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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 67 Eliminate the Greenskins

In order to avoid awakening the Necron, the orbital bombardment did not use thermonuclear weapons, but used conventional bombs for precision strikes.

The targets include tribe bosses, high-level technical masters, troop assembly points, handicraft workshop centers, industrial raw material collection points, etc., which represent the command hierarchy and industrial production capacity.

The green-skinned technology was only at the Renaissance level and had no power to fight back in the face of orbital bombing. Important targets were named one by one.

Without the boss, the greenskins are just a piece of loose sand, trapped in endless internal fighting, unable to form a joint force, and are taken away by a wave of Krieg puppets.

At this time, the fleet sent numerous aircraft towards the equator, launched carpet bombing, and cleared the equatorial landing site.

Afterwards, 500 million Krieg puppets spread all over the equator, and as giant warehouses slowly descended, a large number of Titans and tanks were driven out of them.

They built a battle line around the equator, and the Krieg puppets, with tanks and Titans as the core, slowly advanced towards the poles.

At this time, in order to compete for the position of boss, the orcs began a new round of internal fighting. Facing Krieg’s huge army, they could only fight on their own.

Their sporadic resistance was like a spark, easily swallowed up by the flood of Krieg battle lines.

In the occupied area at the rear, specialized soldiers held flamethrowers to burn the ground, and scientific research ships maintained microscopic scanning to ensure that not a single spore was left behind.

As the battle line advanced and the occupied area gradually expanded, Said activated his spiritual energy to refine the weapon block.

Microscopic scanning cannot penetrate the underground pyramid, but Said really does not want to dig the grave unless it is absolutely necessary.

Once the ground is broken and the coffin is opened, who knows whether the things inside will be disturbed! There is no need to ruin the entire human expedition for the sake of a little bit of technology.

Therefore, Said planned to refine the soil of the Soldier Tree and study the tombs of the undead through the perception of the Soldier Tree Domain to ensure that they would not be alarmed.

The Krieg puppets advanced step by step. The greenskins had a huge number, but they were unorganized and undisciplined. They lacked weapons and ammunition. They were defeated in one fell swoop in front of the huge firepower.

However, in times of crisis, six billion humans can give birth to countless heroes, not to mention tens of billions of green skins?

Soon, one greenskin defeated the other thornheads and became the boss of a large group of greenskins, leading them to wield weapons and kill the Krieg puppets.


With the boss, the green boy has a backbone, and he can temporarily put aside the internal fighting and fight with foreign enemies.

However, before they could reach the front line, the Valkyrie bombers were like locusts all over the sky, covering the old and new with heavy firepower, and exploded into a pile of minced flesh.

The remaining greenskins looked at each other and started fighting among themselves again.

Under the microscopic scanning of the scientific research ship, any new boss will be discovered immediately, and then covered with firepower and eliminated at targeted locations.

In addition to the new boss, the new tech masters also suffered the same fate. The green skins had all the technology in their genes. Just look at human weapons and they could hammer out something with similar functions out of scrap iron.

When the green-skinned tech master saw human weapons, he was naturally inspired and decided to build more powerful weapons. However, he had no scrap metal and no workshop, so it was hard for a clever woman to make a meal without straw.

Moreover, the strange performance of the technical masters was noticed by the micro-scan, and the Valkyrie bombers were taken care of.

In this way, despite the huge number of green-skinned orcs, dozens of times more than the Krieg puppets, they were still unable to form a large-scale resistance.

If this continues, the victory of the Krieg puppets is in sight. Said does not even need to invest in giant soldiers, and can bulldoze the entire planet with low casualties just by pushing the front.

However, at this time, intelligence came from the Dreadnought-class light cruisers conducting extra-galactic reconnaissance, and they discovered a huge Greenskin fleet.

Said suddenly couldn’t sit still. He was not afraid of the greenskin fleet, but he was worried that if a fight started, the Necron would be awakened.

So Said immediately informed the emperor of the information and expressed his solution:

“I plan to pull the main force of the fleet outside the galaxy and fight the greenskin fleet to minimize the impact on the planet!”

The emperor nodded: “Let’s do it this way. If it doesn’t work, let’s go there ourselves!”

At the same time, the Dreadnought-class light cruiser lost contact, and in the last image transmitted back, Said saw countless green-skinned battleships.

Rather than a battleship, it is more like a garbage mountain made of scrap iron. If it were not equipped with a jet engine, it would not be a spaceship at all.

In the eyes of materialist scientists, these garbage mountains cannot fly at all. However, under the power of my thinking, these scrap metal combinations have unexpectedly worked.

There were thousands of rubbish mountains, each one as huge as a battleship, densely covered with various artillery and missiles, which made Said frown.

The green-skinned warships were all the result of a flash of inspiration from a skilled master, and there was no unified standard, so Said didn’t know what their combat power was.

But no matter what, this battle was inevitable, so with a thought, the expedition fleet came out in full force and headed out of the galaxy.

It is expected that they will encounter the greenskin fleet one day later, but before that, Said must quickly eliminate the greenskins on the planet Mandrake II.

As a result, 30,000 Titan soldiers boarded airdrop pods and parachuted into the greenskin’s rear area. They weaved in and out, conducted infiltration operations, and assisted Krieg in surrounding the enemy in front of them.

Whenever a group of greenskins were defeated by Krieg and fled to the rear, they would be attacked by the giant god soldiers, so they panicked and turned around and ran towards the Krieg front.

Seeing that there were few Titan soldiers, some greenskins shouted waaaagh and surrounded them. However, in the face of explosive bombs and chain swords, the greenskins rubbing black powder with their hands were easily killed instantly.

The Giant God Soldiers assisted the Krieg puppets in encircling and annihilating a large number of greenskins through their strong mobility and independent combat capabilities.

The more greenskins were annihilated, the weaker the counterattack, the faster the front line advanced, the closer to the poles, the shorter the front line, the increased density of puppets, and the increasingly powerless resistance of the greenskins.

In the end, the Krieg Corps met at the pole, and the surface of the planet was roasted. After repeated confirmation by the scientific research ship, there was no greenskin spores left.

The planet under his feet was covered with green and refined into ice and wood soil. Sayid sensed the Necron Pyramid below.

Just as he was permeating the pyramid with his perception, a burst of psychic fluctuations suddenly came from all over the planet. The next moment, a large number of greenskins appeared in Mandalay II.


Sayed was stunned: “Fuck, Mandrago and the greenskin fleet are at least separated by a star system. What kind of technology can be used to teleport so far!”

At this time, a super heavy-armored boss shouted: “Who is coming to my mushroom planet? I think they are here to steal mushrooms! Waaaagh!!!”

A fart spirit beside him said: “The mushrooms are burned. They don’t look like they are stealing mushrooms. They should be coming to waaaagh us. Don’t think of me!”

The heavy-armored boss punched the fart spirit away:

“Bullshit! The stinky shrimp is coming for my mushrooms. Boys, daka (cannon sound)!”


The Bone Crusher has a technical master named Beast Kimed. The teleportation device he made can accurately teleport troops to the surface of Ajmidon across the entire star system.

While there would inevitably be (considerable) casualties in the process – teleporting outside the atmosphere or somewhere underground – that didn’t matter to the Orks. Considering its range and the number of teleports it could carry, this thing was definitely an engineering marvel even for the Tau Empire.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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