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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 75: Capture of Cardia

“Yes, it’s over,” the emperor sighed: “Is this how they corrupted the original body?”

Although the two of them did not suffer any loss, they felt as if they had eaten cockroaches. Said felt that there was a lump of air in his chest, which was extremely suffocating.

His thoughts drifted back to his past life, and he couldn’t help but think of a line: “You may not have the idea of ​​​​rebellion, but you have the ability to rebel. This is your sin! The sin you are born with!”

Under the chain of suspicion, personal loyalty determines nothing.

I believe you are loyal, and you believe I am loyal, but do you believe I believe you are loyal?

If you doubt me, will you strike first? Should I make the first move? Do you think I want to strike first, and then strike first?

Even though Said was a time traveler and knew that the Emperor had no intention of harming him, he was not sure whether the Emperor thought the same way. After all, he was not an absolutely honest Trisolaran.

This is the conspiracy of Chaos. Even if it is discovered, it will not help. It can be said that in this case of Cadia, Said and the emperor lost completely.

Thinking of this, Said felt a strong reluctance in his heart, thinking that he could not be led by Chaos, so he mustered up the courage and said to the emperor:

“Brother Huang, just now Ingsel used some unknown method to tell me a message: As long as you go to any subspace crack three light years away from you, you can get rid of your control!”

The emperor asked calmly: “Do you believe it?”

Said shook his head: “I don’t believe it! Unless you kill me, I will never leave you!”

The emperor leaned down, touched Said’s forehead, and said calmly:

“What she said is true. As the puppet population expands, your psychic energy accumulates, and the subspace projection gradually becomes brighter. If I were the sun, you would be the moon.”

“Once you leave my protection, Chaos will immediately find you and corrupt you. It will be even more convenient if there is a subspace crack nearby…”

Said looked serious and replied: “I understand, Brother Huang.”

Then he hesitated to speak, and finally made up his mind and said: “Besides… what I just said to Ingersel comes from the bottom of my heart. Please believe me!”

The emperor did not reply, but asked: “My brother, do you remember that when you killed your uncle, we were both arrested as suspects…”

Said fell into memories and couldn’t help laughing: “I remember, the interrogator used the prisoner’s dilemma to interrogate us separately. The first one to confess would be pardoned, and the other would be sentenced to death. In the end, none of us confessed!”

The emperor sighed leisurely and said: “In the test of life and death 20,000 years ago, we can trust each other. The situation now is much better than then, how can I not trust you!”

“If we are still trapped in a chain of suspicion, it means that our trust is not as good as it was during the Prisoner’s Dilemma. Then there will be no great expedition, let alone the revival of mankind!”

The emperor’s words dispelled the clouds in Said’s heart, and his heart was once again shrouded in golden sunshine, and he smiled unconsciously.

The two brothers were together all the time, and Said’s perception was shared. The emperor would not doubt Said at all. Said was a hammer man and knew what the emperor was like.

They know each other well, although they are not as good as the Trisolarans, they are not inferior to a century-old couple. There is no basis for a chain of suspicion.

Said happily hugged the emperor tightly, stayed close to him for a while, and whispered to himself: “It’s really great that I can trust Brother Huang!”

At the same time, in the Cadia galaxy, five scientific research ships were sent out to explore the stars of Cadia.

As long as there are no problems with the star, a star base can be established, and then orbital docks, scientific research bases, defense fortresses and other buildings can be built to further the entire galaxy.

However, there is something very wrong with Cadia’s sun. It has been eroded by subspace energy for a long time, and the sun’s light glows purple. In microscopic scanning, the particle motion violates all physical laws.

Stellar activity is unpredictable, and Said is not sure whether a supernova will explode in the next second, making it impossible to establish a star base, let alone develop a galaxy.

Although he knew that in history, until the destruction of Cadia, no stars exploded, but who knew how many methods Chaos had, so Said decided to be cautious.

With a thought in his mind, the scientific research ships dispersed to explore six planets, and soon discovered the black stone obelisk on the outermost Cadia 6.

Immediately, a group of Titan soldiers carried equipment, boarded the Thunderhawk gunboat, and landed on Cadia 6.

Half a day ago, this place was the home of the indigenous people. Cyclone torpedoes ignited the atmosphere and burned all life.

At this moment, the surface of the earth was silent, with the occasional howling of the wind, and the gradually cooling hot magma could be seen everywhere.

No one can imagine that half a day ago, this place was full of life, although it was polluted life.

The black stone obelisk was buried deep underground. After Said found out the depth, he couldn’t help complaining: “The depth is already close to the core of the earth. No wonder the evil god corrupted the natives and couldn’t destroy it.”

Even if the natives are corrupted by Chaos, they are still natives. They are limited by their technological level and cannot penetrate deep into the core of the earth and destroy the obelisk.

It can be said that the Necrons had calculated that this would happen early on.

To this end, the Titan Soldiers rode on a termite digger and headed towards the center of the earth on Cadia VI.

After several hours of advancement, the excavator drilled through a dome and entered the space where the obelisk is located.

Wearing power armor, the giant soldier walked out of the excavator first. After making sure that the surrounding area was safe, he took out the equipment, placed it around the obelisk, connected the cables and power supply, and then started it.

In an instant, a mysterious energy spread in all directions, sweeping across the entire Cadia galaxy on one side and rushing towards the Eye of Terror on the other.

In the microscopic scanner of the scientific research vessel, the chaotic microscopic particle motion of the star disappears instantly and returns to the framework of objective physics.

And in the center of the Eye of Terror, a black corridor appeared, like a sharp sword, splitting the purple sea water.

Said couldn’t help but sigh: “As long as the obelisk does not fall, Cadia will never fall!”

At the same time, he discovered one thing. In the Forbidden Demon Realm, apart from being unable to use psychic powers, the puppets were not affected. Even the Weapon Earth of the scientific research ship was still operating as usual.

Forget about the puppets, the Bingmu soil needs to consume spiritual energy, and the Bingmu soil of the scientific research ship needs to replenish spiritual energy regularly, but now it is immune to the forbidden magic zone.

Said told the Emperor about this abnormal situation, and the Emperor replied:

“Bingmu comes from a super civilization outside the Milky Way, and I know only a little about it. Otherwise, the Bingmu implantation operation would not have narrowly escaped death.”

Then, he changed the subject and said:

“But I have two guesses: One is that spiritual energy is injected into the Bingmu and is converted into other energy, which is immune to the influence of the forbidden area; the other is that the Bingmu itself has a unique energy supply network that cannot be cut off by the forbidden area.”

Said smiled and said: “No matter which one it is, it is good news.”

At this time, the scientific research ship once again brought good news. In the center of the star, there was an unknown technical device of the Necrons, which ensured that the star would not explode as a supernova.

Previously, due to the interference of chaotic energy, the scientific research ship had never discovered it.

Said was overjoyed and immediately ordered: “Build a stellar base and develop Cadia. I will build this place into a super fortress that will never fall!”

There is almost no solution to the Prisoner’s Dilemma, except for the time traveler who is caught.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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