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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 81 Liquidation of Thousand Sons

At this moment, in the Vilonia galaxy, the virgin world of the Eldar was burning. Said gathered the remaining ships and approached the Arkworld.

In order to completely consolidate control of the Maelstrom, Said did not allow alien civilizations to be nearby.

Without the Maiden World, the Eldar lost their goal to defend, so they no longer loved fighting, escaped into the Webway, and left the battlefield.

The task force did not pursue, but swept the battlefield, looking for their own survivors, especially the defeated Thousand Sons army.

Eventually, Magnus and over two hundred Thousand Sons were found aboard a destroyed strike cruiser.

Before the war, not counting the puppet auxiliary army, there were millions of lives in the Thousand Sons Legion. After the war, there were only two hundred left. Under the cold numbers, the cruelty of war was demonstrated.

When he saw the rescuers, Xiao Ma was so excited that he thanked:

“Thank you, Your Highness, this Eldar is so abominable. When the ceremony was successful, it took away control. I don’t know how it was done!”

“Sure enough, ignorance is the original sin of weakness. We must study hard and master more knowledge before we can gain a foothold in the universe!”

At this moment, a thousand giant divine soldiers supported the Thousand Sons Legion and arrived on a battleship. Said controlled the giant divine soldiers and replied coldly:

“You are wrong, Magnus. Ignorance and weakness are not obstacles to survival, arrogance is! Until now, you still embody arrogance!”

Magnus’s originally red face became even redder, and he said with shame: “You are right, Your Highness, I underestimated the knowledge of the Eldar, which led to this defeat.”

Said was speechless. He still didn’t know that the Eldar had been prepared and Tzeentch had planned it, so he explained Tzeentch’s conspiracy and the Eldar’s methods.

After hearing this, Xiao Ma’s eyes widened and he said with a look of disbelief:

“Impossible, Your Highness the Prince, I believe that the Spirit Race has been prepared for a long time, but that subspace creature is my friend, he will not harm me!”

Said said coldly: “But in reality, it has done just that. Go back to Terra and see how many casualties your so-called ritual has caused!”

At this moment, Terra was in chaos. Wherever the invisible legions swept through, it became a no-man’s land. The facilities were not damaged much, but all the people were dead.

They traveled over half of the planet, passing through more than a dozen hives, taking away tens of billions of lives, turning every living life into a cold toll of casualties.

However, Xiao Ma still didn’t believe it, shook his head and said:

“Your Highness, I am a scholar. Everything depends on evidence. There is no evidence to prove that the tragedy was planned by Tzeentch. We should not doubt it casually!”

Said said coldly: “Do you also use evidence to judge the aliens encountered during the expedition? Pay attention to your position, Magnus!”

Xiao Ma immediately explained: “Tzeentch is different. It possesses infinite knowledge. That knowledge is useful to mankind. To doubt it so hastily is irresponsible to mankind!”

Said’s voice became colder and colder: “His Majesty said that all aliens are viruses, and so is Tzeentch. They must be purified and eliminated from the galaxy. Do you want to deny your father?”

Magnus was still unconvinced: “Does Your Majesty assert that the tragedy of Terra was planned by Tzeentch?”

Said nodded and said: “Of course, you have to bear the main responsibility for this attack on the palace, and your previous fornication with aliens must be liquidated together!”

Magnus was anxious and said angrily: “What do you mean? Do you call me a criminal? You don’t have the power. Let me go. I want Prospero back!”

Said responded with action. A thousand Titan Soldiers loaded their guns with bombs, and with heavy steps, they surrounded two hundred Thousand Sons. They were ready to open fire if they disagreed with each other.

Magnus said in a cold voice: “Do you think this person can stop me? Your Highness the Prince!”

After saying that, the light of psychic energy flashed in his hand, and the other Thousand Sons followed suit and used psychic spells to confront the giant god soldiers.

However, the Titan Soldier calmly replied: “It can’t be stopped, but I don’t intend to rely on these people to stop it. Wait three more days, and the Imperial Army and the Sisters of Silence will arrive and escort you back to Terra for trial!”

Magnus stepped forward and said: “Yet you can’t stop me for even an hour! Give you a chance, either send me back to Prospero, or I will go back myself!”

The Titan Soldier sneered. At this moment, the fleet had entered the Endymion galaxy. With Said’s order, the black stone obelisk on the planet was activated.

The Forbidden Demon Realm unfolded and the psychic spells dissipated. Xiao Ma was surprised to find that he could no longer use his psychic powers. He was shocked and said:

“Sayed, what have you done! Why can’t I use my psychic powers?”

The Thousand Sons’ weapons had long been lost and without psychic powers, they had no means of fighting the enemy. The Titan Soldiers swarmed up, removed their power packs, and subdued the Thousand Sons.

Magnus was left to fight.


An explosive shell hit him. Although it bounced off the armor, it knocked him down. Xiao Ma looked surprised, as if he didn’t believe that Said fired on him.

The Titan Soldier warned: “Magnus, the emperor only said to arrest you, but made no demands on your heirs. You don’t want them to be ‘dead in battle,’ right?”

The legion’s heirs are Xiao Ma’s lifeblood. His original intention of sending troops to the Spirit Tribe is to cure their flesh and blood mutations, and by threatening them with their lives, Xiao Ma immediately becomes honest:

“I’ll go with you! You…don’t hurt them!”

Just like that, the entire Thousand Sons army was shackled, their power armor removed, their limbs fixed, and put into special cells. However, at this moment, a Thousand Sons suddenly wailed and struggled on the ground.

His flesh and blood rolled, his body was covered with eyes and mouthparts, and his appearance became indescribable.

Magnus saw this and wailed: “No! My child!”

The flesh and blood of the Thousand Sons had mutated. Said noticed Magnus’s blind left eye and couldn’t help but think of Tzeentch.

Pony used his left eye to trade with Tzeentch, temporarily suppressing the bloodline mutation. However, the Forbidden Demon Realm cut off the connection with the subspace, Tzeentch’s power disappeared, and the flesh and blood mutation recurred.

Thinking of this, Said sighed, and the Titan Soldier raised his bolter, shot the monster to death in two or three blows, and then burned it to ashes with melt rays.

Said said to Pony: “Tell you something, there is already a fleet blocking Prospero, and they will work with the Forbidden Army to investigate the extent of alien contamination!”

Xiao Ma was still immersed in the sadness of losing his heir. Hearing this, he raised his head and said, “Pollution? What will happen if there is really pollution?”

The Titan Soldier calmly uttered three words: “Extermination Order!”

“No—! That’s my home!” the pony wailed.

Said added: “We are waiting for His Majesty’s order, unless you can persuade His Majesty to change his mind.”

Xiao Ma seemed to be grabbing a life-saving straw and said hurriedly: “I will definitely go back with you, and I will make it clear to His Majesty when I see you!”

At the same time, in the Imperial Palace of Terra, the Emperor frowned and said: “The situation is terrible, you actually keep a warp demon as a pet!”

At this moment, Bingmu and the Forbidden Fleet were quietly suspended in the sky of Prospero, and the scientific research ship was scanning back and forth, accurately feeding back the situation on the surface.

The situation was shocking. Local residents commonly raised subspace creatures called guardian elves. They looked cute and holy, but the Emperor discovered the aura of Tzeentch in them.

A glimpse revealed the whole picture. Prospero had been severely corrupted by Chaos. The Emperor said calmly:

“Burn the world, purge the Thousand Sons, and bring Magnus back!”

In the original history, when Leman Russ burned Prospero, the guardian elf stabbed the Thousand Sons in the back, so the magical pony was not unjust.

Tracing back to the source, in fact, when Terra met the Emperor, the Emperor proposed to replace him with another legion. Pony refused and found a way to cure the flesh and blood mutation for his offspring. Since then, the two have parted ways.

What the big E can’t do, how can you, the little pony, be so virtuous?


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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