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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 63 Poor Angron

The trinity of Primordial Power, Omnisiah, and Mechanicus constitutes the faith of the Mechanicus. Becoming the incarnation of any one of them means being able to mobilize massive resources of the Mechanicus.

In the eyes of the mechanical monks, knowledge is linked to the value of life itself. The more knowledge, the more advanced the life, and the closer it is to the gods.

According to the oil man, the Emperor is the incarnation of Omnisiah. Like the Emperor, Said possesses a vast amount of knowledge of the Golden Age and is as close to God as the Emperor.

Therefore, according to the doctrine, there is no problem at all for Said to be the incarnation of the original power.

Regardless of belief and technology, the navigation, communication, and Gestalt labor force of the puppet itself are all things that the oil guy urgently needs.

They relied on technology and thought that Said would go to Mars to find them like the Emperor, but they miscalculated.

Said has almost no need for the Mechanicus, and the Bingmu Legion is completely technically self-sufficient, so before today, there was no contact between the two sides.

As the expedition began, the Primarch Legions all used puppets for communication and navigation, but the Mechanicus still used Star Torches and Astropaths. They could no longer sit still.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of technology transactions, we reached a deeper cooperation with Said in exchange for navigation, communication and labor services.

After understanding the oil man’s intentions, Said readily agreed, and the two parties signed a cooperation agreement again.

Said became the incarnation of the original power, enjoyed a high status among the oilmen, and was able to mobilize massive Mechanicum resources like the Emperor.

As a deal, Said must provide navigation, communication, and labor services to the Oil Man. Each forging world specially establishes a military block to produce puppet labor.

The hive of Terra uses puppets as laborers. Even if they are only placed in management positions, under the Gestalt consciousness, the production capacity can still be increased several times, and the Mechanicus is particularly jealous.

The production capacity of some hive cities even exceeds that of the forge world? How can the oil guys endure it? They must introduce puppets.

But in this way, Said’s power will be like a tentacle, penetrating into the Mechanicus, and the prince faction will inevitably be included in the religion.

The Forging General must have known this too, so he simply deepened his bond with Said and was crowned the incarnation of the original power.

The prince’s fleet set off first and headed for Cadia. At Mandeville Point, Said stood in front of the porthole and watched the fleet go away.

Behind him, the Emperor gazed at the galactic star map, where worlds changed color to signify their return to the Lord of Mankind.

After an unknown amount of time, the emperor said, “Sayed, are we about to set off too?”

Said wondered: “Where to go?”

The emperor said calmly: “Go to Nuceria and bring Angron back!”

Said was stunned. The emperor didn’t say anything, and he almost forgot. Poor Angron, I don’t know how his gladiator uprising is going.

This time they did not take the webway, but took a mixed fleet composed of wooden warships and golden warships to travel through the subspace for a week and arrived at Nuceria.

By scanning the planet, the Emperor discovered that Angron not only failed to revolt, but was instead surrounded by an army of slavers and was on the verge of destruction.

The Emperor’s face was full of disappointment. In his plan, Angron was an intelligent primitive, but now he had become a reckless man who killed without thinking.

So he said: “Sayed, let your puppet go to Angron. I went to negotiate with the leader of this world…”

Said nodded: “I understand!”

The Emperor didn’t even bother to see him, which was enough to show his disappointment in Angron.

With a thought in Said’s mind, the original puppet and the Titan soldier boarded the Thunderhawk gunship, entered the atmosphere of Nuceria, and flew towards Angron’s rebel army.

After Angron’s rebellion was defeated, they fled into the planet’s towering mountains, where they annihilated multiple slaver armies in succession.

However, the desolate mountains lacked sufficient food supplies, and the rebels who fought continuously were exhausted physically and mentally. With the encirclement of seven well-equipped slave-owning armies, the defeat of the rebels was certain.

In desperation, Angron fed blood to his comrades. He suppressed the bloodlust caused by the Butcher’s Nail, and sang gladiator songs in a low voice with his comrades.

Even though the Butcher’s Nails still stimulated his brain, Angron felt particularly calm. As long as he died today, he would be able to gain eternal peace and be free from bloodlust.

The Butcher’s Nail is a brain implant that can make a person become manic and bloodthirsty, with no other emotions except anger and murderous intent.

After Angron was implanted with the Butcher’s Nail, he couldn’t sleep at all for many years. He often lost his mind during battles and turned into a berserker.

If he didn’t kill people, Angron would continue to be tortured by the Butcher’s Nail. His meaningless massacres in the past were all the result of being stimulated by the Butcher’s Nail.

Before that, Angron was a warm man who could empathize and share other people’s sorrows, but because of the Butcher’s Nail, he turned into a bloodthirsty and violent madman.

Every time he read this, Said felt extremely sorry. Perhaps letting Angron die on the battlefield would be the greatest kindness to him.

But the Emperor would not allow it. Even if Angron was a madman, he was a powerful madman who could speed up the efficiency of the Great Crusade, so Angron could not die.

With complicated thoughts, on the eve of the war, the original puppet and the giant god soldiers landed on the edge of a cliff and said to Angron:

“Angron, do you still remember me?”

Angron was wiping a giant axe. Hearing this, he turned around and said, “Remember, the brother of the man in golden armor is my blood uncle!”

Said said: “You failed Angron, come with me, you will command an army built on your model, and spend the rest of your life perfecting the art of conquest.”

Angron refused: “I’m not going anywhere. I’m here. Either I will succeed in the uprising with my brothers, or I will die fighting with them!”

Said Puppet said: “I can rescue all your brothers and give them more power. Then you can come back for revenge…”

Before the puppet finished speaking, Angron struck out with an ax and was caught by the puppet. However, cracks appeared on the stone under his feet.

Angron’s eyes widened with a bloodthirsty smile on his face:

“I said, I won’t go anywhere until I kill all the people who enslaved us! My brothers had the same idea. Before today, they had countless opportunities to leave me, but they didn’t!”

“Fighting and dying here is our destiny, and no one can stop us!”

Said Puppet replied: “But those people you killed have already surrendered to the emperor.”

Angron roared: “I don’t care! Either I die or they die!”

Then he headed to the camp, where his comrades were gearing up for the final battle.

Said was about to persuade again when suddenly a golden light enveloped Angron and teleported him to the golden battleship in the next second.

Said was surprised and said: “Brother Huang, why do you…”

The Emperor calmly replied: “Nukeria has submitted to the Empire.”

Then he looked at Angron and said calmly: “Angron, zoom in a little bit. Your battlefield is in the vast galaxy, not the small Gladiator Valley!”


Angron roared as his comrades were being slaughtered in the mountains of Nuceria.

(Look at the back, Xiao An will not be wronged!)

Now that he has traveled through Warhammer, tragedy will not happen again, and Angron’s situation will be much better.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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