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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 85 (Please follow up) The angry and resentful woman Pi Laosi

After the Inuit fleet occupied the undead world of Manderagra, they separated out several exploration formations and went south, entering the space domain that would later be known as the Tau star cluster.

Hundreds of worlds, large and small, are densely distributed there, which will become the result of the future expansion of the Tau sky.

Continuing south from the Tau cluster, there is a huge vacuum zone – the Damocles space domain. After several months of subspace navigation, it is the 500 world of Ultramar.

At this moment, Guilliman is fighting everywhere, and the five hundred worlds are gradually taking shape.

Said planned to build the Tau Cluster into the five hundred worlds of the Bingmu Civilization, which would serve as a base for rear material assets to support the operations of the Bingmu Civilization across the galaxy.

The fleet is divided into two groups. One group has the scientific research ship as the core and scans all the galaxies encountered. The other group is the colonial fleet and puts down 200 million puppets and various supplies on the colonial planets.

The puppets will use these materials to build industrial and scientific research hubs on the colonial planet, and transform the landscape to make it a livable planet.

Soon, the scientific research ship discovered a habitable planet in an ordinary galaxy.

In addition to the vegetation and wild beasts visible to the naked eye, the scientific research ship discovered a large number of single-celled organisms through microscopic scanning. Through calculation and deduction, it was the Titanium family in memory.

In the lifeless space, the Titanium Mother Star was as dazzling as a pearl, and was discovered by Said at a glance.

The planet beneath our feet is full of life, and the scientific research ship is equipped with a hydrogen bomb for self-defense. One shot can kill the future galactic overlord.

Even without hydrogen bombs, as long as they colonize it, they will never be able to turn over.

“Direct extinction, active observation, passive observation…which one should I choose?” Said hesitated.

After all, they are aliens, and they should be eliminated directly to be on the safe side. However, Titanium Lord’s ability to develop technology without being affected by subspace has very important reference significance for mankind.

So Said went to the emperor and asked for his advice. After listening to it, the emperor calmly said: “The technology of the Tau is full of artificial intelligence, right?”

Said was stunned for a moment, nodded and said: “Yes, thinking about it this way, the reference significance does not seem to be very great.”

The experience of the golden age proves that artificial intelligence is a dead end. If the basic technology cannot be used, the value of Titanium King will be reduced by half.

Moreover, during the Great Crusade, mankind encountered several aliens whose technology was not inferior to that of the Tau. If the technology was really useful, the Emperor would have absorbed it early.

Said suddenly understood. The emperor touched his head and smiled: “It seems you have the answer.”

Said sighed and said: “It seems that to develop science and technology, we have to dig the grave of iron ribs.”

After saying this, the colonial fleet entered the Tau system and began to colonize. If nothing unexpected happened, the Tau would be exterminated by the puppets when they turned into reptiles.

In addition to the Tau Star Territory, the Blackstone Expedition Fleet is making rapid progress, using the Maelstrom and the Eye of Terror as bases and rapidly expanding along the Great Rift.

Star bases were built one after another, planets were colonized, hives were built, countless resources were mined, and smelted into massive weapons to conquer the galaxy.

Once a planet with humans is discovered, Said will follow the example of Inuit 3, establish a scientific research hive, and send puppets to rule directly.

A large number of administrators and church priests who grew up in Inuit entered these worlds and established churches, schools, tribunals and other institutions to assist Said in his rule.

During this period, due to the conflict between customs and cultures, countless bloody incidents occurred, but they were resolutely suppressed. The Inquisition even set off white terror, causing a large number of massacres.

In the end, under the high welfare system and harsh spy rule, scientific research hives were established one after another, and together with the industrial hives, they became unique scenery on the planet.

Viewed from the sky, the world under Said’s control is extremely monotonous. There are only towering scientific research and industrial hives. Between the hives are large green fields of soldiers and trees, and countless soldiers and trees have sprung up like bamboo shoots after the rain.

The iron-gray hive and the green earth complement each other and become a distinctive feature of the world of soldiers and trees. Like cancer cells, they continue to spread along the large cracks.

Just when Said was in full swing, the Emperor suddenly found him: “Sayed, there has been a rebellion in several worlds controlled by the Fourth Legion. Can you send troops to suppress it now?”

On the star map, Said found the fourth legion’s home planet – Olympia, then found the legion’s war zone, and finally found the nearest Bingmu world, and then nodded:

“We can deploy a fleet with three battle cruisers as the core. I wonder where Brother Huang wants to suppress it?”

The emperor identified several very ordinary worlds on the star map and said in a deep voice:

“Rebellions broke out in these places, killing the governor of the Ministry of Interior, refusing to pay the tithe, and there was a problem with the supply of the Fourth Army.”

At this moment, the rebels on the planet are at war with the loyalists. There are only thirty puppets there as liaisons, and Said doesn’t know much.

But the three keywords of the Ministry of Interior, tithe tax, and the Fourth Army were connected in a series, and he immediately figured out the outline of the matter.

The Fourth Army was in charge of demolition and neglect of construction, leaving a piece of chicken feathers that was taken over by the Pravda Party working group. After stabilization and reconstruction, it was handed over to the Ministry of the Interior, which imposed heavy taxes.

For the sake of the Great Expedition, it was okay for mankind to suffer. However, the Fourth Army was famous for not caring about casualties in battles, and the casualties in both personnel and material were huge.

After several battles, the resources and manpower of several nearby worlds were exhausted, but the Ministry of Interior still imposed excessive taxes, which naturally forced several worlds to rebel.

Thinking of Perturabo, Said curled his lips: “I understand, do you need me to transport supplies to the Fourth Army?”

The emperor shook his head and said: “No, they have suffered heavy losses in personnel and have temporarily lost their combat capability. Even supplies are of no use. You need to recover the rebel planet first, and let the Ministry of Interior find a solution for the supplies and personnel.”

Said agreed: “I understand, but Brother Huang, is Perturabo’s loss a bit greater? It’s not just battle loss. The Truth Fleet reported him to kill eleven more than once.”

The emperor was stunned and asked: “Eleven kills? Why?”

Said spread his hands: “According to Perturabo himself, it was because the performance of the troops could not satisfy him, such as defeats in battles and too few enemy annihilations…”

“But in my opinion, the Iron Warriors’ performance is already above the standard.”

There is another phenomenon Said did not mention. Because of Perturabo’s brutal behavior, many Space Marines could not bear it and joined the Party of Truth.

Driven by the warrior associations, Astartes formed a group to resist the original body, and even joined the Truth Fleet collectively.

This once intensified the conflict between the Pravda Party and Perturabo.

The emperor frowned, and then said: “This has affected the efficiency of the expedition. Do I need to issue an edict to reprimand him?”

Said smiled and said: “Yes, but after reprimanding, he must also praise the Fourth Army’s merits and sacrifices.”

The emperor wondered: “Why?”

Said smiled and said: “Because Perturabo is a naughty and arrogant resentful woman! She lacks love in her heart but pretends to be strong. She typically eats the soft but not the hard…”

Taijun is like this, but there is still hope for resurrection~

Historically, the emperor didn’t care at all about killing eleven, but the impact on the efficiency of the expedition was another matter. In the end, the boss was really screwed~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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