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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 70 (Please read again) I Xunsi vs. I Xunsi

Many days ago, Guilliman and his expeditionary force had just returned to Macragge when they encountered a huge waaaagh from the Greenskin Empire.

Compared with the green-skin empire that has been traversing the Star Sea for many years, Guilliman’s fleet is at a disadvantage and will need to farm for a long time before it can compete with it.

So he led the fleet to take the initiative and started a guerrilla war with the greenskin fleet, while waiting for an opportunity to behead the war boss.

Finally, after many days of deployment, he finally led the green-skin flagship into the preset trap. Just as he was about to do so, the green-skin fleet suddenly withdrew.

After beating his chest, Guilliman immediately followed to see what happened, only to see the Greenskin Fleet and the Soldiers and Woods Legion fighting to the death.

Guilliman was overjoyed and immediately contacted Said, telling him the location of the flagship and proposing to jointly launch a gang-hopping operation.

Said readily agreed, and then prepared to join the gang, and because the teleportation gang cannot be exempted from the void shield, the orc flagship was in civil war, but the shield was still strong, so he could only join the gang with a vehicle.

He gave an order, and the battleships and battlecruisers formed a spearhead and launched a fierce attack on the green-skinned flagship. With full firepower, those who stood in the way would kill the gods, and those who stood in the way would kill the Buddhas.

Who let the greenskins fight in the civil war? They were all fighting against each other in order to be the boss, unable to gather strength to resist foreign enemies, allowing the Hyoki fleet to successfully rush to the vicinity of the flagship.

A strike cruiser loaded with Titan soldiers was dispatched, releasing a large number of shark battle barges and crashing into the garbage mountain.

The specially strengthened bow easily broke through the flagship armor and relied on its strong inertia to advance a long distance inside the garbage mountain before stopping.

A large number of Titan soldiers rushed out of the barge, the roar of bolt guns echoed in all directions, and greenskins exploded into piles of flesh wherever they could see.

According to Guilliman’s instructions, Said controlled the Titan Soldier puppet to kill in the throne room, which was the symbol of power of the greenskin captain and the command center of the battleship.

At this time, Guilliman relied on more accurate intelligence to jump to a closer position and entered the throne room, waiting for the Titan soldiers to arrive to participate in the grand event.

However, the Giant Divine Soldier encountered trouble. After Wushuang advanced for a certain distance, numerous killing cans appeared in front of them, each with a combat power comparable to that of the Giant Divine Soldier.


Next to the killing cans, there were countless green-skinned boys surrounding them, including the Dirty Gun Boss and the Fire-breathing Boss, as well as numerous Tutu Boys.

They are just a group of greenskins who play with the theory of firepower advantage!

The dirty gun customized by the Great Technologist makes a thunderous sound and is as powerful as the sound. Its rate of fire and bullet power are both top-notch.

They easily suppressed the Titan Soldier’s bolter, and even shot through the power armor, exploding the Titan Soldier.

The Killing Can swung its large pliers towards the Titan Soldier and easily cut off the Titan Soldier at the waist. However, it was also pierced through the chest by the Titan Soldier’s chain sword and then exploded by a plasma cannon.

Said’s heart sank slightly. No matter how many giant soldiers jumped into the gang, they could not compare to the killing can. However, he could not go to the captain’s room without defeating the killing can.

However, at this time, a missile from the Blood Vomiter rebels hit the shield generator, and the green-skinned battleship’s shield failed. Said immediately ordered: “Teleport to jump gang!”

Through the positioning of the Titan Soldier puppet, more Titan Soldiers are teleported to the center of the killing can, firing bolt guns wildly, wielding the chain sword, and killing.

Through puppet positioning and Gestalt calculations, the teleportation jump gang has extremely high accuracy. Except for a few stuck in the wall, almost all of them were teleported smoothly.

Reinforcements arrived, and the Titan Soldiers began to gain the upper hand. Countless killing cans were exploded by explosive shells, and chain saws cut them in half. The Tutu Boy and the Dirty Gun Boss suffered numerous casualties.

Just when Said thought victory was in sight, several huge figures suddenly appeared in the smoke and dust behind the green skins. It was none other than the green skinned Titan – King Kong!

He not only cursed angrily in his heart: “Why don’t you go and fuck Guilliman? Why don’t you come and fuck me!”

It was impossible for Said to teleport the Titan, so he could only let the Titan Soldiers go forward to fight hard. However, if this happened, the advancement would be delayed, and the Titan Soldiers would fall into a quagmire of attrition.

As we all know, the greenskins are least afraid of wars of attrition, and the giant soldiers are Said’s elite and cannot be used for attrition.


With the support of the Mao King Kong, the morale of Killing Can and Tutu Boy was greatly boosted, and they attacked the Titan Soldier again.

The Gorgeous King Kong stepped down and crushed a large number of orc boys and giant god soldiers together. The densely packed artillery on it tilted wildly and shot out a large number of giant god soldiers.

The green-skinned boss laughed wildly from the surrounding area:

“Hahahahaha, how dare you jump on my big iron boat? My iron boat can be hit big, hard, and big! The hairy King Kong can be hit even harder waaaagh! Wait for death!”

Said frowned, he couldn’t reach the throne room and kill the green boss until the Furkong was dealt with.

However, like the Garbage Mountain battleship, the furry King Kong has a rough skin and thick flesh. Even if it loses parts along the way, its combat power is still extremely powerful.

With the light weapons in the hands of the Titan Soldiers, it was impossible to hurt the Mao King Kong for a while. Said not only thought: “Should I send a heavy cannon over?”

At this time, he saw the remains of the killing cans on the ground, and an idea flashed through him. Several killing cans nearby fell apart in an instant.

Said was overjoyed: “It can indeed happen!”

The reason why the green-skinned machinery can move is because the power of my imagination under the waaaagh force field can mobilize spiritual energy to distort reality.

Bingmu also has a waaaagh force field, which can also make me think, and because the Gestalt consciousness connects the entire civilization, the force field is larger in scale and more focused.

Every minute and every second, there are massive puppet auxiliary armies fighting all over the galaxy, producing massive amounts of psychic energy at all times.

With Gestalt consciousness, Sayid can concentrate a large amount of psychic energy to think about one thing, and the thinking effect is powerful.

On the other hand, the scale of the greenskin force field is only that of an empire, and the people are not united, so the thinking effect is completely incomparable to Sayid.

Therefore, Bingmu’s thinking power easily suppressed the greenskin’s thinking, defeated the greenskin’s waaaagh force field, and those incredible “technical miracles” could no longer work.

Thinking about this clearly, Sayid’s mind moved, and a large number of scientific research ships flew to the flagship, launching a microscopic scan, and a large number of “technical miracles” entered his perception.

Almost instinctively, Sayid said it was impossible in his heart, and his knowledge system could not accept the mechanical creations of the greenskins.

Two gears cannot mesh at all, but because a few screws are inserted in the middle, they can barely achieve transmission; another example is a coal-burning engine; or a Titan that loses parts while moving…

These “technical miracles” have a strong cognitive conflict with Sayid, and he inadvertently mobilized a large amount of psychic energy to distort reality to realize his cognition:

These witchcraft things are useless and should fall apart!

Soon, the guns of the Tu Tu boys began to misfire, the killing cans began to fall apart, the King Kong began to smoke, and the Garbage Mountain flagship exploded with a bang…

As the research ship scanned deeper, the green-skinned creations scanned by the research ship all disintegrated and exploded, allowing the universe to return to the scientific laws of materialism.

At this moment, in the throne room, Lightning Tornado staggered and watched in amazement as his own ship disintegrated. At this time, Guilliman, who was stepped on by it, stabbed with a sword…

Guilliman was very bad at single combat, and it was normal for him to be completely defeated by the Orc Emperor. It was already very good to be able to barely survive~

Farming players are not good at single combat~

(In addition, there will be another update in the afternoon, please be sure to read it! Loyalty is particularly important, please!)


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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