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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 80 Invisible Legion and Eldar Inspiration

Tzeentch is playing a big game of chess. The Eldar and Magnus are both pawns. The ultimate goal is only one, which is Said who is closely protected deep in the palace of Terra.

It used Pony’s desire to eliminate flesh and blood mutations, told him about the healing ritual, and induced him to attack the Ark Eldar. It also affected the prophecy of the Ark Eldar and let the Eldar know about Pony’s offensive.

With Tzeentch’s intervention, the prophecy revealed the culprits of the Pony offensive – the Emperor of Terra and Said.

Only by annihilating the two strongest humans can we resist the human invasion of the Eldar. So the Eldar planned the war according to the prophecy, and first deliberately lost to the magic pony so that he could successfully arrange the ceremony.

When the ceremony was completed, the Eldar relied on their richer heritage to seize the results of the ceremony, briefly activated the super weapon before the Eldar’s fall, and launched an attack on Terra.

The ghost storm ripped out the souls of the invaders and transformed them into a huge army composed of light and mist – the invisible army.

Many webways are narrow and can only pass through one person and cannot pass through an army. However, the Invisible Legion does not have this problem. They are invisible and have no mass. They can easily pass through the narrow webways and reach Terra in an instant to launch an attack.

The large cloud of smoke directly penetrated Terra, ignoring any obstacles, and rushed towards the palace at high speed, killing countless creatures along the way. Even Said’s original puppet was killed instantly.

They can easily penetrate any armor and leave behind corpses without wounds. With Terra’s current technology, they are simply impossible to resist.

Soon they arrived at the palace, where the Imperial Guard and the Sisters of Silence were waiting, and the invisible army encountered obstacles for the first time.

The Sisters of Silence’s demon-forbidden stance trapped them, and the Custodes launched physical attacks. However, the Custodes bombs were useless, and only the use of plasma weapons could temporarily delay them.

Soon, the Invisible Legion broke free from the shackles of the Sisters of Silence and caused large-scale killings for the Imperial Army, but they had completed their mission and bought time to deploy the psychic barrier.

At the Emperor’s command, the Custodes and Sisters of Silence retreated into the psychic barrier, temporarily blocking the invisible legions, but the barrier was constantly weakening and could not hold out for long.

Said looked solemn. In the golden age, when the Eldar population was sparse, they processed the souls of the dead on the battlefield to form large armies to kill the enemy.

At that time, it would take a lot of effort for humans to eliminate the invisible army. With the current technological level of the palace, it was simply impossible to resist it.

So he turned around and said: “Brother Huang, let’s run away. The Spirit Tribe is only temporarily activating these weapons. As long as we delay, victory will be ours!”

The emperor shook his head: “Temporarily? Temporarily for how long? One minute is temporary, and a month is also temporary. When Tzeentch planned the conspiracy, he must have thought that we would do this!”

“So don’t take chances and face the challenge with a down-to-earth attitude!”

Said frowned: “But how to fight? In ten minutes, the psychic barrier will be broken, and the palace will be undefendable!”

The emperor calmly replied: “Sayed, help me fight for half an hour, if you can do it.”

Said thought for a while and nodded firmly: “Okay!”

Then with a thought, he mobilized three million puppets near the palace. They went to the arsenal and took out the plasma and laser rifles.

In previous battles, Said discovered that energy weapons could delay the invisible legion. Although it was only for a short time, as long as the number was large enough, it was enough to delay for a long time.

Under the concentrated fire of three million lasers and plasma, the attack frequency of the invisible legion is reduced, and the psychic barrier can last longer.

If the invisible army turned around and attacked the puppets, it would play into Said’s plan. Let alone three million puppets, even three million pigs would take a long time to kill each one.

Half an hour passed quickly, and majestic spiritual energy spurted from the Emperor’s body, tearing open a rift in the subspace and pouring out a large number of armies burning with flames.

They were Custodes, Astartes, mortal auxiliaries and flaming Titans, who crossed the psychic barrier and charged into the invisible legions to fight in blood.

Said recognized them as loyal warriors who died fighting for the Emperor, now reborn in another way to continue their loyalty to the Golden Throne.

They have a loyal name – the Cursed Legion!

The arrogant invisible legion seems to have met its nemesis. When it touches the flames on the body of the cursed legion, it will die in a wailing sound.

They suffered casualties for the first time, and their scale began to decline rapidly, and their impact on the psychic barrier was further weakened. At this time, the emperor seemed to have thought of something and ordered the imperial army:

“Centralize control of all mortal attendants and researchers and prohibit anyone from approaching the webway area and shield generator. Violators will be shot to death!”

Waldo decisively accepted the order and left. Said asked in surprise: “Brother Huang, are you worried about the rebellion of the mortals here?”

The emperor nodded and said: “There are many scientists here. I can’t guarantee that no one will be bewitched by Tzeentch. It’s better to be cautious.”

Then he remembered something and asked: “By the way, Said, has your counterattack begun?”

Said said coldly: “Of course it’s starting!”

At the same time, in the Viloria galaxy, the task force changed its strategy and began to rush towards the virgin world of Vilonia.

The Eldar fleet fought back hard, lances and macrocannons raining down on the void shields, and many of the task force’s light cruisers and destroyers nearly overloaded before exploding.

However, the fleet ignored it and counterattacked while rushing towards Vilonia at full speed, even reaching 0.9 times the speed of light.

Under reckless acceleration, the fleet instantly covered a huge distance. Three cruisers, a battle cruiser, and many auxiliary ships were unable to stop and crashed into the surface of the virgin world under the strong inertia.

The impact of the warship is no less than that of a comet or meteorite, and the kinetic energy is converted into a huge explosion and shock wave, which almost sweeps the entire planet and kills a large number of lives.

But this was just the beginning. The main force of the fleet had already arrived in the sky over Vilonia. Three cyclone torpedoes that were already ready to go jumped out of the ship’s cabin and rushed to the surface like meteors.

The Eldar fleet tried their best to stop it, but under the task force’s macro cannons and light spears, their efforts fell short, and they watched the virgin world burn up and turn into a sea of ​​fire.

In the end, as predicted by the Eldar, the Eldar lost this virgin world. Angry curses in Ada language came from the radio, and Said couldn’t help but feel funny.

After the pony was defeated, Said began to think about retreating and planned to attack Vilonia later. However, in order to protect Vilonia, the Eldar planned an offensive against Terra and attempted to decapitate the human empire.

In retaliation, Said inflicted heavy losses on his fleet and launched an extermination order against Vilonia.

In other words, the actions of the Eldar to defend the territory actually led to the destruction of the territory. What an irony!

At the same time, in the underground palace of Terra, thanks to the Emperor’s inexhaustible strategy, a rebellion was successfully stopped.

The traitors are researchers and scientists who have become followers of Tzeentch, and they plan to plant explosives in the shield generators to disable the shields.

Said vaguely heard the laughter of the Lord of Changes in the subspace.

To the Lord of Change, it doesn’t matter whether the conspiracy succeeds or not. The changes that occur during the implementation of the conspiracy are enough to please this evil evil god.

The failure of the Eldar and the danger in the palace made Said think about whether his efforts to stop the Horus Heresy would lead to the same ending as the Eldar.

Said had no answer, but he knew that Magnus was a hidden danger that must be eliminated.

It is really difficult to conceive of the Tzeentch Conspiracy. My brain is limited and I can only write it like this~(﹏)


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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