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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 72 (please follow up) Substitute Expedition

Terra, Grand Crusade Headquarters.

“Sayed, I believe you know that the subspace storm will come at any time. Before that, we must establish a vast territory for mankind and complete the Webway plan!”

“Even if the Webway fails, relying on its vast strategic depth, the human empire can last for hundreds of years, thousands of years, and thousands of years.”

Said nodded and said: “I know Brother Huang, I will solve the problem of expedition efficiency!”

The emperor rubbed Said’s head and said with a smile: “Let Makhado handle the affairs of the Ministry of Interior. Even if the activities of the Truth Party are restricted, the efficiency of the expedition must be improved.”

Said solemnly accepted the order: “Understood, I will summon the original body for a meeting right now!”


Through the puppet transmission, humans were able to communicate in real time across the galaxy. The next day, under the organization of Said, the four original members of the Truth Party sat in the conference room with a large screen in front of them.

Next to the big screen, several puppets were typing, synchronizing the meeting content on the screen in real time, allowing smooth communication even if they were separated by the Milky Way.

This situation is very similar to the online WeChat meeting in the previous life.

Saeed: The meeting begins!

Luojia: The great God-Emperor may live forever! Longevity without borders! Longevity without borders!

Sanguinius: For the restoration of humanity! For the will of the father!

Guilliman: Lorgar is almost done, there are no outsiders here!

Horus: My father indeed deserves this!

Luo Jia: Do you think I’m cheating? My loyalty is evident in the world! @Guilliman

Guilliman: My father does not admit that he is a god!

Said: Stop arguing. The program is very clear. The God-Emperor and the Human-Emperor have no requirements, as long as they are loyal! There is an urgent matter to discuss today!

Luo Jia: His Royal Highness will always be healthy! Always healthy! Always healthy!

Guilliman: Prince, start now, I can’t stand this guy.

Sanguinius: It’s all for Your Majesty, for the revival of humanity, so speak your mind!

Horus: Hahahaha…

Said: (coughing) Just today, our great leader, the Emperor, came to me, very disappointed with the performance of the Pravda Party in the Great Crusade!

Luojia: What? What a joke! We work so hard to spread our faith and make countless people worship him, but he just denies our achievements!

Horus: Luojia, don’t worry, let His Highness finish what he has to say!

Guilliman: Questioning the God-Emperor’s oracles, is this what you call worship? @luojia

Lorgar: Guilliman! You tm…

Guilliman: At least I have a mother (picking my nose.jpg)

Said: Stop arguing! Meetings are not quarrels, don’t say anything that is not conducive to unity! Learn from Xiaohe and Xiaosheng! @Guilliman@Lorgar

Lorgar×Guilliman: Yes, Your Highness!

Said: Your Majesty is very dissatisfied with the progress of your expedition, especially Luojia. It has not even unified the star system, which is less than 1% of His Majesty’s goal!

Luojia: The world conquered by those who can bear words is the most loyal!

Horus: Lorgar also joined half of the Word Bearers Legion to complete the mission of the organization.

Guilliman: Indeed, Lorgar’s contribution to the cause of the Party of Truth is indelible.

Sanguinius: With the Word Bearers here, people on the liberated planet are particularly hostile to the three major dangers, which is equivalent to completing part of the Blood Angels’ mission.

Said: I do not deny Comrade Luojia’s contribution, but the problem is real. The Emperor is dissatisfied with the efficiency of your expedition!

Luo Jia: Can you explain our good intentions to your father?

Said: If it works, there is no need to hold a meeting. Your Majesty has his own considerations and must prioritize ensuring the efficiency of the expedition.

Horus: In this case, we can only suspend the work of the Truth Fleet, hand over the work to the wooden puppets, and recall the Astartes.

Guilliman: Agree, His Highness the Prince’s ability is obvious to all. Even if the Ultramarines are withdrawn, production can be restored.

Sanguinius: Although I am very reluctant, there is nothing I can do about it. I can only hand it over to His Highness the Prince’s puppet.

Said: Luojia, what do you think?

Luojia: I disagree. I am responsible for spreading the faith of the God-Emperor. Only the Word Bearers can do the best. With all due respect, His Royal Highness is good at suppressing counterrevolutionaries, but not good at guiding public opinion!

Said: I agree with what Luojia said. In terms of guiding public opinion and shaping ideological trends, puppets are indeed not as good as the Word Bearers.

Luojia: Thank you, Your Highness, for understanding that the mission of the Word Bearers is not to conduct expeditions, but to guide mankind and be loyal to the God-Emperor’s Manifest Destiny!

Guilliman: Everyone wants to do what they are good at, but reality doesn’t allow it!

Blood Angel: His Majesty is far-sighted and must have his own considerations.

Horus: Priority must be given to ensuring the efficiency of the expedition. After the expedition is completed and the galaxy is stabilized, it will be time for us to show our strengths and realize our proposition.

Luo Jia: Is there really no other way to suspend organizational work? @Sayed

Said: There is no way. How many Astartes your legion lacks? Tell me the number!

Guilliman: 10,000.

Horus: 20,000

Sanguinius: 10,000

Luojia: 30,000

Guilliman: Lorgar, no wonder you haven’t even unified the star system…

Sanguinius: Yes, he worked too hard and completely put aside the expedition.

Horus: Lacking Space Marines, relying on the mortal auxiliary army to slowly gnaw away, naturally the battle is slow.

Guilliman: It seems that the liberation is still peaceful. It is already very good to be able to fight like this.

Luo Jia: Although I know what you are saying is the truth, I am still very angry.

Luojia: Let me put it bluntly, the Word Bearers don’t like fighting, and they would rather do what they are good at: spreading the faith of the God-Emperor!

Guilliman: Who doesn’t want to? Give me time to farm, and I can farm the galaxy to explosion!

Horus: Give me time to reform, and I will reshape the empire according to the program!

Sanguinius: His Highness the Prince said there is a way, so why not come and listen.

Said: The Puppet Auxiliary Army followed the Primarch in the galaxy and accumulated a large amount of psychic energy, enough to create a batch of Titan soldiers to fill the gap of 70,000 Astartes.

Luojia: Praise the God Emperor! Your Royal Highness, stay healthy forever! Always healthy! Always healthy!

Guilliman: Your Highness, your Highness, told you earlier! It frustrated me for a while!

Said: I’m not sure about your attitude towards organizational work. If it doesn’t matter, I’m ready to let the puppet take over.

Sanguinius: We firmly believe that the future of the Empire lies with the Party of Truth! But do His Highness the Prince’s Titan Soldiers belong to us?

Said: Yes, I will replenish the troops for you. Don’t let the expedition efficiency fall behind!

Horus: What to do if there are casualties? Prince give us a supplement?

Said: Yes, I will compensate you as much as you die!

Guilliman: Your Highness is so righteous! When my territory develops, I will also recruit Ultramarines to help you with your expedition!

Luo Jia: When I, the Word Bearer, take off, I will also learn from His Highness the Prince!

Horus: Luna Wolves +1

Sanguinius: Unity is strength, brothers are united within a wall, and we can protect ourselves from the three evils!

As a result, several people happily reached an agreement, and Said sent the Titan Soldiers to supplement the strength gap of the original body and maintain the efficiency of the expedition.

The Legion’s Astartes continued the work of the Fleet of Truth, building the newly liberated world.

After the meeting, Luojia contacted Said alone and said: “Your Highness, the Word Bearers have 60,000 troops. I hope that they will all be replaced by giant god soldiers and launch an expedition instead.”

Said’s expression changed: “Sixty thousand? Are you kidding? This is not a small amount!”

It’s not that it can’t be taken out, but the reserves will definitely be exhausted and they will have to be accumulated for a long time. Said himself still has the Blackstone Expedition and the defense of the undead world of Manderagra!

Luo Jia said: “Your Highness, please listen to me. If you agree, I can bring the Night Lord’s Saivita into the organization within two months!”

Loyal people of the Emperor, the cause of the God-Emperor needs your support. Please be sure to click to the last page to let the spirit of the God-Emperor flourish!

Praise the God-Emperor! The throne is with us!


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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