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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 86 (Please read) Stabilize the boss

After several hours of subspace navigation, the task force arrived in the rebel system. Then Said discovered that the rebel army only had light weapons and was completely vulnerable.

The remaining loyalists still occupy a large area. The rebels have a numerical advantage, but they are completely unable to occupy it.

Under the powerful attack of the fleet and the giant god soldiers, the rebels quickly collapsed. At this time, they shouted “surrender without killing”, and immediately raised their hands to surrender.

After capturing the leader of the rebels, Said asked through the puppet: “The empire is not unreasonable and allows you to explain why you rebelled!”

The leader of the rebels was a middle-aged man. Judging from his clothes, it was easy to tell that he was a noble. He sneered and roared: “I can’t live anymore!”

“The emperor’s angels took away our food, took away our children, and forced us to work for the endless war. How did you promise us in the first place! Our good days are here!”

The Titan Soldier calmly replied: “The original promise was to win the war so that we could rely on the resources of the galaxy to liberate all mankind! Until then, we can only guarantee the most basic survival needs. Is there any problem?”

The leader smiled bitterly: “Angel of the Emperor, go to the front line and take a look. The angel has taken away the last rations of the people. I am also a noble, but I have to eat rat meat every day!”

“Then what do the common people eat? How can they have the strength to work? How can they complete the production tasks? If we cannot complete the production tasks, angels will come and execute us!”

Said was silent. He did not expect the situation to be so serious. In the final analysis, there were too few puppets and lack of supervision. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the frontline army were messing around.

At this time, the factional struggle in the Ministry of Interior became more and more intense, with the pro-Prince faction and the Prime Minister faction competing against each other, which was specifically reflected in the number of puppets.

The number of puppets in a department or planet directly determines the voice of the Prince Faction. The more puppets, the more resources the Prince Faction has at its disposal.

Therefore, the number of puppets on each planet has to go through a long wrangling with the Ministry of Interior, resulting in the lack of puppet supervision in many newly conquered worlds.

“It seems that the Ministry of Internal Affairs must take some action…” Said thought to himself, and then controlled the giant soldiers and said to the rebel leader:

“I am Imperial Prince Said, the person closest to the Emperor. Your words will reach the Emperor’s ears, and I assure you that the situation will soon improve!”

Then he waved his hand: “Kill him!”

After the gunfire, in order to calm the people’s hearts, Said executed a group of indifferent loyalists, moved food from the supply ship, and distributed it to people’s organizations to produce.

Far away on Terra, Said went to the Ministry of the Interior to discuss tax exemptions for the rebel systems. However, as expected, it was taken as a signal of party struggle, triggering a new round of wrangling.

Against this background, an imperial fleet sailed into the orbit of the rebel galaxy, ignored the guidance of the task force, and launched an orbital airborne landing directly on the planet’s surface.

The fleet is based on a strike cruiser and is supplemented by several light cruisers. The bridge is painted with yellow and black stripes, which at first glance looks like a construction site sign.

They are a fleet of Iron Warriors!

After the Tie Yong team parachuted to the surface, they went directly to the nearest hive and ordered the giant soldiers:

“According to the order of the corps commander, 600 tanks, 1,000 cannons, and 200,000 auxiliary soldiers were collected!”

The Titan Soldier replied coldly: “I am Prince Said of the Empire, and I declare that this world is tax-free!”

The Iron Warrior raised his bolt gun and threatened: “We only obey the orders of the Legion Commander. If he orders us to tax, we must tax! Either pay taxes or go to war!”

What answered them were more Titan soldiers, a large number of Lemanus tanks, Thunderhawk gunships, and dozens of Titans vaguely visible in the distance.

On the track, the task force surrounded the Tie Yong fleet, the macro cannons were loaded, and the light spears were ready to go, and they were ready to start a fight.

However, the Iron Warriors were made of steel both inside and outside, so how could they succumb so easily? They immediately opened fire and a fierce exchange of fire broke out between the two sides.

The Titans had more soldiers and stronger firepower. Under the combined attack of land and air, they easily annihilated the Iron Warriors. The battle in the sky also ended quickly. The task force had more ships and specialized in naval battles, easily annihilating the strike cruisers.

Later, the Titan Soldiers on the Fourth Legion’s Truth Fleet came to Perturabo and asked: “Did you order taxation in the territory of the Prince’s Legion?”

Perturabo was stunned and asked: “When did that place become the territory of the Prince’s Legion?”

The Truth Fleet replied: “There was a rebellion there, and the Bingmu Legion was temporarily taken over. It was the territory of the Prince’s Legion! The troops you sent to collect taxes have been annihilated!”


Perturabo smashed the table and said angrily: “What right do you have to kill my heirs! The Iron Warriors sacrificed their blood for the Empire, what are the Truth Fleet doing?”

“For the sake of the empire and my father’s expedition, I reluctantly executed my son who failed to fight well. Now I’m running out of ammunition and food, but even the most important supplies are being blocked!”

“Your Highness, please tell me what the Iron Warriors expedition is for!”

Said said coldly: “Perturabo, you think your legion is treated unfairly, but you don’t know that all legions have the same supplies! Why are you special?”

“The battle loss rate of the Fourth Army was higher than that of other armies, but the territory recovered was not much. Therefore, you looted more supplies and triggered a rebellion in the rear!”

“Why on earth is this? Answer me Perturabo, is it because you are incompetent?”

Hearing the word incompetent, Pi Laosi roared with rage and gnashed his teeth. He has been a genius since he was a child, but now he is evaluated as incompetent! Or compare with other brothers!

Although he didn’t say it explicitly, he will definitely be compared to Rogal Dorn, the most annoying one! And then thought that Perturabo was trash!

The prince is the person closest to the emperor. The fact that the prince thinks so means that His Majesty thinks so too.

Although he was dissatisfied, Perturabo was unable to refute the ironclad facts and was forced to admit that his previous sacrifices and efforts were meaningless.

At this moment, he wanted to tear the puppet in front of him to pieces. However, the giant soldiers were not his descendants and could not be killed casually. The cannons of the Truth Fleet were aimed at him.

However, at this time, Said changed the subject: “The above is my personal opinion. Your Majesty is very grateful for the sacrifice of the Fourth Legion, but life is the emperor’s currency and should be cherished!”

Your Majesty is grateful for my sacrifice? !

Perturabo was stunned. These words were like sunshine penetrating through dark clouds, shining on his heart that was weathered by wind and rain, with a light of hope shining in his eyes.

Said curled his lips and controlled the puppet to continue:

“Although the Fourth Legion has made huge sacrifices, it will not retreat until the end. Its spirit of steel both internally and externally is worthy of praise. The deeds of your Legion will be published in the Empire Daily and be praised throughout the Empire!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Perturabo felt like drinking ice-cold sour plum soup in the dog days of summer, feeling refreshed from beginning to end.

The fourth legion’s continuous sacrifice and dedication, as well as the masochistic killing eleven, the ruffian boss himself gave up his hobby of peace building and devoted himself to the killing war, just to gain the emperor’s praise and the people’s gratitude.

However, the emperor seemed not to notice and ignored him. Not only were the people ungrateful, they also launched a rebellion, and the ruffian boss fell into intense mental strife.

Said’s various actions at this time were enough to show that the emperor and the people still remembered him.

At this time, the Titan Soldier opened a box, and inside was a shining golden medal with a small star map engraved on it, recording the world recovered by the Fourth Legion.

Said said: “This investiture ceremony will be recorded, and Perturabo will be regarded as an imperial hero, and the photo will be published in the Imperial Daily News.”

The ruffian boss suddenly smiled all over his face, ran up to him, accepted Said’s award and took pictures. After that, Said whispered to him:

“Although His Majesty likes the spirit of sacrifice, the efficiency of the expedition must be improved, and more territory must be recovered with less losses, do you understand?”

The ruffian boss recovered from his mental exhaustion and readily patted his chest and assured: “No problem, please tell Father and I promise to reduce the loss to a quarter of the original value!”

The ruffian boss’s eleven-day killing spree was largely for the emperor’s sake. If the emperor could say: My dear, thank you for your hard work on you and your legion, it might be a lot better.

But this kind of behavior is like using self-abuse to elicit love from others, it’s simply a trap! Disgusting others by hurting yourself! As a result, I feel disgusted and hurt others.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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