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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 82 Public Trial of Xiao Ma

When the verdict was handed down, the emperor’s voice remained calm, but Said could hear infinite disappointment and anger.

Like Said, Xiao Ma had been in contact with the Emperor long before his return. The Emperor often gave him online lessons about psychic powers and subspace.

The Emperor has high hopes for Pony, and he will be the last line of insurance should the Webway plan fail.

However, Xiao Ma ignored the warning and touched deeper taboos one after another, secretly contacting the Four Gods of Chaos.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. The Emperor trusted the wrong person and decided to correct this mistake in time.

At this time, Said suggested: “Brother Huang, rashly dealing with the Thousand Sons and Magnus will cause unrest among the rest of the Primarchs. It is better to hold a public trial, notify the entire army, and then carry out the liquidation!”

The emperor frowned: “Public trial? Doesn’t this tell the whole country that evil gods can trade? What if other people follow suit?”

Said shook his head and said: “In the official discourse system of the empire, demons are also a kind of alien. As long as the content of the subspace is kept secret and the Thousand Sons are charged with having an affair with aliens, the impact can be minimized.”

The Emperor was still worried and said: “But when Magnus is tried, he will definitely reveal information about the subspace. What will happen then?”

Said smiled and said: “It’s very simple. If the public trial audience is carefully selected, the memory is modified afterwards, and the video is edited to replace keywords, the subspace content can be kept secret.”

The trial video will be broadcast throughout the entire army and territory, and the flesh and blood mutations of the Thousand Sons will be disclosed at the same time to warn those humans who have illusions about the Three Evils.

After Said explained, the emperor relaxed and sighed: “Go ahead and do it! Let the Party of Truth guide public opinion, especially other legions, and make sure to minimize the impact.”

Three days later, Magnus was escorted to Terra by the Custodes and the Sisters of Silence. During this period, the news that he had been arrested for having an affair with an alien spread like wildfire, and the whole army was talking about it.

The Primarch was a son of the Emperor, but he had an affair with an alien, and the impact was extremely bad. If not handled properly, it would be a huge blow to the Emperor’s prestige.

If the Primarch has an affair with an alien, will other Primarchs do the same? What about the Emperor himself? Will the Emperor be dissatisfied, wary or even suspicious of the Primarch in the future?

For a time, undercurrents surged up and down the empire, and many people contacted each other to get information from all sides.

Said was the person closest to the emperor. Every word, every word, and every punctuation he said was worthy of careful study.

In each legion, there is an endless stream of Astartes looking for puppets to warn them, constantly turning the topic to the aliens, trying to get a few words.

Said had already expected this and came up with a prepared answer on the spot:

“Magnus made a deal with aliens in order to cure his offspring’s flesh and blood mutation, causing immeasurable losses to Terra and the palace. His Majesty was furious because of this and decided to put Magnus on trial!”

“The public trial video will be released throughout the empire, and everything will be subject to Terra’s notification!”

These words calmed the turbulent military morale. Since it was a public trial, the evidence must be solid, innocent people would not be implicated, and it would be based on facts.

At the same time, Said convened a meeting of several leaders of the Truth Party, and the members of the meeting were expanded to include one person, the acting commander of the Eighth Army-Savita.

After joining the Party of Truth, Sevatar became the party leader of the Eighth Legion, leading the Ultramarines, Word Bearers, Blood Angels, and Luna Wolves to carry out the work of the Eighth Legion.

On the meeting screen, Said announced: Before the meeting begins, let us welcome the new member, Comrade Saiweita! applaud!

Blood Angels: Applause! Welcome to the Eighth Legion!

Horus: Welcome to the cause of human renaissance!

Lorgar: Praise the God-Emperor for bringing a loyal and strong companion to us!

Guilliman: Welcome to the new comrade, there is another comrade in the fight against ignorant religions!

Sevita: It’s my pleasure! Thanks to the unremitting efforts of the organization, except for the original body, all the Eighth Legion have joined the organization! Long live Imperial Truth!

Said: On behalf of the emperor, I would like to thank all comrades for their efforts. Now, the meeting begins!

Saeed: You must have heard that the 15th Legion had fornicated with the aliens, and the original body will be put on trial. This is true! Magnus has violated the truth of the Empire and is not only an enemy of the Empire and His Majesty, but also an enemy of the Party of Truth!

Horus: What a pity for a brother!

Guilliman: Those who liaise with aliens should be damned! No matter what the reason!

Lorgar: Your Majesty the God-Emperor, Magnus has gone too far and dared to touch forbidden knowledge!

Savita: The Eighth Legion firmly supports the organization and His Majesty’s decision!

Blood Angels: Is there anything your Highness needs from us?

Said: The mission of our Party of Truth is to firmly support His Majesty in liquidating the 15th Legion, not only the members of the Legion, but also the planets occupied by the Legion!

Horus: Your Highness the Prince means… do you need us to participate in the purge?

Lorgar: The Word Bearers were originally the vanguard, purging the empire of traitors!

Guilliman: Lorgar, that’s our brother!

Lorgar: I only have His Majesty in my eyes, no brothers. But Guilliman, your position is not firm and you are not loyal.

Guilliman: I didn’t, don’t talk nonsense! I’m just worried about upsetting the other Primarchs! They all have armies!

Said: Guilliman’s concerns are correct. Cleaning is a technical job and cannot be done recklessly. The task of our Party of Truth is to minimize the impact!

Sanguinius: I heard that the Thousand Sons Legion has flesh mutations. This supplement can be used to explain the liquidation. The conflict with other legions will be much less.

Lorgar: This is a good suggestion. We can publicize the ugly appearance of the Thousand Sons after mutation and the degree of Prospero’s pollution to increase the legitimacy of the liquidation.

Guilliman: What about the Primarch?

Said: Don’t worry about this. His Majesty will imprison Magnus in the palace and his life will not be harmed.

Horus: Your Majesty is wise! In this way, other original bodies will be much more stable!

Said: Well, I propose that in the incident of collaborating with the enemy in the 15th Army, the Party of Truth firmly supports His Majesty’s decision, explains His Majesty’s intentions, and cooperates with His Majesty to stabilize the entire army. Let’s vote!

Lorgar: Agreed!

Guilliman: Agreed!

Horus: Agreed!

Sanguinius: Agreed!

Sevatar: The Eighth Legion agrees!

Said: It was unanimously approved. Lorgar Word Bearers will take the lead in this work. All members of the organization must cooperate!

Luojia readily accepted the order, as political propaganda was his area of ​​expertise. The Word Bearers under his command spread warrior associations throughout the major legions, like spreading cancer cells, becoming a decisive force in the legion.

Even though many Primarchs do not agree with the philosophy of the Party of Truth, it cannot prevent the members of the Legion from agreeing. The body can be imprisoned, but the mind is free.

During the liquidation event, the warrior association will play the role of a public opinion position, allowing more warriors to understand the emperor’s intentions, eliminate the three evils, and serve the human empire.

The participants reached an agreement and the meeting ended. After intense preparations by Said, the public trial was held in the Palace Square. Representatives from all the powerful groups in Terra were present.

In the palace square, the emperor was in the presiding seat, Said and Malcador were on the left and right, and Magnus stood in the defendant’s seat, trembling all over.

Not fear, but humiliation.

Although I knew there would be a trial, I did not expect that it would be a public trial in front of tens of millions of people.

How could a group of mortals be so virtuous as to judge a primarch!

How abominable!

At this moment, Xiao Ma felt a hatred for his father!

I uploaded the book club group. I made it before, but I didn’t have time to manage it. It has been abandoned so far. If you are interested, please join it~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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