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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 65 Angron the Shatterer

Under the strong recovery power of the original body, the cloned brain tissue grew together with the original brain, and Angron quickly recovered as before.

Said led him to his fellow gladiators and pointed them out one by one: “Do you recognize them?”

Angron’s lips trembled and he looked around, tears streaming down his face uncontrollably: “Nothing is missing, not a single one is missing! My comrades-in-arms and my family are all here!”

Said said calmly: “It seems that there is no problem with memory and cognition.”

On the side, the technical priest’s jaw dropped, he crossed his hands on his chest, and said piously to Said: “Praise the original power! Praise Omnisiah!”

At this moment, Angron was already mingling with his comrades, chatting and joking with each other, and exchanging what happened during this period. When he learned that they were rescued by Said’s giant soldiers, Angron was silent for a while.

Then he came to Said and picked him up, which made Said hurt.

“Angron, put me down, my ribs are almost broken!”

Angron seemed not to hear. He raised Said high with both hands, raised his head as big as a basin, stared at Said with huge copper bell-like eyes, and looked at Said affectionately.

He said: “You saved my comrades, saved me, and helped me take out the Butcher’s Nail. You are kind to me, Angron! I swear, Said will be my comrade from now on!”

The gladiators cheered. Among the gladiators, comrade was a very sacred word, which meant that Angron trusted Said and helped him.

Said smiled and nodded quickly. After Angron put him back on the ground, he asked: “Angron, do you know the truth of the empire?”

With such a good atmosphere, Said will certainly not miss the opportunity to develop as a player.

Angron was confused: “What is this?”

Said did not answer directly and continued to ask: “Angron, what do you think of the current situation of humans in the galaxy?”

Angron closed his eyes, gritted his teeth after a moment and said: “I feel infinite slavery and pain, the people are in dire straits, and the tragedy of Nuceria is happening all over the galaxy!”

Said nodded: “So, do you know who caused all this?”

Angron replied without thinking: “They are slave owners! Those who hold whips, only by eliminating them can slavery be eliminated!”

Said asked again: “Then who is the one holding the whip?”

Angron said: “I don’t know, but as long as you go to a place full of slaves, you can find and destroy them!”

Said said: “At this moment, the imperial army is fighting among the stars to liberate the enslaved and oppressed people. The slave owners we see are collectively called the three evils! That is, aliens, heretics, and demons!”

Later, Said explained the three evils in detail and finally said:

“The mission of the Imperial Party of Truth is to unite and lead all mankind, and under the leadership of the Emperor, mobilize all forces to launch the Great Crusade to eliminate the Three Pests!”

“Emperor?” Angron tilted his head and asked, “Is it some golden-armored giant?”

Said nodded silently, and then Angron shook his head: “I don’t agree with the Empire’s truth!”

Said was stunned and asked: “Why? Are you dissatisfied with the emperor?”

Angron shook his head: “Not entirely! The main reason is that there is a big problem with this idea, uniting all human beings? Including slave owners?”

“Like the man in golden armor, turning a blind eye to the enslaved humans? Instead of accepting the submission of the slave owners? Helping them continue to oppress the people?”

Said explained: “This is the lesser of two evils. Human beings cannot deal with two enemies at the same time. They can only unite one to deal with the other!”

“Slave owners only seek slavery and exploitation, but the three evils threaten the survival of mankind. The three evils are even more harmful!”

Angron still shook his head: “In my eyes, they are the same. To be precise, in the eyes of slaves, the three evils are as hateful as the slave master and must be eliminated together!”

Slaves believed that their masters made their lives worse than death and that the three evils made it impossible for them to live.

Therefore, Angron believed that class struggle and racial struggle should proceed simultaneously.

Said had nothing to say. The two had different positions. One represented racial interests and the other represented class interests. The differences could not be bridged.

Moreover, the empire is now a superhuman politics, and oppression and exploitation are inevitable. Angron is on the side of slaves and may not agree with the political structure of the empire.

Said gave up persuading and sighed:

“Angron, resistance is the inherent right of slaves, but I hope you can understand that everything in the empire today is to ensure survival to the greatest extent!”

“Today’s human beings are already trying their best to stay alive!”

“I still believe that the war to emancipate slaves should not stop until the last slave’s last shackle kills the last slave owner!”

Angron patted Said on the shoulder and grinned:

“But no matter what, you are my comrade-in-arms of Angron. Let me tell you something else. I will take over the legion and kill all the slave owners, starting from Nuceria!”

Said said in frustration: “Whatever you want, just don’t kill everyone!”

Angron chuckled, pointed at his head, and said:

“After my brain was repaired, my emotional perception ability was restored, but it was only limited to the emotions of the enslaved people. I could feel their pain, pleading, and despair!”

“They not only come from Nuceria, but also from among the stars, constantly gnawing at my nerves and impacting my conscience! It’s really… so uncomfortable!”

Said was startled and thought to himself: “Isn’t it because the Butcher’s Nails have penetrated into the soul? Then does what we did before still have any meaning?”

Sensing Said’s worry, Angron comforted:

“Unlike the Butcher’s Nail, the pain of being an enslaved person has not deprived me of my ability to think. I prefer rational pain to disordered anger!”

Then, he pointed to the gladiators fighting in the distance and said:

“You can feel the pain of the oppressed, and you can also feel the joy of the liberated. They form the new life of Angron. Thank you again, my comrade!”

Then he stood up, looked up at the sky, and let out a heroic roar: “As evidenced by the stars in the sky, Angron the Devourer of the City is dead. From now on, I am Angron the Shatterer!”

“I want to liberate the oppressed humans among the stars, kill all the slave owners, and give the slaves their freedom!”

When the gladiators in the distance saw this scene, they shouted: “Shacklebreaker! Shacklebreaker! Shacklebreaker!”

The next day, Angron took over his legion and fleet, but refused to pledge allegiance to the Emperor, instead pledging allegiance to the people of the Imperium at large.

The Emperor readily agreed, even appearing unconcerned.

After Angron took over the military flag, the army sang “The Song of Broken Shackles” written by Said in unison:

“Get up~hungry and cold slave…”

Then step onto the drop pod to liberate the oppressed Nuceria.

Stimulated by the pain of slavery, Angron’s fighting was still crazy and the killing was still bloody, but it was no longer an indiscriminate massacre.

Through emotional perception, it can identify who is the enslaved and who is the one holding the whip, and separate the latter from the crowd, physically eliminating the entire class.

Angron felt happiness and tranquility from the liberated slave. Although it was short-lived and would soon be overwhelmed by the slave’s pain, it was enough for him to sleep.

In the spaceship that was gradually getting further away, Said asked the emperor: “Brother Emperor, how is Angron handling this?”

The emperor calmly replied: “You can do better than me, but as you said, class conflicts override racial conflicts, and sooner or later there will be problems!”

Said shook his head and looked down at Nukeriya with a smile: “Have you forgotten that I put an insurance policy on his mind…”

This time the emperor did not deny it anymore. After thinking for a moment, he said: “You did the right thing. Thank you, Said!”

Popular science 1: Before being implanted with the Butcher’s Nail, Angron had a strong ability to empathize, could directly sense the emotions of others, and cared about his teammates. He was a warm-hearted man. The perception of slave pain here is based on this.

Popular Science 2: Historically, the Emperor was obsessed with Angron. He not only ignored him, but also gave him an army to wander around. In the eyes of Angron, there was no difference between the Emperor and the slave owner. The expedition was a war of slavery, but Angron himself was the most happy…


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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