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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 76 The Knight World of the Maelstrom

In the early days of humanity’s 30th millennium, the Cadian system returned to the Empire’s embrace.

From the inside to the outside of the star system, Said successively built a military world, two hive worlds, a scientific research world, and two fortress worlds.

In orbit around the star system, with the two outermost fortress worlds as the core, space fortresses and fleet military ports will be built until they become a steel Great Wall.

Subsequently, the expedition fleet divided into two routes, one heading north to recover the two star systems of Nerano and Arax; the other heading east to recover Clotto and Dalova, and then divided its forces again to recover the Vigilant Star and the Red Earth Star. .

By then, Said will control the entire Eye of Terror area, and these galaxies will become a lock, locking the door to the Eye of Terror.

Any chaotic forces that come out of the Eye of Terror will encounter fierce attacks from the galaxies along the way and will be unable to move forward.

At the same time, the second Blackstone Expedition Fleet left the subspace and appeared in the Endymion system near the Maelstrom.

In the future, this place will become a frontier world in the Maelstrom region, resisting the invasion of the green-skinned orcs from Octalius and the Ark of the Eldar of Vilonia.

Behind Endymion is the maelstrom known as the second Eye of Terror. Massive amounts of spiritual energy spurt out every day, polluting the surrounding galaxies, making interstellar navigation extremely difficult.

In the age of strife, this place was filled with all kinds of alien pirates. They were like explorers in the wind and waves, traveling through the turbulent subspace storms. If they were not careful, their ships would be destroyed and people would be killed.

If the voyage goes smoothly, they can reach various human worlds and start plundering them.

After the catastrophes of the Age of Conflict, human civilization in these worlds has greatly degraded and turned into a feudal agricultural world.

For example, Endymion, the knight family rules everything here. They drive the knight titan of the golden age and protect the local people.

In the golden age, the Knight Titan was nothing more than a civilian machine, equivalent to the excavator in the 3k era. However, after civilization regressed, it became the pillar of civilization’s survival.

During the exploration of the scientific research ship, Endymion was full of backward masonry castles, armored warriors, primitive farms, backward agricultural tools, and even no gunpowder. The people did not even have the concept of the universe.

However, in the distant fields, huge metal mechas stood, patrolling the borders and protecting the people.

Although he had expected it, Said still felt strongly violated when he saw this scene.

He did not rush into contact with the feudal world. Instead, he first scanned stars, established star bases, and developed other ownerless planets.

At the same time, a squadron was dispatched to explore the Salem and Tranquility galaxies near the Maelstrom. Together with Endymion, they formed the first line of defense of the Maelstrom.

What surprised Said was that these three galaxies all had feudal worlds. The Knight family relied on the force of the Knight Titans, strict discipline and xenophobia to fight against alien raids and separatist ideas.

It can be said that these worlds have been able to survive until now and become a calm haven in the subspace storm, and the knight family is indispensable.

Said had not figured out how to deal with the knight family. The Bingmu fleet did not lack Titans, nor did it lack the manpower of the feudal world.

For Said, there is no benefit in regaining them. Instead, he has to pay the price for peaceful surrender, which can be said to be thankless.

The purpose of the Blackstone Expedition is, firstly, to capture the Blackstone deposits and provide raw materials for the Emperor’s Webway plan; secondly, to protect the Blackstone Obelisk and form a solid line of defense in front of the subspace rift.

These tasks can be accomplished by relying on the Hyomu fleet and the Adeptus Mechanicus without the need to introduce new variables.

Therefore, the best way to deal with it is not to disturb them, maintain the original ecology, and contact them when necessary in the future.

But soon Said changed his mind because a large number of black stone obelisks and black stone deposits were discovered underground in these feudal worlds.

And it is the only one in the galaxy. Said even suspected that humans colonized these galaxies in the golden age because of these black stones.

But no matter what, he must regain these worlds, preferably peacefully.

Just as he was preparing to use his fleet to overwhelm the enemy and negotiate forcefully with the Titans, a group of green-skinned pirates appeared near the Endymion galaxy.

There were a lot of pirates nearby, including greenskins, elves, and even sporadic chaos demons. Said suddenly had a better idea.

He hid the main force of the fleet behind the star and sent out light cruisers to attack the pirate fleet. Seeing that there was a fight to be fought, the greenskins launched a pursuit amidst the sounds of waaaagh.

The light cruiser fought and retreated, and soon introduced the green-skinned pirates into the Endymion system.

The greenskins discovered the feudal world. There were more shrimps to cut and more things to grab. They decisively abandoned the light patrol and launched a landing in a waaaagh.

The knight family reacted quickly, and various types of knight titans were dispatched. The largest one was comparable to the war general titan, and the smallest one was on par with the giant god soldier.

In their zeal to defend their homeland, the Knight Titans fought towards the invading Greenskins, but they were first hit head-on by orbital bombardments.

The green-skinned battleships were suspended in the sky, continuously raining down destructive artillery fire, crushing one Knight Titan after another, and large areas were reduced to white ground.

However, the knights were still rushing forward, using various bunkers to avoid bombings and counterattacking with laser cannons produced thousands of years ago.

In the golden age, these lasers were just tools used to cut down trees and were not a big threat to the greenskins.

Fortunately, the pirate boss is a greenskin who likes to slash in close combat. After a short orbital bombardment, a large number of greenskins rode in the airdrop pod and smashed heavily to the ground.

“Waaaagh!!! Car overturned and stinky shrimp!!”

A large number of greenskins and killing cans swarmed towards the Knight Titan, and the knights also wielded chain swords and heavy axes, killing the greenskins. The battle became fierce from the beginning, with blood, flesh and stumps flying everywhere.

Boss Gaofu chopped down a squire knight mecha with an axe, and laughed loudly: “It’s so exciting to chop shrimps! waaaagh!!!”

At this time, the greenskins relied on larger numbers and more “advanced” weapons to gradually gain the upper hand and suppress the Knight Titan.

If nothing unexpected happens, this world will be invaded and plundered by green skins, or it will become a green skin world.

At this moment, the green-skinned battleships in the sky suddenly exploded in the sky, and a large number of Retribution-class battleships and Moon-class cruisers occupied the sky, dropping huge warehouses one after another.

Both the greenskins and the knights were surprised by the sudden change. When the warehouse approached the ground, the bottom of the warehouse sprayed buffer, and at the same time the warehouse door slowly opened.

Warlord-class Titans walked out of the warehouse one after another. Their bodies were as huge as mountains, and they made a heavy roar with every step they took.

The battlefield fell into silence. Both sides were frightened by the warlord Titan. Boss Gaofu was even more starry-eyed. He felt that it was too waaaagh and too powerful. He would definitely let the tech master get one when he returned.

However, as soon as this idea came up, the greenskin boss was drowned in the flames. The Titan’s head slowly scanned the battlefield, and a large number of missiles and rockets were launched, submerging large greenskins in the sea of ​​fire.

Far away on the battlefield, the knight family knelt on one knee and worshiped the god’s machine.

In Warhammer, the Imperial Knight is the space version of the ancient knight: the nobles wear shining armor, while boasting how noble and selfless they are in protecting the weak, while squeezing the poor and asking them to be grateful to them, such as politics, chaos, backstabbing and other traditional projects They were all moved intact to the universe 40,000 years later.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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