mind. If he squeezed the toothpaste a little bit, it would be enough for a long time. Moreover, there were many factions within the Mechanicus, and the technology was not popular.

This means that Said can sell the same technology many times!

After thinking about this, Said no longer rejected the Mechanicus and nodded: “Okay, I will let the puppet interact with the Mechanicus.”

Outside the conference room, General Foundry found the Said puppet and said:

“Your Excellency Prince, during the God of All Machines’ speech, we are very interested in your planetary projection and broadcasting technology, and I wonder if we are willing to exchange it.”

Said puppet replied: “What can you exchange for it?”

The Foundry General replied: “Everything! As long as you provide enough knowledge, you can take away everything from the Mechanicus!”

“Whether it’s the planet, the military, scientific research assistance, power within the church, etc., I can give it to you!”

At this time, the puppet took out a piece of wetware, handed it to the foundry general, and said with a smile: “How much can the information inside, plus the planet projection broadcast technology, be exchanged for?”

The Foundry General’s whole body is mechanized, with multiple mechanical tentacles. At first glance, it looks like a mechanical octopus. It pulled out a wire from its body, connected it to the wetware, and instantly trembled:

“Oh, it turns out to be a panacea! Praise the God of All Machines! Are you really willing to exchange this great knowledge?”

Panacea is a black technology of the Golden Age that can cure all human diseases. Later generations of the Mechanicus once found the relevant STC, but it was taken away by Black Bean Sprout.

The gods who created the Warhammer universe obviously don’t want to make life easy for humans, but since Said is here, he will naturally not let the tragedy happen again.

Once the Mechanicus obtains the panacea, it will be mass-produced to benefit more humans.

Said nodded: “I agree to the exchange, but I hope it’s worth the money!”

The Foundry General said: “You name the price. I can give you whatever Mars has!”

Said said: “A Mechanical Ark also has a supporting machine soul maintenance team. In addition, I hope that the Mechanicus will not send armed forces during the Blackstone Expedition. After all… your mission is only to assist in scientific research and mining!”

Ark Mechanicus is known as a mobile hive. As long as there are enough raw materials, it can produce all items. It is also equipped with powerful weapons. It is the crystallization of the Mechanicum’s manufacturing technology.

The Foundry General thought for a moment and then said:

“No problem, but we are confused. The Mechanical Ark technology comes from the golden age. Your Highness should have relevant knowledge. Why not build one yourself?”

Said said: “Because there is no time, even if the puppet infrastructure is invincible, it will take many years for a hive city to reach its limit. The same goes for the Mechanical Ark. It will take years of monkey years and horses and moons to build it!”

“And there are no machine spirits in the Golden Age. My puppet does not believe in Omnissiah and cannot appease the machine spirits. I need your help.”

The Foundry General nodded and said: “Understood, the Mechanicus will provide a mechanical ark. In addition, the Blackstone Expedition will be led by your Excellency, and the Skitarii will not be dispatched!”

As a result, the two reached a technology exchange agreement, and the process was quite pleasant. The foundry general said:

“Your Highness, can you join the Cult Mechanicus like your brother and become the incarnation of the original power?”

Said: “???”

During the 12th Black Crusade, Abaddon was able to easily control the Blackstone Fortress. The knowledge came from the Emperor’s former servant Molyana, so it is speculated that the Emperor knew how to operate the Blackstone Fortress, but not much.

Further speculation suggests that Dihuang also has a certain understanding of the material Blackstone, recalling that during the Great Crusade, the Second Legion, which erased data, was ordered to explore the Necron world, probably in order to perfect the technology of manipulating the Blackstone forbidden magic field.

So here it is set that the emperor knows a little bit about it


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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