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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 77 The Magic Pony’s Invitation

Arnold is a squire knight who drives the Blade Knight Titan. In his eyes, the knight driving the Titan is enough to sweep across the material world.

Whether it is a fortified castle or an army of millions of mortals, the Knight Titan can destroy everything.

Although there were legends that enemies from the sky could easily defeat Titans, Arnold had never seen one, and over time, he regarded them as true legends.

Subspace storms are raging, and pirates often appear only once every hundred years. Human life is short, and a hundred years is often a few generations, so the threat is naturally forgotten.

When the greenskins descended from the sky, the knights followed the ancient covenant and confidently launched a counterattack against the invaders. The greenskins gave them a head-on blow.

The green-skinned killing cans have more quantity and stronger performance, and can easily destroy the knights in the feudal world. If nothing unexpected happens, the first wave of knights will be wiped out.

However, Arnold was not afraid. He enjoyed privileges and naturally shouldered the responsibility and honor of protecting his family and land. Even if he fell at the sacrifice, he would still be worshiped by the people.

Under the influence of the soul of the mecha’s ancestors, Arnold was confident in victory, believing that as long as he was as brave as his ancestors and fearless of death, he would be able to drive away the invaders.

However, the gap in combat power is still inevitable and disappointing. The killing can can easily defeat several knights. Only when it self-destructs can the exchange ratio be slightly improved.

Arnold was also ready to self-destruct and sacrifice. Thinking about his wife who was getting married, he couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable.

At this moment, the expedition fleet appeared, not only destroying the green-skinned warships in the sky, but also dropping a super-large Titan that Arnold had never seen before.

“Oh my god, this mecha is bigger than the King of Knights’ car!”

The appearance of the warlord-level Titan instantly reversed the situation on the ground, sweeping away fallen leaves like an autumn wind, wiping out a large number of orcs.

The knights couldn’t help but think of the God’s vehicle recorded by their ancestors. It was as huge as a mountain and could move mountains and fill seas with just a few clicks, destroying heaven and earth.

Arnold couldn’t help but kneel down, and together with countless knights, expressed reverence for the vehicle of God.

At this time, the battleship projected the majestic figure of the emperor and said on the planet radio:

“My people who are struggling in the old night, I am the Emperor, the Lord of Humanity, and I will help you return to the embrace of humanity and become citizens of the new empire!”

Then, the sky turned into a curtain, and a series of scenes appeared. Under the leadership of the Emperor, a brand-new human empire was rising, and its huge military power was projected across the star sea to regain the lost territory.

The fleet floating in the sky at this moment is an unspoken proof of the powerful empire.

Under the pressure of the military force, the nobles of Endymion lowered their proud heads to show respect to the giants on the ground and the battleships in the sky.

In the palace of the planet’s capital, the golden-armored giant soldier left the Thunderhawk gunship, walked up to the Knight King, and said proudly:

“Submit to the Empire and return to the embrace of the Emperor. The Empire guarantees the safety of this world and your power. Otherwise, you will be a heretic and will be excommunicated by the Emperor’s wrath.”

After speaking, he handed over a piece of paper listing Endinon’s rights and obligations.

If they submit to the Empire, Endymion will have a high degree of autonomy, and the Empire will help them upgrade their Titans and gain the glory of conquering the Star Sea.

In return, Endymion needs to open up the black stone deposits and pay a symbolic tax.

Such generous conditions are enough to show Said’s goodwill.

The King of Knights said: “We are willing to surrender to the empire and return to the embrace of the emperor. There is just one question, are you the emperor?”

The golden puppet shook his head: “I am his special envoy and commander of the expedition fleet. You are not qualified enough to be received by His Majesty in person.”

But the Knight King shook his head and said: “I’m sorry about that, we can’t surrender unless we see the Emperor himself!”

You’re a country bumpkin, but you’re worthy of the Emperor coming across the galaxy?

The golden giant soldier’s voice was cold: “Can what you say represent the world? Do you know the consequences of rejection?”

The King of Knights replied firmly: “Your Royal Envoy, you may not understand the culture here. Only by understanding the monarch can you understand the empire you are loyal to!”

“I believe that whoever becomes the King of Knights will abide by this tradition, so we will only be loyal to His Majesty if we see him in person!”

The golden puppet nodded and said: “I understand, then you just wait to die!”

After saying that, he turned around and left, preparing for an orbital strike, then a military invasion, and finally forcibly shaping it into a scientific research world.

Although it would lead to countless resistance and the death of most humans, Said had no choice.

“Stab it!”

But at this time, there was the sound of a sword piercing flesh from behind. A young man pierced the knight king’s heart with his sword, then knelt down in front of Said and said:

“Your Royal Envoy, the King of Knights is dead. Now I am the King of Knights. I am willing to serve you on behalf of this world.”

Said was confused and asked: “Who are you, the King of Knights?”

The young man replied: “I am his son, and after his death I will be the King of Knights.”

The Titan Soldier asked again: “What about your traditions?”

The young man replied: “In addition to understanding the empire through the monarch, you can also learn about the empire through war. Your Excellency will lead us on an expedition. We must surrender!”

“Expedition…” Said pondered, having an idea in his mind, and then ordered: “Gather all the knights, board the battleship, and I will take you on an expedition to the green-skinned world!”

The young man said excitedly: “I will obey your order!”

A few light years away from Endymion is the green-skinned world of Octalius. In order to ensure the safety of the maelstrom, that will be Said’s next crusade target.

Soon, Arnold and his mecha were loaded onto the Imperial battleship. He left the ground and saw the universe for the first time. Looking down at the planet, he couldn’t help but yearn for the expedition.

Octareus is the expedition area of ​​the Fifteenth Legion, the Thousand Sons. According to the battle report, they have destroyed the greenskin fleet and killed the greenskin warlord.

At this point, the greenskins were leaderless, and Octarius’s greenskins were caught in a civil war, unable to resist the invading fleet.

After an orbital bombardment, the landing site was cleared, and the Krieg puppets and Titan legions landed on the surface.

The greenskins were defeated steadily, not only because they were leaderless, but also because under microscopic scanning, the waaagh force field disabled the greenskins’ technology.

It can be said that the greenskins on the planet now are a group of primitive people who are in civil strife.

Looking from the sky, a black line circled the equator, gradually thickened, and slowly advanced towards the poles. Arnold had never seen such a formation before, and he was immediately shocked.

“Your Majesty the Emperor! Please forgive my ignorance!”

He finally understood what kind of existence the monarch he was loyal to was like. Like other knights, they knelt down to the emperor’s statue and then asked to join the battle.

Said readily agreed, and under the leadership of the puppet, the knights and Titans worked together to eliminate Octalius after a week of fighting.

At the same time, the other two feudal worlds also surrendered to the empire. They were not as stubborn as Endinon. As soon as the warlord Titan stopped at the palace, the leader immediately knelt down.

At this moment, Said controlled the maelstrom area and closed the door to the maelstrom. Just when he was satisfied and ready to retreat, Magnus sent a communication:

“Your Highness, thank you for purifying an alien world. Are you willing to form an alliance with the Thousand Sons to raid the Eldar Ark World – Veronica?”

“If successful, we will be expected to obtain a large amount of psychic knowledge, which will be of great help in studying subspace and breaking through the shackles of humankind.”

Knights all love to go on missions. On the one hand, they can go out and see the world. On the other hand, if they don’t go on missions, they have to stay at home and violate all kinds of messy rules. Houses of knights – and all the nobles related to them – followed a vast number of rituals in their daily lives, eating, sleeping, socializing, praying, bathing (less often), walking, admiring art. All of it. It is highly ritualized and makes the tea ceremony look like a little kid’s play house. A simple example: the status change of a noble will have its own commemorative year, month, week, day and even time. If you fail to get the second title on time from your second uncle’s third uncle’s cousin’s eldest nephew, If you send a blessing email on the tenth anniversary, two months, eighty-eighth, three days and seven hours of commemoration of a battle achievement, you will be severely punished by your family.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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