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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 66 Savage Greenskins and Necrons

After Angron embarked on the expedition, the Emperor, after the stars had set, looked through the curtain of reality and towards the sea of ​​souls in the subspace, as if to say:

“I’ve made a move, how are you going to respond?”

At this time, Said’s eyes trembled and he reported:

“Brother Huang, the expedition fleet heading to Cadia encountered a subspace storm and had to jump out in advance and switch to conventional power navigation.”

The emperor said calmly: “The storm has just been born at this time, and the storm will not last long. The evil gods also know this. They intend to delay time, delay the progress of the fleet, and strive to make arrangements on Cartier.”

Said nodded seriously: “I understand, I will ask the expedition fleet to be careful.”

The Emperor then asked: “The Inuit fleet exploring the Necron world should be arriving soon, right?”

Said nodded: “It’s already here. The scientific research ship is scanning the star, then establishing a star base and starting to explore the planet.”

The emperor nodded: “Please be careful not to wake up the Necron Dynasty. The greenskins and Eldar are already troublesome enough. If one more Necron comes, the victory of the Great Crusade will be far away.”

Said smiled and said: “Don’t worry, Brother Huang, the expedition fleet carries bipolar cyclone torpedoes. If it wakes up, it will lift the planet immediately!”

The emperor shook his head: “This is still not safe. Who knows whether destroying a tomb world will cause a chain reaction. After all, we know too little about the Necron and cannot afford the consequences of recklessness.”

“So, Said, don’t use cyclone torpedoes unless absolutely necessary. You must report to me before using them!”

Said nodded and said: “Yes! Brother Huang, I can even use conventional weapons with caution.”

According to the information from the Lunar Laboratory, the fleet arrived at the target galaxy. There is an old white dwarf star in the center of the galaxy, surrounded by three planets.

The scientific research ship scanned the space with low light, recording star information. Through the soil of soldiers and trees on the spacecraft, it was decomposed and calculated by the huge Gestalt consciousness.

In the end, Said concluded that the star will die and collapse in tens of thousands of years, and several nearby planets will also be destroyed.

In other words, even if there is no external force to wake them up, the Necron will wake up within tens of thousands of years, but Said knows that he will never wait until that time.

Ten thousand years from now, in the 40k era, the Necrons will wake up one after another and wreak havoc on the human empire.

After confirming that the star is safe, the fleet engineering ship is loaded with parts and heads to the edge of the star to build a star base.

Asteroid mining stations, energy centers, repair docks and other facilities were built one after another. At the same time, scientific research ships arrived at the three planets and found that they were all uninhabitable desert planets.

There is no oxygen, no water source on the planet, a single element, and poor resources. There is no value for colonization at all. It is always faced with high temperatures, extreme cold, and hundreds of storms.

However, in such a harsh environment, there is still a planet where life was born.

On Planet 2, the scientific research ship discovered a large area of ​​green mushrooms that almost covered the surface of the planet and even formed a windbreak to protect the intelligent life within.

Needless to say, the intelligent life among them is the green-skinned one known as the “Galactic Locust”!

This is a green world!

Green skins are always exuding spores, which fall on the ground and grow new green skins. It can be said that if there is one green skin on the planet, the planet will be full of green skins in the coming year.

At this moment on Planet 2, the greenskins have reshaped the planet’s ecological environment. In the tall mushroom forest, countless Scrooges, Grots and Goblins are walking through it, not to mention strong orc boys.

Said reported the situation to the emperor, who asked: “To what extent has technology reached? Has it reached heaven?”

Said shook his head: “No, they should be considered wild greenskins. Their technology is roughly equivalent to the Renaissance era. Several large tribes were in civil war with each other, and there were no warlords.”

“But if we leave it alone, the winner will be decided soon, and warlords will be born.”

The emperor said calmly: “The scientific research ship will check if there are any undead relics. If not, use the Extermination Order to burn them!”

However, fear comes as no surprise. As the scientific research ship went deeper into the microscopic scan, several huge pyramids were soon discovered deep underground on the planet.

When the microscopic scan increased its power, hoping to explore more inside the pyramid, it was blocked by an invisible force field and could not go any deeper.

However, just analyzing the rune patterns on the surface of the pyramid and comparing it to the Inuit lunar database was enough to horrify Said.

This is a Necron Crown World, which is equivalent to the capital of a dynasty, and the name of the dynasty is: Sokot Dynasty!

In later generations, the Sotec dynasty had the longest contact with humans and fought the most fiercely. For a long time, it was even believed that the Necrons were the Sotec dynasty.

Thinking again that this was the Crown World, Said instantly thought of the name of this galaxy: Mandergra!

And the heroic leader of Sotec, Storm King Imozak, is sleeping underground in the greenskin world!

Later, under the leadership of Imozak, the Sotec dynasty occupied the eastern part of the Milky Way, defeated the human empire many times, and once occupied more than 80 star systems, becoming a powerful foreign enemy of mankind.

His hero is my enemy!

Said couldn’t help but think to himself that throwing a bipolar cyclone torpedo now would directly strangle this sleeping empire and eliminate a powerful enemy in advance.

Anyway, there is more than one Necron world. If you mention this one and study the next one, you can also gain technological progress.

So Said told the emperor about this idea. Unexpectedly, the emperor decisively rejected it, and the reason given was very simple:

This is a crown world. If it is destroyed rashly, there is no guarantee that other undead worlds will not be awakened!

Humanity still knows too little about the Necron and cannot afford to be reckless.

Said was a little unwilling, and he said: “If there is no Crown World and no Imozak, the Sokot Dynasty will be a mess without cohesion!”

The emperor shook his head: “The Great Crusade has just begun. The Far Eastern frontier is still a terra incognita. The lords of the Socket Dynasty will take the opportunity to become bigger. We cannot bear the losses!”

Necron technology represents the pinnacle of materialism, and even humans in the Golden Age are far behind them.

If the Necrons awaken and gain a foothold at this moment, they will become as big a hidden danger as the Randan aliens.

So the best way is to maintain the status quo and quietly study necromancy technology.

Said no longer insisted and nodded: “Okay then, I will arrange a landing operation and try to use conventional warfare to eliminate the greenskins as soon as possible!”

The emperor nodded: “Go, Said!”

In order to cope with possible changes, Said invested heavily in the Inuit expedition fleet.

A total of six hundred battleships and aircraft carriers, three thousand battlecruisers, six thousand light cruisers and destroyers, and transport ships full of one billion puppets.

Huge numbers of warships sailed into low-Earth orbit, filling the entire sky of Planet Mann 2.

On the ground, the greenskins who were fighting looked up at the sky, staring in surprise at the steel creation suspended in the sky.

“Brother Mao, the iron lump in the sky is so waaaagh! I want one too!”

The great tech masters had a flash of inspiration, as if activating the memory in their blood, and inspiration kept emerging. However, before it could be put into practice, beams of light fell from the sky.

From the start, the expeditionary fleet was firing on all cylinders.

The indiscriminate orbital bombing has begun!

In the later 40k years, the only effective weapon for humans to threaten the Necrons is the cyclone torpedo. The Inquisition stipulates that every tomb world discovered must be destroyed immediately…


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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