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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 64 Mad Doctor Sai saves Angron

Angron went berserk, the Butcher’s Nail made him lose his mind, and roared towards the Emperor:

“Let me go back! Angron wants to be with the gladiator brothers!”

The Butcher’s Nail gave him a violent bonus. In the original history, the unarmed Angron even killed a Custodian, but this time the Emperor was prepared.

The stronger psychic power output gathered into a fist and hit Angron hard on the head, knocking him out instantly.

At the same time, the massacre on the ground had ended, but unexpectedly there were no casualties among the gladiators. The slave owners’ army was littered with casualties, and the Titan soldiers were everywhere filling in their guns.

They had already been ambushing all around and rushed out at the beginning of the battle, saving the gladiator army.

Relying on bolt guns, power armor, and strong physical fitness, the Titan Soldiers easily swept through the slaver army.

A giant soldier walked up to the gladiators and said: “I am the rescuer that Angron has found. He has not escaped and will lead you to liberate this planet!”

The gladiators cheered when they heard this. Just now, their hero Angron suddenly disappeared, causing a sharp drop in morale. Many gladiators cursed Angron for being a deserter and a coward, and some even knelt down and surrendered.

Now they know that the leader did not abandon them, but brought reinforcements, their faith was upheld, and the gladiators cried with joy.

At the same time, on the golden battleship, the emperor calmly asked: “Sayed, does this make sense? You should know from the prophecy that Angron is more suitable to be on the rebel side!”

During the Horus Heresy, Angron slashed and slashed wildly, greatly disrupting the rebels’ rhythm and buying time for the Empire to respond.

It can be said that Angron is to Horus what Benzi is to San Dezi. It cannot be said that it has no effect, but it can only do more harm than good.

However, Said shook his head: “The premise of this speculation is that the Butcher’s Nail cannot be removed, and a rational Angron should be on our side.”

“Even if he rebels, this operation is an insurance…”

The emperor’s expression changed slightly, and he suddenly thought of a guess, and asked: “The mad doctor is doing Znik?”

Said smiled: “That’s right, Brother Huang, I need your hypnosis to help me establish the following understanding…”

After listening to Said’s surgical plan, the emperor sighed and said with some confusion: “This is too messy. If you are not careful, Angron will die.”

Said shook his head: “The mad doctor will never fail. Angron’s body is much stronger than the Bonecrusher. Even if his head is changed, he will not die!”

The emperor nodded and said: “Okay, as you wish!”

At this time, the two came to the operating room. A technical priest was busy. When he saw the two, he bowed and saluted: “Praise Omnisiah, praise the original power!”

The Emperor asked: “How is the condition of the Butcher’s Nail?”

The technical priest brought the two people to the operating table. At this time, Angron had been opened and showed the internal condition to the three people.

Said discovered that two-thirds of the original white brain tissue had been replaced by machines. The machine’s tentacles penetrated the remaining cortex, and electric lights flashed from time to time.

This was the Butcher’s Nail that tortured Angron for many years.

At this time, the technical priest introduced:

“The implant replaces the limbic lobe and insular cortex, weakening the emotional regulation ability of nerve No. 12, allowing only anger-related electrical signals to be input, while the rest of the emotional signals will be directed to the pain center…”

The Emperor asked: “His own emotions cause him pain?”

The technical priest replied: “For him, all emotions except anger are torture. Only when he is angry can he feel happiness and have a moment of respite.”

“Furthermore, No. 12 has physically lost his ability to empathize, and his understanding of himself and the outside world, as well as his intelligence, will be affected.”

The emperor asked again: “Is it possible to remove the implant?”

The technical priest shook his head: “Most of the limbic lobe and insular lobe were removed and replaced by implants. If removed rashly, it is likely to lead to brain death.”

“The fact that it can survive to this day is enough to prove the original body’s super tolerance. My suggestion is… destroy it directly.”

The emperor glanced at Said and asked, “Are you confident?”

Said nodded slightly: “As long as the hypnosis is powerful enough and the cognition is strong enough, the success rate will be greater!”

The emperor nodded: “Okay, let’s prepare for the operation!”

The technical priest glanced at Said in surprise, and then followed the emperor’s order to prepare the items.

Said closed his eyes tightly, feeling the emperor’s spiritual energy pouring into his body, converging into a winning surgical plan, etched in his mind like a steel seal.

At this time, preparations for the operation were completed, Said opened his eyes, and the technical priest handed over a copy of the cloned brain tissue, which was taken by the puppet assistant.

Said held a scalpel and tweezers and directly removed the Butcher’s Nail implant. His technique was incredibly rough and he did not consider whether it would damage the brain.

The technical priest on the side had his eyelids twitching, but he thought that no matter how hard he tried, Angron would be useless, so he simply let Said go.

Syed’s surgical plan was very simple, which was to remove the butcher’s nail, paste the cloned brain tissue on it, and then sew it up.

The original body’s powerful self-healing ability will return to its original state!

When Bonecrusher lost two-thirds of his head, he was rescued by the mad doctor Geznik and replaced the missing head with a bunch of broken machine parts.

As a result, Bonecrusher not only survived, but also became the chosen one because of cognitive dissonance caused by frequent visions!

Later, Bonecrusher often suffered from headaches because Geznik left a wrench inside.

Later, due to his “superior” medical skills, the patients who were harassed by the doctor united to open the gourd, causing the tofu to spread all over the floor, but he was saved by a group of goblin nurses.

The method of resuscitation is also very simple: the goblin uses a spoon to put the tofu pudding back into Goznik’s brain, and then Goznik comes back to life!

During this time, a goblin vomited in it, and a goblin nurse lost his pet spider!

In Said’s eyes, he was also thinking that similar surgical procedures could be done by Bonecrusher and Gorznik, but there was no reason why Angron, the original body, could not do it.

Angron lay motionless for several days. The Emperor and the Tech-Priest were desperate. Perhaps this was not necessarily a relief for Angron.

However, due to the hypnotic relationship, Said was so confident that he asked Angron’s brothers to take turns coming to the hospital bed every day, talking to him, applying stimulation, and awakening memories.

Finally one day, Angron shuddered, opened his eyes, and saw his familiar brother. Although there was something strange in his mind, it was not the nerve stimulation of the Butcher’s Nail.

He took a deep breath and murmured to himself: “Is this, heaven!”

Seeing this, the subordinates who had been chattering immediately ran outside and shouted: “The leader is awake, the leader is awake, come here quickly!”

The gladiators rushed into the ward, but were blocked by glass. They all cried with joy. Countless people shouted: “Praise the emperor, praise the prince!”

These words reached Angron’s ears word by word, and he couldn’t help but guess: “Did that golden slave owner save me and my brother?”

Then he immediately denied the guess: “No, it’s not him, it should be the little man next to him with a compassionate face, my uncle Said!”

When Goznik performs operations, he will place remote-controlled bombs in the patients’ brains. If the patients make trouble afterwards, they will blow their brains out one by one~

Later, these patients united and asked Znik to repair the killing can. The can exploded, and Znik opened the ladle. The mad doctor was revived by the goblin, and all the bombs were detonated afterwards…


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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