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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 68 Green Skin's Original Ecological Vegetable Base

After the green skins slaughter a planet and have nothing to fight, they will get tired and leave, leaving a place where spores will take root and sprout.

Since their parents are gone, the new green skins have to start from scratch to learn technology. After going through stone tools, bronze tools, iron tools and the industrial revolution, they build a spaceship and go into deep space, joining the warm orc family.

But Mandegra II seems different. According to the words of the heavy-armed boss, the war boss seems to have been paying attention to this place, but why is the defense so lax? Just a bunch of wild orcs.

Just when Said was confused, the communicator of the heavy-armed boss roared:

“Oh! In order to maintain this original monk state, I specifically didn’t let the technical boy mess with it! Damn the stinky shrimps! Give me the delicious original monk mushrooms! Let the special ones shine!”

“Got it, boss! waaaagh!!!”

“This place of love is not only the tomb of the Necrons, but also the original ecological vegetable base of the orc boss.”

The contents of the communication fell into Said’s ears word for word, confirming his suspicion that the barbaric state on the planet was deliberately caused by the green-skinned warlords.

This also means that there is a green-skinned empire nearby and is fighting another expeditionary force, so the “stinky shrimp” can be immediately recognized by the weapon!

The Primarchs used their home planet as their base and expanded to all directions. Based on the judgment from the battlefield, this expeditionary force should come from Guilliman.

However, this battle still has to be fought by oneself. The situation on Mandalorian II is not good at the moment. The main forces of Krieg’s puppets are located at the two poles, and the rear forces are scattered and empty.

Tens of millions of greenskins gathered under the command of the heavily armed boss, ravaging all over the planet like locusts, and like brooms, destroying the puppet troops stationed in the rear.

In the face of sheer numbers, Lemanus tanks, Titan Legions, Thunderhawk gunships, and Valkyrie bombers all turned into scrap metal and were submerged in the green tide.

Said reacted quickly and ordered the troops who had been in contact to resist, delaying the spread of the greenskins. The dispersed troops in the rear quickly assembled to form a stronger resistance force.

At the same time, the main forces at the two poles began to return reinforcements, building a larger encirclement and preparing to encircle and annihilate them in one fell swoop.

Soon, the greenskin troops encountered their first setback when attacking the assembly point in the rear. Valkyrie bombers, Thunderhawk gunships, Titans and tanks charged in groups, and dense artillery groups fired volleys, hitting the greenskins head-on.

Orc: “waaaagh!!!”

Puppet: “waaaagh!!!”

The orcs charged, and the puppets countercharged. With the coordination of the Butan, the firepower was extremely fierce. The orcs did not expect that the Xiami Daka was so powerful, and they were blown up on the spot.

When the two sides fought hand-to-hand, the orc formation was in disarray, unable to stop the swarm charge of tanks and Titans, and was wiped out in large numbers.

The remaining greenskins retreated for thousands of miles, and finally formed a line in a valley, surrounded by giant god soldier puppets.

Said, who was far away in Terra, smiled and thought: “Finally I caught you!”

A rough estimate is that there are at least 20 million greenskins in the encirclement, almost all of the remaining troops.

The next step is to clear the ground with various artillery fire, consuming the green-skinned troops. When an absolute advantage is formed, they will be taken away in one wave.

However, soon, Said could no longer sit still. Through the satellite, he saw that the valley was filled with large amounts of scrap iron and debris, and countless skilled boys were knocking on it.

Piece after piece of artillery pieces and tanks came out of the workshop, accumulating power for the orcs to counterattack.

Said immediately ordered the air force to take off and bomb the workshop indiscriminately. However, the greenskins dug through the mountains and conventional bombs could not affect the production inside.

Soon, anti-aircraft guns were deployed one after another, and the bombing could no longer be unscrupulous. After a few hours, the first aircraft took off to fight against the Hyogi Air Force.

Although he was mentally prepared, Said was still stunned when he saw the orc’s hands rubbing the flying garbage.

The fuselage and wings are so crude that there is no aerodynamics to speak of. I don’t know what is burning, but the engine can vaguely see wood and coal.

Any normal human being would not think it could fly if they saw it.

However, the greenskins think that if they can fly, they can fly!

As a result, one aircraft after another took off into the sky for a decisive battle with the Hyogi Air Force. The orcs had no skills in flying aircraft and relied entirely on feeling, with no concept of self-protection.

As long as they are fast enough, powerful enough, and waaaagh enough, they are often seen doing Brownian motion with the bullets they shoot out, performing cobra maneuvers at any time, and then the rollers drop leaves and then pick up onions on dry land.

Although the non-battle damage casualties were large, it did cause considerable trouble to the Hyogi Air Force, and Said’s bombing strategy was completely ruined.

Moreover, bombs are also made of metal. Through the satellite, Said saw the tech masters and scavenger boys collecting shrapnel as materials for new weapons.

Beside them, abandoned Lemanus tanks and War Titans piled up, and on the production line, cans of killing were taking shape.

This is simply fighting to support fighting, the more you fight, the stronger you get! Greenskins are so scary!

Therefore, Said decided not to fight a war of attrition and sent giant soldiers to behead him in the air!

A large number of Lightning fighter jets fought a decisive battle with the green air force, not to destroy them, but to cover the low-altitude penetration of the Thunderhawk gunships.

Soon, ten thousand Titan soldiers parachuted into the valley, using roaring chain swords and roaring bolters to launch infiltration operations against the orcs.

The terrain of the valley is complex, which is most suitable for elite infantry operations. The two sides fought each other amidst the sound of waaaagh, turning the place into a flesh-and-blood imitation.

“Stinky shrimp! Eat my claws!”

The heavy-armed boss waved his modified prosthetic limb, and with one grab, he broke open the Titan Soldier’s armor and cut it into two pieces!

“It’s a wooden frame again, not Xiami! Why did the wooden frame use Xiami’s weapons!” The heavy-armed boss fell into thinking, but Xunsi didn’t understand, so he stopped thinking.

“Whatever! It’s over waaaagh! There are more wooden shelves than shrimps waaaagh! I feel so good waaaagh! waaaagh!!!”

An orc boy next to him said: “Boss, I wonder if the person across from you shouts waaaagh like us, isn’t he also a boy?”

The heavy-armed boss knocked it away with one punch and cursed angrily: “Rolling ball! Have you ever seen a boy made of wood! But it’s pretty waaaagh, maybe you’ll believe me and do it!”

Just when it was thinking, it didn’t notice that it had separated from the main force, and there were fewer and fewer boys around it, and finally there were only a few dozen personal guard boys left.

At this moment, dozens of Thunderhawk gunboats appeared, unleashing a burst of firepower on the heavily armored boss, and the narrow valley was covered in explosions.

The fire dissipated, leaving only the heavy-armed boss unscathed. At this time, hundreds of giant soldiers airborne and surrounded the heavy-armed boss.

Seeing that he would not survive, the heavily armed boss laughed and said, “It’s worth dying to experience such an exciting waaaagh before you die! waaaagh!!!”

As soon as he finished speaking, explosive bombs roared, and he concentrated fire on the boss and re-armed him, reducing him to a pulp.

At this time, the main force attacked across the board. The greenskins noticed that the boss was dead and began to chaos. They continued to fight among themselves and were all annihilated.

Said was about to breathe a sigh of relief. At this moment, the space was distorted, and another large number of orcs teleported to the valley, and another heavily armed boss appeared among them.

The orcs once again have a backbone and continue to fight against Said’s troops, and everything has to start all over again.

Said gritted his teeth and said: “It seems that the teleportation cannot be stopped without destroying the orc fleet!”

At this time, the Hyoki fleet encountered the Orc fleet, and the decisive battle began!


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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