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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 83 Convicting Pony

In the golden palace, the majestic colossus, the solemn staircase auditorium, in the first ray of golden sunshine in the morning, the golden giant gave an order, and the trial began.

As the prosecutor, the Minister of Justice made a loyal eagle salute to the Emperor and was the first to issue the accusation:

“Under the light of the Emperor, justice will bring severe punishment. I accuse Magnus, commander of the 15th Legion, of having illicit affairs with aliens. He should be dismissed as heresy and treason and be excommunicated!”

Magnus was about to argue, but was restrained by two giant god soldier puppets. It was not yet time for him to defend himself.

The emperor said calmly: “Where is your evidence? Mr. Prosecutor!”

The Minister of Justice took out a stack of paper and said loudly: “After the attack, His Majesty sent the Imperial Guard to investigate the matter. What I hold in my hand is the Imperial Army’s investigation report. Please allow me to read it out!”

Emperor: “Yes!”

Said and the Emperor had expressionless faces. They had already seen the investigation conclusion. The content and inference were almost the same. It was nothing more than that the pony was deceived by Tzeentch into attacking the Eldar and gathering the conditions to attack Terra.

The only slight difference is that the evil god Tzeentch has been replaced by some warp alien.

After the reading was completed, the Minister of Justice was filled with indignation and shouted angrily:

“My great Majesty, aliens are the first of the three evils of the empire and are the targets sworn to be eradicated by the Great Expedition. Now there are people who are fornicating with aliens, accepting their blasphemous knowledge, and causing irreparable harm to the sacred throne world. Such treason must be Give me severe punishment!”

The God-Emperor did not agree immediately, but asked: “Is this the only evidence you have on hand?”

The Minister of Justice shook his head: “Of course it’s not just that. As the investigation deepened, the Imperial Army dug up more shocking contents!”

The emperor said calmly: “Tell me everything!”

The Minister of Justice was well prepared, took out a stack of photos, enlarged them on the screen in front of the palace through a projection, and introduced at the same time:

“These are the photos taken by the Imperial Army after they took control of Prospero, the home planet of the Fifteenth Legion!”

“Everyone, please look at this kind of alien. They are called guardian elves by the locals, but they exude a filthy atmosphere. When the Sisters of Silence come close, they will be purified by the breath of the God Emperor!”

Everyone in the audience exclaimed that the Thousand Sons actually treated human enemies as pets, which was simply too blasphemous. Everyone knew with some common sense that this kind of planet would not be able to escape the punishment of the extermination order.

The Minister of Justice continued: “As we all know, the Imperial Guard and the Sisters of Silence are collectively known as the Emperor’s Catch. Only the filthy alien evil spirits will be purified!”

“The Thousand Sons Legion coexists with filth and evil spirits, which means that they have been polluted and have desecrated the sacred and pure expedition! According to the wishes of mankind, they must be severely punished!”

After the Minister of Justice finished speaking, he bowed deeply to the emperor and returned to the prosecutor’s seat. The emperor said calmly:

“Magnus, do you need to defend yourself against the prosecutor’s accusations?”

Magnus sighed and shook his head helplessly: “Ignorant people, how can knowledge be guilty of blasphemy? It is the human heart that is guilty!”

Then he raised his head, looked up at the tall golden-armored giant, and said sadly in an aria-like tone:

“My respected and great father, do you remember that before we reunited, you told me that there is nothing in the world that cannot be understood. Human beings can recognize and utilize laws…”

Magnus talked eloquently, explaining the concept of knowledge as guiltless, displaying the eloquence and eloquence of scholars to the fullest.

Said was so surprised that he glanced at the emperor. The point of view Xiao Ma mentioned was exactly the knowledge theory of dialectical materialism in the horse scriptures of the previous life, and it coincided with the truth of the empire.

The theory of knowledge claims that human beings can understand and utilize all laws, but limited by material conditions, understanding the laws will inevitably go through a long process, but the understanding will eventually be completed.

However, just like materialism, there is no soil for agnosticism to exist in the Warhammer universe. Some knowledge cannot be observed and understood by humans. Once it crosses the line, it will inevitably be counterattacked.

Which of the four gods of chaos can be observed by humans? Which one can be recognized by humans? Which one can be touched by humans?

Even Said did not dare to send a fleet into the Eye of Terror to satisfy his curiosity about the demon world!

However, the Emperor remained calm and asked: “Magnus, do you admit the prosecutor’s accusation against you?”

Magnus smiled and shook his head: “Your Majesty, I deny all accusations! What evidence do you have to prove that the Eldar ritual information comes from aliens? Is it because my planet is full of aliens?”

“No, Your Majesty, from a legal perspective, the prosecutor only provided indirect evidence, which cannot prove that I had an affair with an alien!”

The Minister of Justice stood up and said: “It is precisely because of your blasphemous ritual that the Eldar were able to activate the weapons of the Golden Age and desecrate Terra and the Royal Palace. How can you justify it?”

Magnus sighed:

“I admit that my planet was mismanaged. The disposal is another matter, but it has nothing to do with this disaster, and it does not prove that I colluded with aliens!”

The prosecutor asked again: “Where did the sacrilegious ritual come from?”

Thousand Sons replied calmly: “It came from an abandoned Eldar ship. The original intention was to cure the legion’s flesh-and-blood mutation. However, I made a mistake in judgment, which resulted in a tragedy!”

“According to you, every defeated commander is a collaborator? That’s not right. My most serious crime is just poor command, not to the extent of having an affair with an alien!”

There was an uproar in the auditorium. This was a public trial, and Magnus must be convicted with conclusive evidence, otherwise the three armies would be unstable and the whole country would be unsafe.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Pony is having an affair with an alien, and if there is insufficient evidence to handle it lightly, it will set a bad precedent; if there is insufficient evidence to convict, the original will be uneasy and everyone will be in danger.

Countless pairs of eyes stared at the Emperor, wanting to see how he would respond.

However, the Emperor remained calm, as if everything was under control, when a puppet walked in and handed a stack of information to the prosecutor.

The prosecutor’s eyes lit up, he nodded slightly to Said, then stood up and said in a loud voice:

“Mr. Magnus, you said you found the ritual on an abandoned Eldar hulk. Can you accept my more detailed inquiry?”

Magnus nodded: “No problem, Mr. Prosecutor!”

The prosecutor then asked a series of details such as the time, location, and the number of people around him. Magnus remained calm and answered fluently. Finally, the prosecutor shouted angrily:

“you are lying!”

“After interrogating the Thousand Sons Legion under your command, the time, location, characters, weapons, etc. all don’t match up. The ritual was not found on the Eldar ship at all!”

Magnus laughed loudly: “The Thousand Sons Legion’s confession? They are thousands of light years away and are imprisoned by His Highness the Prince’s puppets. How can they deliver the confession in time!”

The prosecutor sneered: “Who told you that you were the only one from the Thousand Sons Legion to come to Terra!”

Magnus was stunned. Said personally told him that the Emperor only wanted him. He subconsciously thought that the Thousand Sons Legion had not come to Terra.

The prosecutor continued to make additional cuts: “I still have interrogation videos of the remaining two hundred Thousand Sons here. Do you want to show them?”

Trading knowledge with friendly creatures in the subspace is common within the Thousand Sons. Almost every Thousand Sons have guardian elves. When communicating with Tzeentch, other Thousand Sons are basically present.

Even without a confession from the ritual, other “research activities” were enough to convict him.

Magnus finally stopped struggling, smiled bitterly, and sighed: “I plead guilty. I will bear the sins of my legion alone. Don’t involve my heirs!”

The Inquisitor said nothing, staring at the Emperor, who had completed his task.

The Emperor calmly delivered his verdict:

“According to the regulations on expedition against the enemy…”

“The bloodline of the Thousand Sons has been contaminated by aliens, and everyone must be killed! The planet of the Thousand Sons, which has been contaminated by aliens, accepts an extermination order! Magnus has an affair with aliens and will be imprisoned in the palace for life!”

“The above judgment shall be executed immediately and we shall leave the court!”

I’m not a big shot in the judiciary, so I’ll spare you the legal details, but there is no judiciary in the empire. The judiciary is just a fig leaf. In fact, it’s all politics. It just looks like that~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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