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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 79 Tzeentch’s ultimate kill is not a pony

Magnus said proudly: “I already know part of the secrets of the subspace. Combined with His Highness the Prince’s puppet navigation, I can accurately control the fleet’s escape point!”

At this moment, behind the Eldar fleet, a large number of Thousand Sons fleets left the subspace and headed towards the Virgin World.

The Eldar fleet seemed not to have expected this move from humans, and immediately broke away from contact, intending to return for reinforcements. However, they were entangled by the Thousand Sons and the task force and were unable to escape.

Said silently watched the operation of the Thousand Sons without saying a word. He knew in his heart that the precise transmission of the Thousand Sons depended on Said and Tzeentch.

Said said it easy. If Tzeentch wanted to attack people and create some warp waves, the fleet might appear inside the planet.

But this operation was instructed by Tzeentch, so the magical ponies successfully succeeded. The strike cruisers carried out fierce orbital bombing of the virgin world. A large number of Thousand Sons rode in airdrop pods and parachuted to the surface to kill.

Compared with other Astartes, the Thousand Sons Legion’s fighting style is more cool. In addition to bolt guns and chain swords, they also use psychic powers to carry out various “magic attacks”.

Summoning lightning, fireballs, explosions, or telekinesis, teleportation and other powers, at first glance, they all showed their magical powers. The Eldar Army was caught off guard and was killed with heads rolling.

The whale transport ships followed closely, releasing a large number of giant warehouses filled with puppets and mortal auxiliary troops. They were equipped with tanks, Titans, armored vehicles, and a large number of flying vehicles.

When the warehouse landed, numerous auxiliary troops stepped out of the hatch, built defensive positions, and advanced around.

Near the Mandeville Point of the galaxy, the battle between the fleets reached a fever pitch. Light spears and macro cannons intertwined in all directions, and groups of carrier-based aircraft fought with each other.

Said controlled the fleet to assume a defensive posture in a horizontal formation, advancing step by step and slowly without any impatience. The space naval battle entered garbage time.

He was more worried about what Magnus was up to than about destroying the Eldar fleet. The Emperor was equally worried about this, so he let the Sayid fleet follow.

At this time, something unexpected happened in the Virgin World. From a webway arch on the surface, hundreds of Nether Knights and a large number of Shadow Fighters walked out, killing the landing Thousand Sons Legion.

The Thousand Sons Legion did not show any signs of weakness. The auxiliaries shouted long live the Emperor, raised their laser guns and launched a tsunami pig attack. Lemanus tanks and Rhino troop carriers followed in groups, and the heavy thunder of the ground was heard as the Titans marched.

In an instant, countless rays of light intertwined with each other, vehicles and artillery fire continued to roar, and the positions of both sides exploded one after another, taking away countless lives at every moment.

Each Primarch Legion has a puppet auxiliary army, equipped with a large number of Krieg puppets, and possesses a large number of Titans and vehicles. Through them, Said intuitively understands the ground battle situation.

Although the Thousand Sons Legion fought bravely and the Eldar Army suffered heavy losses, there was an Ark World behind the Eldar, which continuously transported troops through the World Network.

On the other hand, the Thousand Sons Legion was struggling, and the army was thrown in, and it gradually seemed that it lacked stamina.

As more Nether Titans and Eldar reinforcements emerged from the webway, the Thousand Sons Legion’s auxiliary troops suffered heavy losses.

The Eldar army is smaller in quantity but stronger in quality. Whether it is Titan vehicles or infantry, they can achieve a very high exchange ratio.

Through the puppet, Said saw with his own eyes a Nether Knight using a sliding shovel to cut off the legs of a Warlord Titan, and then using extremely clever swordsmanship to cut the Titan into a stick.

The balance of victory is gradually tilting towards the Eldar, but the war is far from over. Everything that is happening now is what Magnus expected.

The Eldar navy was restrained by the task force, and the main force of the army was restrained by the auxiliary army. At this moment, the Eldar Ark was empty of troops.

So the magic pony took the Astartes with only one company left and launched a gang attack on the Eldar Ark.

A group of Eldar Hemlock destroyers tried to intercept, but were blown to pieces by Magnus’s psychic energy. The Shark Assault Boat easily crashed into the Eldar Ark. The Thousand Sons Legion broke out of the hatch and massacred the Ark.

The Ark garrison responded immediately. The bishop and war commander led a large number of unreinforced warriors to attack the Thousand Sons. The two sides exchanged fire fiercely inside the Ark.

The Eldar warriors of the Virgin World returned to support through the Webway, but like the navy, they were entangled by the auxiliary forces, and once they retreated, they would become a rout.

At this moment, Magnus activated the teleportation beacon and teleported all the Astartes fighting fiercely on the surface to the Craftworld.

In an instant, thousands of Astartes gathered around Magnus, forming a powerful fighting force. The gods killed the gods, and the Buddhas killed the Buddhas, heading towards the depths of the Ark.

After Said learned about the operation of the Thousand Sons, he couldn’t help but admire: “As expected of the original body, the ability to fight is innate.”

Scholars in the Thousand Sons Legion prefer to collect all kinds of knowledge compared to fighting, and often go digging for archeology while doing so.

For them, fighting is a means of learning, not an end.

What happened in the Eldar Ark after that, Said does not know, but the only thing that is certain is that he succeeded… and failed with the magic pony.

A huge amount of spiritual energy emanated from the Eldar Ark, and the entire Ark was wrapped in purple light, gradually forming a vortex.

Hundreds of light years away, the spiritual energy of the large vortex was sucked out and put into the vortex, making the energy inside more abundant. As the rotation speed of the vortex increased, the energy gradually became violent.

Said had a bad premonition in his heart and hurriedly tried to contact Magnus and said coldly: “What’s going on! It’s not out of control!”

Xiao Ma’s intermittent answer came from the communicator: “No… no, I can still… control…”

Then the communication was cut off.

Said immediately told the emperor about the situation. The emperor thought for a while and then said calmly:

“Everything that can be done has been done, let’s wait for Tzeentch to take action! Add a little more psychic energy here to strengthen the gap in the webway.”

At this moment, Said stood in front of an instrument, injecting spiritual energy into it according to the emperor’s instructions.

The golems battle across the Star Sea, generating massive amounts of psychic energy at all times, which the Emperor uses to arm the Webway.

The webway’s psychic armor is now several times thicker than it was in history, and no matter what comes, it cannot penetrate it.

At this time, something happened to the Eldar Ark in Vilonia. The Thousand Sons led the remaining soldiers to escape from the Ark in embarrassment and teleported back to the mothership. While running away, they ordered:

“Retreat! Retreat! If you can’t retreat, find a bunker and hide! Prepare for the impact!”

A huge amount of energy was released, sweeping across the entire Vilonia galaxy. A large number of human souls were instantly stripped away, forming a ghost storm and being involved in the spiritual vortex.

The control of the ritual created by the Thousand Sons was seized by the Eldar.

At the time of the spirit, the spirit tribe’s ark roared: “It’s… so… blasphemous!!!”

Far away in Terra, Said’s expression changed. This roar did not come from Viloria, but from the Sun Star Territory! From Terra!

The emperor looked solemn, waved his hand, and the heavy footsteps of a large number of forbidden troops were heard nearby. The emperor came to Said’s side and said calmly:

“The ultimate killer of Tzeentch was not Magnus, but the Eldar! It interfered with the Eldar’s prophecy, letting the Eldar know about today’s battle, and then used Terra as a counterattack target through inducement!”

Said’s face turned pale: “In other words, the Eldar’s initial goal was Terra, the palace, me and you!”

The emperor nodded solemnly: “Through the pony’s ceremony, the Eldar activates the weapons before the Great Fall!”

At this time, his expression changed: “Here they come, the invisible army!”

The Eldar before their fall were as strong as the Necrons. Here are a few examples:

A prototype weapon capable of shattering reality itself.

Powered by the souls of the dead, Ghost Storm devices can wash across an entire continent in just a few minutes ripping the souls of the living from their bodies.

Wraithbone Nanobots, previously used to create life, now erase all life on contact and are particularly useful against Orcs, as it destroys their spores.

The purification device that eliminates a specific life form on the planet is only the size of jewelry. There is also a small personal shield in the form of jewelry. It looks like an ordinary ring, brooch or necklace, but its shield allows the holder to take advantage of it. Surfing through solar flares, hitting a nuclear bomb on it is like knocking on a window.

A psycho-contagious weapon of extermination used to suppress riots with minimal effort. After being put into the star system, a pulse will be released. All affected people will be highly resonantly contagious, but will not show any symptoms immediately; within a few weeks, the infected people will begin to die rapidly, and the entire planet and even the entire star system will begin to die. All civilizations within will rapidly collapse. No one is immune and there is no chance of healing, only a second pulse from the device ends the effects. This spiritual plague is more like some kind of magic, and any creature with spiritual existence will be affected by the weapon’s effect.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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