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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 84 (Seeking further reading) The Council of Nicaea

The Thousand Sons did not come to Terra, and the interrogation was held in Endymion. During this period, the Thousand Sons’ collective flesh and blood mutated and were all killed, leaving only a confession that could not be falsified.

It can be said that the prosecutor is bluffing, and if Xiao Ma digs deeper, it will not be used as evidence.

However, the facts stated in the confession still broke down the defenses of the two ponies. He did not expect that his descendants would betray him after he worked hard to help his descendants eliminate flesh and blood mutations.

After the verdict was handed down, Magnus looked ashen and was escorted deep into the palace by the Imperial Guard and the Sisters of Silence. Unless something unexpected happened, he would spend the rest of his life in the stasis field.

No one noticed that silk blue feathers were floating around.

After the public trial, the video of the trial was circulated throughout the empire, causing a strong response. The army and the government organized rounds of criticism campaigns to conduct anti-three-pest education.

During this period, the Pravda Party, as the backbone of propaganda, played a vanguard role in the public opinion field, organizing members of the legion and the government to watch the video, further publicizing the three major hazards, and advocating the worship of the emperor.

A very few departments also screened additional footage of the Thousand Sons’ flesh and blood mutating, attributing the mutation to psychic research, focusing on reinforcing the fear of subspace.

In addition, Terra also sent fleets to the skies above every imperial world, using planetary projections to play court trial videos and extermination order videos.

And warns these worlds: If you touch forbidden knowledge at will and commit adultery with the three evils, you will end up like Prospero.

Through a series of combined punches, Xiao Ma became a reactionary academic authority and a public enemy of mankind. Racial mysophobia was once again strengthened, and the extermination of all aliens became the correct rule of law.

Taking advantage of this momentum, the Emperor said: “Saeed, I would like to convene a meeting to discuss the use of psionic energy within the Primarch’s Legions.”

Said was stunned for a moment, and instantly recalled the historical Nikaea Conference, which disbanded the Astartes think tank department and banned the use of psychic combat.

It is worth mentioning that that meeting was basically a denunciation of the Thousand Sons, because only the Thousand Sons used psychic powers to fight on a large scale.

Now that the Thousand Sons are gone, Said thinks it is debatable whether the Nicaea Conference is needed, so he asked: “What effect does the emperor want to achieve?”

The Emperor said calmly: “The Empire has always been cautious about the development of the people’s psychic potential, and currently cannot effectively monitor psychic mutations.”

“If it is not restricted, it will inevitably lead to tragedy. Thousand Sons is proof of that, so I want to disband the legion’s think tank.”

Not long ago, the Thousand Sons, together with Sanguinius and Jaghatai Khan, proposed the formation of a think tank department to use psychic powers to fight the enemy, and the Emperor approved the experimental formation.

After that, except for the primarch who was extremely opposed to psionic energy, almost all legions established think tanks. Now the Emperor plans to continue the momentum of the Pony incident and cancel the think tanks.

Said thought for a while and asked: “Brother Huang is asking me for my opinion, or should I organize a meeting.”

The emperor looked at Said in surprise and said calmly:

“Sayed, you are my brother, not a puppet who takes orders. You have a share in the empire. Of course you can express your opinions, even if they are objections!”

Said nodded and said: “Well, brother Huang, let me tell you straight, banning think tanks is useless. As the expedition progresses, we encounter more and more demons, which require spiritual power to deal with.”

“Furthermore, banning think tanks cannot prevent the subspace from corroding the original body. Once the original body rebels, it will inevitably receive stronger psychic support, and the loyalists will be very passive.”

During the Battle of Calth during the Horus Heresy, the ban on Nikea left the Ultramarines without a think tank. When the Word Bearers summoned hordes of daemons, the Ultramarines had no means of restraint.

Guilliman immediately restored the think tank establishment after the war. In the subsequent reform of the chapter system, there were no restrictions on think tanks. The empire even formed a special Gray Knight Chapter that used psychic powers to destroy demons.

It can be said that the Nicaea ban banned loneliness and had no positive effect at all.

The Emperor recalled Said’s prophecy and asked: “Encountering a Daemon…are you sure that the Primarch will rebel?”

Said nodded: “It’s not that we are convinced, but we are preparing for the worst. We cannot isolate the influence of subspace and can only fight fire with fire, so the think tank cannot ban it.”

The Emperor turned his head, looked at the stars outside the palace, and asked: “Saeed, do you believe that the Webway will succeed? Or do you think that I will sit on the stasis field of the Golden Throne as predicted.”

Said shook his head: “I don’t understand the Internet, so I don’t have any confidence, but I will fully support Brother Huang. I still believe that we should prepare for the worst.”

The Emperor asked: “Worst-case scenario? Plan after the failure of the webway?”

Said nodded: “Yes, before the success of the network channel, think tanks cannot be completely banned. They should be used as a weapon against demons!”

The emperor noticed something and asked: “Can’t it be completely banned? To what extent should it be banned?”

Said said: “Mortals are completely banned, psychics are all accommodated, the original body army limits the number and organization, and strengthens loyalty education.”

The Emperor nodded: “I understand, Said, your suggestion is very useful. The Great Crusade will be suspended for now, and the original body will be called to a meeting to discuss the issue of the think tank.”

Said readily accepted the order, manipulated the puppet to convey the order, summoned the original body to the planet named Nikaia, and held the famous Nikaia Conference.

Unlike in history, there was no Magnus in the meeting, and the participants generally held a conservative attitude towards psionic powers. Even idealists like Chagatai Khan were cautious about the use of psionic powers.

The Primarchs easily reached an agreement, agreeing to limit the size of the think tank, eliminate psykers among mortals, and ban contact with the warp aliens.

But it was not all smooth sailing during this period, as the “ultra-materialist” Mortarion expressed his opposition.

He advocated that the think tank establishment should be completely eliminated and that psychic forces except Navigators and Astropaths should be banned. However, no one supported this radical proposal.

Except for Mortarion, almost every Primarch has a think tank under his command. They have made great contributions in fighting the warp aliens, and of course they are not willing to undo it.

Most of the time, the extremists were in the minority, and Mortarion was unable to interfere with the decisions of other legions, and quickly fell into isolation.

In the end, under pressure from the Emperor, he had to settle for the next best thing and agree to a plan to limit the Think Tank.

After the meeting, the Emperor added a patch to the meeting and said:

“Any decision is time-sensitive and must be analyzed on a case-by-case basis, so I declare: The Nicaea decision is only valid during the Great Expedition!”

“When the expedition is over, the meeting must be reconvened to discuss the situation of the Empire and Legion psykers!”

In the original history, the ban on Nicaea was a piece of waste paper. Pony continued to commit suicide to research, White Scar pretended not to know, and many legions turned a blind eye. What was before will remain the same after.

But now, due to the more moderate approach proposed and the lessons learned from Magnus, the meeting’s decision was widely supported by the Primarch, and it was no longer a back-and-forth as it had been historically.

At this moment, good news came from the Inuit fleet. While exploring the Tau star field, a blue single-celled creature was discovered.

Through genetic sequencing and deduction, this creature can effectively block subspace, providing a powerful reference for the Emperor to modify the human genetic sequence and escape from subspace.

Moreover, Said also knew that in 10,000 years, this single-celled organism would develop into the little overlord in the eastern part of the galaxy, the Tau Empire.

Please read it! There will be another update in the afternoon, be sure to read it! please!


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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