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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 69 Bloody Battle

Outside the Mandalay galaxy, the space was distorted, and countless huge “garbage mountains” broke through the void and headed into the galaxy.

Each “garbage mountain” is as huge as a battleship, and its number is equivalent to that of the Hingmu battleship. Regardless of its performance, it at least shows one thing. The industrial production capacity of the Orcs is not inferior to Said, or even better.

Their formation was as messy as the battleship itself. Rubbish mountains rubbed against each other from time to time, ejecting large amounts of rubbish and farts.

Even when one garbage mountain was advancing, another garbage mountain suddenly jumped out of nowhere. The two garbage mountains suddenly collided and exploded.

If this happened in the Human Empire, it would definitely be painful. However, there are so many green-skinned warships that it would not be a problem to crash one or two. If we collect the scrap metal from the crash, we can build another one.

Opposite them, the Bingmu fleet formed its formation. Seeing the messy scene of the orcs, Said couldn’t help but laugh: “These idiots are really…”

The emperor reminded: “Be careful of Said, their fighting power fluctuates, so don’t underestimate them.”

Said nodded and said: “I know. After all, we are a race that has lived for countless years. I will not hold back. Nova Cannon, fire!”

In the Hyogi fleet, the battleships and battlecruisers took the lead and rushed towards the greenskin fleet. The bow cannon was charged, and the gravity turbine accelerated the projectiles to the speed of light, and then fired.

The moment the cannonball was fired, it spanned the distance of an entire star system, hit the garbage mountain hard, and shot through instantly.

Some garbage mountains successfully activated their shields to block the Nova Cannon, but the next moment the shields were overloaded and hit by a second projectile, falling apart into real garbage.

As soon as the exchange of fire broke out, the greenskin fleet lost half of the garbage mountain, and the orc boss’s angry and frustrated voice immediately came from the public channel.

“Xiami, you dare to destroy my most valuable planet! You also destroyed my most valuable iron ship. If I want to kill you, I will chop you into pieces!”

Said controlled the puppet and calmly replied: “This is just the beginning, stinky green skin, I will waaaagh pierce your iron ship and burn all your stinky mushrooms!”

The green-skinned boss laughed wildly: “Hahahahaha, Nico is really good at joking. Do you know who I look like?”

Said: “Oh, who is Nisi?”

The green-skinned boss continued to laugh wildly: “Listen up, Stinky Xiami, waaaagh Nidi is the ‘Hammer of Gogo – War Boss – Lightning Whirlwind’! Stinky Xiami is so weak, my Lightning Whirlwind is unparalleled in the world!”

“Boys, fire the squeaky cannon and fire the grunt torpedoes!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the garbage mountain fired out dense missiles. Each missile was driven by a grunt. Occasionally they would collide with each other and explode, but most of them still rushed towards the Hyogi fleet.

Immediately afterwards, the green leather version of the light spear was shot out from the garbage mountain, which was blocked by the void shield of the Bingmu battleship. Many other garbage mountains emitted black smoke, which was obviously a weapon malfunction.

Greenskin creations are notoriously unreliable, even more difficult to maintain than the machine spirits of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

The Hyoki fleet also used light spears to counterattack, hitting the shields of the garbage mountains. The shields of some garbage mountains also malfunctioned, and the light spears were hit hard, burning big holes.

The garbage mountain looked very embarrassing, but Said knew that it was nothing.

Green-skinned warships are notoriously rough-skinned and thick-bodied. They can continuously pile up various structures, and then become extremely strong under the power of my thinking.

Even if the shield fails, relying on its own structure, it can withstand a lot of blows.

At this time, the Hyogi carrier-based aircraft group faced the missile, detonated it in advance with the light spear, and at the same time, together with the missiles of the Hyogi fleet, they headed towards the greenskin fleet.

When they got closer, they found that the gun barrels of the garbage mountain covered it from head to tail, filling every gap. When the torpedoes and carrier-based aircraft approached, they fired out barrages like hedgehogs.

The Bingmu carrier-based aircraft and missiles were shot and exploded one after another.

At this time, the distance between the two sides continued to close, and the Hingmu fleet faced the enemy from the side, using macro cannons to bombard the greenskins.

The green-skinned battleship fired back with its stubby cannon, but its accuracy was not very good. Even if it hit, it would be blocked by the void shield and could not damage the ship’s hull at all.

However, the greenskins didn’t seem to think about engaging in an artillery battle. Several red-painted garbage ships suddenly accelerated, and at the same time activated the “stick to him” force field, quickly approaching several battleships.

Sticking to his position can catch the target enemy ship and quickly close the distance, but it will cause the movement trajectory to be predicted and hit by focused fire.

Naturally, the battleship would not let it succeed. The broadside macro-cannon fired a salvo, covering the red garbage mountain and sending debris flying all over the sky. However, the speed did not slow down at all.

Soon, the collision angle of the garbage mountain was heavily embedded in the battleship, and countless green-skinned boys jumped into gangs and fought in the battleship.


“Fuck!” Said cursed secretly. At this moment, more and more green-skinned warships took advantage of their thick skin and thick flesh to join forces with the Bingmu fleet.

A huge number of orc boys poured into the battleship and fought with the giant soldiers who stayed behind. They did not know how to kill them until the end of the year.

Therefore, Said ordered the cruisers and destroyers to move forward, focus on the garbage mountain, hit it head-on, and activate the kamikaze to self-destruct.

The ion reactor and the macro cannon exploded, and their power far exceeded that of the macro cannon and light spear, instantly disintegrating the garbage mountain.

With more and more kamikaze attacks, Zhutu’s garbage mountain disintegrated one after another, and the Hyomu fleet stopped the green-skinned gang-up offensive.

At the same time, a large number of torpedoes flew towards the garbage mountain that was already in front of them. Torpedoes are slow and powerful, but have unlimited range and can evade void shields.

A large number of greenskins in the garbage mountain have joined forces, and their defenses are empty. The garbage mountain is unprepared for the torpedoes and was blown to pieces in an instant.

At this time, Said noticed that there were still a large number of garbage mountains behind the greenskins, and he couldn’t help but wonder why they didn’t take advantage of the situation to attack. However, the next moment, the roar of a lightning whirlwind came from the public channel:

“Hey, you vomiting blood, why don’t you rush forward!”

Person who vomits blood: “I changed my mind. I think I can do it. I won’t listen to you anymore!”

Lightning whirlwind struck: “You stupid master, hurry up and obey my orders!”

The one who vomited blood: “No! You have to obey my orders! Go to hell, you idiot!”

The next moment, the originally immobile garbage mountain at the rear came into full fire. Countless missiles were fired at the original friendly forces, and teams from the surrounding garbage mountains also opened fire.

Said was surprised, and then smiled: “When fighting against the chaotic camp, there will always be unexpected surprises! Attack with the whole army and destroy them!”

The emperor next to him asked: “Why don’t you join the gang? Kill the boss and the fleet will fall apart.”

Said shook his head: “I don’t know which ship is the flagship, so I can’t decapitate it and join the gang.”

The Emperor said: “Guilliman may know, he is rushing to your side now, maybe he can help!”

Said’s eyes lit up. In his perception, hundreds of puppets were rapidly approaching through the subspace. It was a strike cruiser of the Ultramarines.

He originally thought that a strike cruiser wouldn’t be of much use, so he didn’t pay much attention to it, but Guilliman had been dealing with Lightning Whirlwind for a long time, so he must know more information.

For example, you can definitely recognize what the flagship looks like.

At this time, outside the battlefield, a battle barge left the subspace and sent a communication to the Said ship:

“Your Highness, I am Guilliman, the commander of the Ultramarines Legion. Please reply when you receive it!”

Said manipulated the puppet and replied: “Copy that, Guilliman, tell me the green flagship, I want to join the gang to fight them!”

Tribute to the Gothic fleet! Please read it tomorrow!

Loyal voters of the Emperor, please be sure to read the last chapter tomorrow. Whether His Royal Highness the Loyal Prince can be promoted depends on you!

Update time is the same as usual! One update at noon and one in the afternoon! After lunch, take the subway after get off work, and you can see it!


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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