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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 71 (Seeking further reading) Crisis in the Perfect City

Among the original bodies, Guilliman was almost at the bottom in single combat. It was not because of his poor skills and tactics, but because his magic resistance was too low. When he encountered an opponent using psychic powers, he was knocked down instantly.

It’s the same thing this time. Above the throne room is the Neuro Tower, which is full of Psycho Boys. They gather the waaaagh energy of all the Green Skin Boys to launch an attack.

So Guilliman knelt down as expected.

Psychic lightning struck continuously, restricting Guilliman’s movement, while the lightning whirlwind wielded his heavy prosthetic limb, pressing Guilliman to the ground and rubbing it.

Guilliman could only barely protect himself, and was in an extremely embarrassed state.

However, as Waaaagh’s position collapsed and the garbage mountain disintegrated, Guilliman moved on again, piercing the lower three paths struck by the lightning whirlwind with one sword.

The greenskin has no reproductive organs, his brain was chopped off by the lightning whirlwind, and his whole body turned into mechanical prosthetics. Guilliman’s sword strikes had no effect at all, and he was hit with a backhand punch.

Guilliman rolled away, picked up the bolter and fired repeatedly. The green boss raised his huge prosthetic leg to protect himself and rushed towards Guilliman at the same time.


Guilliman slid and shoveled again, and his iron fist hit the prosthetic joint hard. The original body was so powerful that the joint immediately malfunctioned and its movement became sluggish.

“You stinky shrimp, give me back my beautiful iron ship!” Lightning Whirlwind roared while charging towards Guilliman again.

However, at this time, the micro-scanning light curtain swept across, and the lightning whirlwind suddenly fell to the ground, and the prosthetic parts flew out.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of giant god soldiers rushed into the throne room, holding chain swords to greet the heavily armed boss.

“Guard boys, come and save me!”

Seeing that their boss was in danger, the Guards quickly got rid of the entanglement with the Ultramarines and went to rescue him.

Without the scan, Said would have been surprised that the greenskins had such loyal and brave people, but in fact, the bodyguards were all planted with bombs by the boss. Once the boss died, they would rise to the sky.

However, neither the Titans nor Guilliman would let them succeed. The Ultramarines and the Titans tried their best to block them, and the greenskin technology failed, so the rescue was not successful.

In the end, the giant god soldier swung his chain sword, and the lightning whirlwind split the beast’s head and fell to the ground.

Titan Soldier: “waaaagh!!!”

At this moment, under the scanning of the scientific research ship, a large number of green-skinned warships disintegrated. Guilliman was stunned and asked: “Your Highness, did you do this?”

Said controlled the Titan Soldier and said with a smile: “Yes, the green-skinned technology violates the laws of physics and requires a special energy field to maintain operation, and I can dispel this force field!”

Guilliman said happily: “In this case, when the expeditionary force encounters greenskins in the future, will they all go to His Highness the Prince?”

However, Said refused: “No, breaking the force field requires special units. Currently, they are few in number and have arrangements. They cannot be assigned to the original body army.”

The special unit Said mentioned is the scientific research ship. In order to obtain massive computing power, it needs the Bingmu Soil to link the Gestalt consciousness and consume a huge amount of spiritual energy at all times.

So until now, Said only has ten scientific research ships, five of which are assigned to the Blackstone Expedition, and the other five are used in the Inuit fleet to explore the Necrons, and they really cannot be distributed to the original body.

“That’s it…” Guilliman was slightly depressed, then regained his composure and said, “No matter what, thank you this time, Your Highness the Prince!”

Said shook his head and said: “No need to say thank you, everything is for the revival of mankind and for His Majesty’s will!”

Then he seemed to remember something and asked: “Did the previous deployment of ultramarines into the Army of Truth affect the efficiency of your expedition?”

Currently, the Party of Truth has four original bodies. All members of its legions have joined and firmly support the organization’s program. Therefore, some legion members have joined the Truth Fleet and followed the actions of other primary body legions.

At this time, in the Legion of Truth, in addition to the wooden puppets, there are four Astartes of the original body. They are responsible for different tasks according to the division of labor between the original body.

The Word Bearers are responsible for ideological work and absorbing other legion members, the Blood Angels implement foreign policies, the Luna Wolves are responsible for the establishment of authority in the occupied areas, and Guilliman is responsible for economic construction.

Although the puppet could do the work for him, Said believed that the enthusiasm of the original body to participate in the movement could not be eradicated. In order to cultivate a sense of belonging to the organization, he agreed to let the Astartes participate in the work.

The Astartes are all superhumans, not only in combat, but also in computing power and internal affairs. They can follow the progress of dozens of projects at the same time, showing extremely high emotional intelligence and charm.

In many conquered worlds, before the Ministry of Internal Affairs arrived, the Astartes and puppets within the organization stabilized the local situation, resumed production, and promoted ideology.

However, the redeployment of personnel will inevitably affect the original body’s expedition efficiency, especially in the early stages of entrepreneurship, when entrepreneurial funds are limited, but they have to be redeployed to do other things.

Said speculated that this might be part of the reason why Guilliman was beaten by the greenskins.

However, Guilliman shook his head and said: “There is no such thing, Your Royal Highness, as you said, everything is for the great revival of mankind and to realize the will of the father!”

“We found that many primordial legions did not pay attention to the reconstruction of the recovered areas. They often left directly after recruiting a wave of troops, leaving the reconstruction work to the Ministry of the Interior!”

Said nodded: “I also discovered it, so after discussing with Malcador, we decided that the occupied area will have two governance models: one is autonomous by the original body, and the other is directly under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Interior.”

“Nowadays, most people are of the second type. However, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a mortal after all, and is always unreliable. It needs puppets and Astartes to keep an eye on it in order to implement the organization’s will!”

Guilliman said seriously: “This is exactly our mission. In recent times, the Ultramarines have helped more than a hundred worlds restore production. Compared with expedition efficiency, this work is of greater significance to the empire!”

Said was noncommittal, but said: “But the efficiency of the expedition is equally important…”

Guilliman shook his head and said: “Conquering cities and building up the rear are all serving the empire. If the conquered world cannot create profits, then what’s the use of conquering it.”

Said was silent for a while. He regretted letting the Primarch troops participate in the Legion of Truth. The Primarch’s work enthusiasm was beyond imagination, even higher than the Great Crusade.

Guilliman is just a microcosm, Horus and Sanguinius are exactly the same, and the Word Bearers have invested half of the legion, so now even the star system is not unified.

In the original history, the Ultramarines were masters of farming, but farming was limited to the Ultramar 500 world and did not slow down the expedition.

But now he not only cultivates his own fields, but also cultivates the fields of other brothers, and also takes care of land reclamation. It is strange that the efficiency can be high.

This is definitely not a situation that the Emperor wants to see. The expedition has just begun and he has not yet reached the limit of his endurance, but if he leaves it alone, the Perfect City will change from one to four.

Said said: “This won’t work. The expedition goals set by Brother Huang must be completed, but the organizational work cannot be left behind…”

Guilliman frowned: “This can’t be done, how about we explain the situation to our father, let him understand our difficulties, and lower the expedition goal!”

Said shook his head: “It’s not necessary for the moment. Let’s call a meeting with its original body. I have an idea that I need to discuss with you.”

At the same time, in Terra, the emperor stared at the map and said in a cold voice:

“Sayed, let the puppet contact Luojia and give him one month to unify the star system, otherwise I will go find him myself!”

Popular science: As the first primarch to be thrown into the mix, Luojia was initially a fan of the Emperor. During the Great Crusade, he focused too much on ideological construction and created a bunch of temple worlds, which resulted in extremely slow efficiency of the expedition, so the Emperor burned it. The most beautiful one among them – the perfect city, caused Luojia to turn from love to hatred.

But in fact, the world created by Luojia was basically peaceful and liberated, with extremely high loyalty and production could be restored immediately. However, the Emperor considered the subspace storm and only focused on efficiency.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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