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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 74 Chaos alienation plan

Said was surprised. The birth of Se Nie suppressed the waves of the subspace, but now spiritual energy poured out of the Eye of Terror, enveloping the entire Cadia galaxy.

Even in later generations, this situation did not happen. At this time, the emperor calmly said:

“The Chaos Ritual on the planet of Cadia, coupled with the special location of the Eye of Terror, drags the entire Cadia into the subspace!”

Said was surprised: “Is it so powerful? Wouldn’t Cardia become a world of demons?”

The Emperor shook his head: “No, Cadia’s reality curtain has not been broken through. This situation will not last long, let alone affect you who are far away on Terra.”

“Just think of the stage play presented to you by the Four Gods of Chaos. The subspace storm is the prologue and the Chaos Ritual is the background. Now, the main play begins!”

As the emperor finished speaking, a girl dressed as a priest stood out from among the natives of Cadia. She was covered in blood with strange runes and danced strangely.

The psychic energy around her became increasingly violent and gradually formed into a purple vortex. At this scene, Said couldn’t help but think of a name: Ingsel.

In the original history, Luojia was disheartened by the incident in the Perfect City and went on a pilgrimage to the Eye of Terror. He met the guidance of the Chaos Priest in Cadia and fell into Chaos.

The Chaos Priest performed a magic upgrade on the spot, and then took Luojia into the Eye of Terror to visit, and then Luojia was corrupted.

Said couldn’t help but be surprised: “My true body is in Terra, and I have Brother Huang protecting me. What can Chaos do to me?”

Not to mention that the Emperor and Said share perception. What Said sees, the Emperor can also see.

“Forget it, no more guessing! Destroy them all!”

Without saying a word, Said decisively activated the cyclone torpedo and shot it towards the surface of Cadia.

However, at this time, the psychic energy on the surface of Cadia dissipated, and the priestess was upgraded to a demon prince. Except for the slightly weird lines, her appearance remained unchanged.

Before the cyclone torpedo hit, her figure flashed and floated in front of the expedition fleet flagship – the Emperor’s Loyalty. She bowed deeply and said with a friendly smile:

“I have been waiting for you, Puppet Master! I am your guide, you can call me Ingsel!”

Under her feet, the cyclone torpedo exploded, burning all life on Cadia to death. However, Ingsel didn’t care and still had a gentle smile on his face.

Said sneered disdainfully: “Guide me to what? Return to the embrace of the evil god of subspace?”

As she spoke, a series of light spear cannons were aimed at her. Although this could not kill her, the surrounding area temporarily became a subspace, and the demon could be resurrected at any time.

According to the Emperor, the Warp would soon dissipate, but until then, Said could only listen to her ramble.

Ingsel didn’t care that her purpose was exposed. She stepped lightly and landed in front of the bridge glass. She looked at the giant god soldier puppet and said without changing her expression:

“You have made two mistakes. First, the gods of the subspace are not evil, they are just manifestations of human nature. To deny them is to deny humanity itself!”

Said shrugged and was not interested in this statement. As a hammer man, who didn’t know the virtues of the four vendors, so he said coldly: “What about the second one?”

Ingsel smiled and said: “Second, I am not guiding you to believe in gods, but to return to the subspace itself. You have godhead yourself, just like your brother!”

Said’s face changed slightly, and a bad premonition emerged in his heart. At this time, Ingsel’s smile became sweeter:

“Great Puppet Master, you are fully capable of becoming the King of Courage, the Lord of Wisdom, the Goddess of Life, the Incarnation of Love and Beauty, but you are inferior to others!”

Said said coldly: “Brother Huang is not a mortal! He is the lord of mankind, an existence that even the four evil gods fear!”

Ingsel’s smile remained unchanged and he said: “But this does not change the fact that he is a mortal. In fact, he could have accepted the gift of subspace long ago and become an immortal true god. However, he did not do so…”

“Are you the same? You plan to be loyal to him and give up the opportunity to sublimate yourself!”

Said replied firmly: “I am the same. For the sake of loyalty and the great revival of mankind, becoming a god is nothing. If you give it up, just give it up!”

Ingsel asked again: “As long as we become gods and gain supreme power, humans will naturally be able to revive!”

Said sneered: “Then Brother Huang would have become a god long ago, why wait until now! Did Gaomao revive the green skins? Did the Eldar gods protect the Eldar? Stop lying, you liar!”

“You know that Brother Huang and I share the same sense, so you staged this scene to drive a wedge between us. We will not be fooled in your dreams!”

Ingsel shook his head, sighed, and said with regret: “Gods who are forced to survive, please see, what do you get in return for your persistence in loyalty?”

After speaking, he waved his hand, and spiritual energy gathered around the fleet, projecting intermittent images.

Although it is incoherent, Said can easily deduce the meaning of the expression after thinking about it:

In the future, the Empire’s demand for puppets will grow day by day, and it will become increasingly wary of puppets. Taking into account the lessons learned from artificial intelligence, the Emperor acquiesced to many restrictive measures against Said.

For example, restricting puppets in the Bingmu area, increasing taxes in the Bingmu world, and adding sand to the prince’s core territory… But Said silently endured it out of loyalty.

One of the scenes left the most profound impression. A mortal was beating up Said. Although Said controlled hundreds of millions of troops, he was still a mortal.

Mortals didn’t know what method they used to limit Said’s spiritual power. Said had no power to fight back, and the Emperor and the Imperial Guard who were supposed to protect him were no longer around.

Everyone knows that in order to control Sayid, the Emperor limited his combat power. In order to verify Sayid’s loyalty, mortals humiliated him in various ways.

A dignified prince of the Empire was so humiliated and embarrassed. Even if he didn’t know whether it was true or not, Sayid was still breathing rapidly.

In the end, the Emperor achieved his goal, led people to unify the galaxy, successfully isolated the subspace, and destroyed the four Chaos Gods. Sayid, like the original body, faced the final task, which was to destroy himself.

In the Emperor’s new world, mortals can manage themselves, no longer need superhuman governance, no longer have a place for Sayid, and even the Emperor himself is no longer needed.

After the movie ended, the curtains of the surrounding warp became thinner, and the real stars could be vaguely seen. Ingsel said leisurely: “The prophecy reveals that your loyalty will only be exchanged for betrayal. Only by accepting the gift of the original truth can you get rid of the shackles of weak flesh and blood and embrace true freedom and dignity!” Said shook his head and sneered: “No, you are wrong, Ingsel, you don’t understand loyalty. Loyalty does not need to be rewarded, because loyalty itself is a reward!” “I was born because of my brother, and naturally I will go with my brother. If my brother doesn’t need me, I will lose my power and become a mortal, so what!” Finally, Said waved his hand and said: “Let this stage play end!” After that, the light spears shot, focusing on Ingsel, exiling her to the warp. Until the end, her expression was still compassionate, as if she was shooting through the puppet and directly at Said who was far away in Terra. The warp curtain dissipated, and the Cadia system returned to normal. Sayid, who was far away on Terra, turned around and said to the Emperor: “It’s over, brother, it’s just a despicable plot to alienate the emperor!” Sorry for being late, this chapter is more important, it’s a foreshadowing, and it’s written more carefully


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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